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- DY R R A FAU Z I A H 022117136
- M . N AU FA L S I D I K 022117144

- D E V I M AY N A B I L A 022117151
-MOCH ICHSAN 022117159
- M H D. E F R I YA N T O 022117162
- R AT U A L F I Y YA 022117163
- A N G G Y VA N E S YA P. S 022117167
Name :Rinianti S.pd
Address : Cipor
Accounting teacher
2001-NOW (19 years)
Work hour : 07.00-18.00 WIB (60 hours in 1 week)
Salaries : Rp 3.000.000
Rules : -Accounting principle must be able
-if you can’t? you still had to be.
Management : 1. There is always to extra time
2. Teaching with a logic system, thinking logically so that it’s easyto understand
3. Accounting syllabus using 2013 curriculum for classes 1,2,3
4. Affirm class 10 because it explains basic material and face understand from JHS
5. Work sincerely, inner satisfaction
Name : M. Abdillah
Address : Base 2 Halang Building
(Physical Education teacher)
2009-NOW (10 Years)
Work hour : 07.00-18.00 (38 Hours in 1 week)
Salaries : Rp 1.500.000
Rules : - Active
-Using sports uniform
Management : 1 week of material, 1 week of practice
Name : Ahmad Rifai
Address : Rayani street
(Religion teacher)
2003-NOW (16 Years)
Work hour : 06.30-18.30 (64 Hours in 1 week)
Salaries : Rp 2.560.000 (excluding class allowances)
Rules : -Using a headscarf
-Practice in a prayer room
Management : Prayer, Absence, Material, and Evaluation
The method is mixed with the model
Class 1 : Exploring and getting to know
Class 2 : Get to know and deepen
Class 3 : Deepening
Name : Sri Herhiyani
Address : Raya pemda Kp. Tunggilis RT 08/01 Pasir Jambu
(AP Productive teacher)
2009-NOW (10 Years)
Work hour : 07.00-18.00
Salaries : Rp 2.000.000
Rules : -Handphone is collected in front class
-As long as the teacher isn’t allowed to talk, there is time to ask question
-Task must be collected, later counted the number of books with students present, asked who
didn’t carry the assignment, so it was seen which students were gathering with those who didn’t
Management : 1. Absent
2. Provision of introductory material
3. If there is material related to the past, be reminded first
4. More leads to children who are active as children who are looking for material

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