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 Filipino as an Ancestral Warriors

 Spanish Colonization
 Upraising Against Spain
 Filipinos in Spanish Military Arm
 The First Formal Truly Filipino Military
 The Commonwealth Army (1935-1945)
 The Third Republic
 The Martial Law Years & Fourth
 The Fifth Republic
 The Sixth Republic
 The Seventh Republic
 The Eight Republic
 Conclusion
 Filipinos have never been known as
militaristic people yet they are
known as warlike people.
 Non-conformist individuals who are
likely to resist regimentation.
 Openly called as boor and bare.
 By such, attitude erodes discipline
which is a vital pre-requisite for the
evolution of brotherhood.
 The rule was first introduced to the
rest when Ferdinand Magellan
discovered the island on 16 Mar
1521. He befriended Rajahs Kulambu
and Siagu.
 Magellan’s effort to firmly establish
Spanish rule over the islands were
put in vain when he was killed by a
local chieftain named Lapu-lapu in
the Battle of Mactan.
 Only 18 men and 1 ship (Victoria)
returned to Spain.
 Feb 1565, another expedition headed
by Miguel Lopez de Legaspi
succeeded where Magellan’s had
 Legaspi established a Spanish
forthold in Cebu and nearby areas;
Spanish control extended over the
rest of the island.
 In 1571, Martin de Goiti captured
Manila and made it as the colony’s
capital. From then on, Spanish ruled
over the islands because of an
established pact, a condition that
lasted for 333 years.
 The colonial rule was not a benevolent
one. The populace were kept
deliberately ignorant by denying
education to all but a handful of the
nature gentry.
 As early as the first decade of Spanish rule,
the Filipinos already rose in revolt. Notable
of which are:
– Rajah Lakandula in 1574
– Magat Salamat in 1588
– Tamblot in Bohol in 1622
– Igorot in 1601
– Gaddangs in 1621
– Leyte in 1622
– Malong’s Revolt in 1660
– Timawas Uprising in 1763
– Basi and Silang Revolt in Ilocos
– Dagohoy Rebellion in Bohol
 The reason for these uprisings were
varied stemming from protest
against unfair practices and
discrimination. The previous
uprisings failed because Filipinos
again could not unite against the
common enemy until finally, the
savage retribution after the failed
Cavite Mutiny of 1872 planted the
seed of a truly national uprising of
 The early rule of Spaniards in our
made them realized that they need
the help of the mature Filipinos if
they want to keep themselves in
 Recruitment of natives proved to be
a great value to them as they
conquered the entire archipelago
with the implementation of “we
conquer, decide and rule” policy.
 Filipinos were also engaged in
foreign aggressions.
 Filipinos distinguished themselves
by their courage, loyalty and
leadership talents.
 At the outbreak of Phil Revolution,
the Spain had 1,500 Spanish troops
and complimented with Filipino
warriors of about 6,000 native
 KKK was organized by Andres
 Two phases of revolution were
formed. (Magdalo and Magdiwang
faction) -
– The peasant-initiated revolution
spearheaded by the Katipunan up to the
time of the Biak-na-Bato Pact.
– The rturn of Aguinaldo to the
proclamation of Philippine Independence
of June 12, 1898.
 In the Tejeros Convention of 1897,
the revolutionary gov’t of 1897 was
organized. Among the agreed
appointments is the designation on
Mar 22, 1897 of Gen Artemio Ricarte
as CG. Formalization of various arms
of the army such as Arty, Cavalry,
Ordnance, Commissary,
Quartermaster, Signal, Medical and
Dental Services as well as the local
Sandatahan (Militia).
 The infant Phil Army has its baptism of fire
during the war against America on Feb 4,
1899. The army about 30,000 men whom
16,000 were fully armed except 26,000
poorly-armed militia.
 Gen Ricarte was captured in 1910. He died
in 1945 stil a defiant patriot.
 Others who continued to resist were
Macario Sakay proclaimed as Pres of the
Tagalog Republic and General Bicol.
 Other leaders dubbed as COLORUM
MOVEMENTS emerged from 1901 to 1910.
 With the passing of the Tydings-
McDuffy Law in 1934, Commonweath
of the Phils was inaugurated in 1935.
 Commonwealth (National Defense)
Act Nr 1 Circa 1935 was passed. An
act provides for the establishment of
the National Defense Forces.
 Phil Army was reactivated on 11 Jan
1936 pur to EO Nr 11 with Phil
Constabulary elements as its
 The 10 Reserve Divisions were
drawn from 10 Military Districts in
which the Phils is divided.
 On July 26, 1941 US Pres Franklin
Delano Rooisevelt called into
services of the US Army the 2
Regular and 10 Res Div as part of the
USAFFE contingent and were called
to active duty the following day.
