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Motion and its effect

Simple Harmonic Motion


If a body attached to a spring is displaced from its equilibrium
position, the spring exerts restoring force which causes
oscillation or periodic motion
Glider displaced to the right w.r.t. to equilibrium position, Fx < 0

Glider displaced to the left w.r.t. to equilibrium position, Fx > 0

For the oscillatory motion what should be form of the
displacement as the time elapses?
x(t) = ?

A periodic motion
Characteristics of Periodic Motion

• The amplitude, A, is the maximum magnitude

of displacement from equilibrium.

• The period, T, is the time for one cycle.

• The frequency, f, is the number of cycles

per unit time.

• The angular frequency, ω, is 2π times the


• The frequency and period are reciprocals of

each other: f = 1/T and T = 1/f.
1 cycle = 2π radian
= 2x3.14
= 6.28 radian

1.5 cycle = 9.42 radian

f (or ν) = cycles/sec

Angular frequency:
ω = 2πf = 6.28x 0.28 Hz
= 1.75 rad/sec
Uniform Circular Motion
Radius: A
Angular velocity: ω

Simple Harmonic Motion

Amplitude: A
Angular frequency: ω
Simple Harmonic Motion
When the restoring force is directly proportional to the
displacement from equilibrium, the resulting motion is called
simple harmonic motion (SHM).
Restoring force is directly proportional In real cases, restoring force
to displacement (Hooke’s Law: F = -kx) deviates from Hooke’s law for larger
For small displacements, Hooke’s law
is a good approximation
Harmonic oscillator potential
Consider a potential V(x). Let us assume
a minimum at x=x0 , Taylor expand around
Close to
potential is a
good V(x) = (1/2)kx2
Equation of Motion

d x
m 2  kx
m k : stiffness constant
m m x
x m

Above equation is second-order ordinary homogenous linear

differential equation
Second order: because the highest derivative is second order.
Ordinary: because the derivatives are only with respect to one variable (t).
Homogeneous: because x or its derivatives appear in every term, and
Linear: because x and its derivatives appear separately and linearly in
each term
Hooke’s Law:

Equation of

Angular frequency

Time period

Displacement: x(t)

x(t) = A sin(ωt) or x(t) = A cos(ωt)

The phase angle ωt in SHM corresponds to the real angle ωt through

which the ball has moved in circular motion

x(t) = A sin(ωt + ϕ)

A=Amplitude, =Phase, T =

A=Amplitude, =Phase

A=2 units
Another Solution:
Equation of Motion
d x
m 2  kx

m[-aω2sin (ωt + ϕ)] = - k[asin (ωt + ϕ)]

ω = √(k/m)
• Energy of SHO = Sum of potential (U) and kinetic (K) energy
remains a constant.
• Assumption: Ideal case, total energy remains constant.
• All P.E. becomes K.E. and vice versa.
Phase Space

A phase space is a space in

which all possible states of a
system are represented, with
each possible state of the
system corresponding to one
unique point in the phase

For mechanical systems, the

phase space usually consists
of all possible values of
position and momentum

It is often useful to picture

the time-development of a
system in phase space The greater
SHO-2 the total energy of the system, the larger
will be the size of the ellipse.
Superposition of SHMs in 1D
Consider Oscillation frequencies are different
For simplicity we write the solutions as,
x1  a sin 1t 
Assuming that 2>1
x2  a sin 2t 
Resulting displacement:
x  x1  x2
 a[sin( 1t )  sin( 2t )]
 1  2 t   2  1 t 
 2a sin   cos 
 2   2 
 1   2 t   2  1 t 
sin   cos 
 2   2 
Superposition of two SHM in
perpendicular directions:

Straight line Circle
Ellipse otherwise
𝜋 𝜋
8 4

3𝜋 5𝜋
8 8

3𝜋 7𝜋
4 8 𝜋

Lissajous figures
Lissajous figure on an oscilloscope, displaying a 1:3
relationship between the frequencies of the vertical and
horizontal sinusoidal inputs, respectively.
Top: Output signal as a function of time.
Middle: Input signal as a function of time.

Bottom: Resulting Lissajous curve when

output is plotted as a function of the
In this particular example, because the
output is 90 degrees out of phase from
the input, the Lissajous curve is a circle,
and is rotating counterclockwise.
While the ball Q moves in a circular motion, its
shadow P moves back and forth along the line in a
simple-harmonic motion
Periodic displacement of a simple-harmonic oscillator
with time in terms of x-component of uniform
circular motion

x = A cos q = A cos (t), since q =  t

x x
1 1
2 8 A 2

3 A 3
y 0 q
 
4 6 4 6
5 5
Complex numbers z˄ and its representation

Representation of a complex
z = x + iy
number in terms of real and
imaginary components
x & y : real numbers (Argand/ Phasor Diagram)
Im Complex Plane
i : unit imaginary number
Φ = tan-1(y/x)

iy : pure imaginary number

^z r sin f y
In general r cos f

z = r(Cos Φ + i Sin Φ)
Complex Representation

x̂(t )


The real part of the complex number x̂(t ) represents

the oscillating quantity:
Exponential series


eiϕ = cos ϕ + i sin ϕ

A e i(ωt + ϕ) = A[ cos(ωt + ϕ) + i sin(ωt + ϕ)]
d x
m 2  kx
x(t) = A e i(ωt + ϕ)

also satisfies the differential equation

L.H.S. = m A (i2) ω2e i(ωt + ϕ) = - mω2A e i(ωt + ϕ)
= - kx(t) = R.H.S.

( ω2 = k/m )

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