 Pres Roxas issued EO Nr 92 dtd Oct
4, 1947. The Army was renamed the
Armed Forces of the Philippines.
 May 6, 1948 - 4 mil areas were
activated replacing the 10 mil
district. On same date, the mil
training command were elevated to
Major Commands as Phil ground
Force, Phil Naval Patrol and the
Philippine Air Force.
 In 1950, 7Army Commands and 26 BCT
(BCTs) were organized, 5 of these BCTs took
turns in serving with the PEFTOK from 1950-
 On Dec 30, Pres Quirino issued EO Nr 359
creating the 4 Major Services: Phil Army, Phil
Constabulary, Phil Air Force and Phil Navy.
 Scout Ranger as organized by then CPT
RAFAEL ILETO used in the neutralization of
Huks. When the need for the Scout Rangers
no longer existed brought about by lack of
action, the 1st Scout Ranger Regiment was
deactivated in 1959.
 On July 1, 1957, HPA was organized with
BGEN LEONCIO TAN as Commanding
 In the late 1960’s, Army was also utilized as
a National Defense Force and as a nation-
 The Army Corps of Engrs with 51st Engr
Bde as nucleus.
 By 1970, 1 Army Division (1st TABAK) and 3
Bdes (2nd, 4th and 5th) as well as
supporting anti-tank Artillery and
independent Armor company size units
were activated.
 Sept 21, 1972 - Pres Marcos declared Martial
Law all over the country.
 Faced with serious insurgent, Marcos
expanded the Army from 29,000 in 1972 to
65,000 in 1986 and strengthened the 3
independent Bdes to full Divisions.
 The Phil Light Armor Regiment later
renamed PALAB was organized.
 The First Scout Ranger Regiment was
 Aug 21, 1983- Sen Benigno Aquino was
 The NPA regained strength from only 3,000
in 1979 to 25,000 guerillas in 1986.
 Resentment within the military grew, thus
the birth of Reform the AFP Movement
(RAM) headed by Sen Honasan and Min Juan
Ponce Enrile.
 Feb 7, 1986 Pres Marcos called for SNAP
Election. The opposition rallied behind Sen
Aquino’s widow Mrs Corazon C Aquino.
 Minister Enrile tried to mount a coup but
failed when the plan was discovered and
arrested some perpetrators on 22 Feb ‘86.
 LT GEN FIDEL V RAMOS joined Enrile in the
barricading Cp Crame announcing their
support to Mrs Aquino as the rightful
 Agapito Aquino, brother of the slain senator
and Archibishop Jaime Sin urged the people
to surround the camps in order to protect
the Enrile and Ramos thus what came to
known as the Edsa People Power Revolution.
 Feb 24, 1986 when a flight of several
Sikorsky who were ordered to strafed Cp
Crame landed on said camp and defected
 Military support for Marcos eroded swiftly
and accepted US offer to fly him out of
Malacanang Palace.
 He was eventually forced into exile in
Hawaii where he died in 1989.
 It was the most bloodless “REVOLUTION” in
 Manila Hotel Incident (July 7, 1986)
(Nov 1986)
 Channel 4 incident (Jan 1987)
 August 28, 1987 Coup
 December 1-9, 1989 coup
 Black Forest Incidents ( Apr 1987)
 Aguinaldo Caper (March 4, 1990)
 Noble Uprising (Oct 1990)
 Establishment of PNP
 The signing of the Peace Agreement
between Nur Misuari of the MNLF
and the Government of President
Ramos is a positive development
although it faces considerable
opposition especially from the
Christian communities in
 Pres Estrada was sworn into office
on Jun 98.
 Pres Estrada was exposed as
allegedly involved in the jueteng
operations in the country by Gov
Chavit Singson.
 Impeachment trial was not
completed when the historical 10-
11 vote against the opening of the
second envelope.
 Pres Estrada called for an election.
 People no longer believe in his
 EDSA People Power II was once again
followed by the SND and other military
and police leaders.
 Pres Estrada stepped down believing he’s
only on leave.
ARROYO was sworn into power on
21 Jan 2001.
 The one-month government is now
making the most of it.
 Legalities on the rights of her
presidency is still being questioned
since Pres Estrada did not tendered
his resignation.
Ten years after the EDSA revolution, the AFP
has regained prestige and credibility in the eyes of
the people and government. The rebellions and the
Human Right issues were slowly being resolved.
The communist challenge has been beaten back
and the greater discipline and professionalism
repeatedly displayed by the members of the
military establishment has earned admiration from
critical observers both here and abroad. But with
greater awareness and a higher sense of duty
among the military, we are confident that we are in
the right path towards the achievement of modern,
effective, professional and truly popular Armed
Forces of the people.

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