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 Protocol

 Standards
 It is a set of rule that govern data communication.

 Itdefines What is communicated, How it is

communicated and when it is communicated.

 Key element of any protocol

1. Syntax
2. Semantic
3. Timing
 Syntax :
 It refers to structure or Sender Receiver Message
format of data. address address

 Semantic :
 It is meaning of each section
of bits.
 Timing:
 It refers to 2 things :
1. When data should be
2. How fast they can be

If sender speed is 100Mbps

and receiver's speed is
10Mbps,it could results in
data loss.
 Standard provides a model for development that
makes it possible for a product to work regardless
of individual manufacturers.

 Theyare essential in creating and maintaining an

open and competitive market for equipment

 An association of organizations, governments,

manufacturers and users form the standards
organizations are responsible for developing,
coordinating and maintaining the standards .
 Data communication standards are categorized in
De facto
(by fact)
De jure
(by law)
 De facto (by fact)
 This standards have been authorized by an
officially recognized body.
 They have not been approved by any standard
organized body ,but have been adopted as
standards through widespread use.
 De facto are often established originally by
manufacturers seeking to define functionality of
new product/technology.
 De jure (by law)
 That have been given by laws.
 Categorized in two :
1. Proprietary:
 Originally invented by a commercial
organization as a basis for operation of its
 They are entirely owned by company that
invented them.
 Also known as closed standard because they
close off communication between system
produced by different vendors..
2. Non- Proprietary:
o Originally developed by groups or committees that
have passed them into the public domain.
o Known as Open standards because they open
communication between different system.
 Standards
are developed by cooperation among
standard creation committees, forums and
government agencies.
 ISO : International Standards Organization
 CCITT : Consultative Committee for
International Telegraphy and Telephony
 ITU : International Telecommunication Union
 ITU-T : International Telecommunication Union-
Telecommunication Standard Sector.
 ANSI : American National Standards Institute
 IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics
 EIA : Electronic Industries Association
 ISOC : Internet Society
 IETF : Internet Engineering Task Force
 The International Organization for
Standardization is an international standard-
setting body composed of representatives from
various national standards organizations.

 Founded on 23 February 1947, the organization

promotes worldwide proprietary, industrial and
commercial standards. It is headquartered in
Geneva, Switzerland,and works in 162 countries.
 Use of the standards aids in the creation of
products and services that are safe, reliable and of
good quality. The standards help businesses
increase productivity while minimizing errors and
 Popular standard
 ISO/IEC 29168 Information technology - Open
systems interconnection
 The UN forming a committee as part of
ITU,CCITT (Consultative Committee for
International Telegraphy and Telephony).
 It was dedicated to the research and establishment
of standards for telecommunications ,phone and
data system in particular.
 CCITT was changed to ITU-T in march-1993.
 International telecommunication Union is a
specialized agency of the UN, It was founded in
Paris in 1865.
 It has 193 members countries and over 700 private
sector entities and academic institutions.

 ITU is made up of 3 sectors:

1. ITU-T deals with Telecommunication
2. ITU-R deals with Radio communication
3. ITU-D deals with Development sectors
 There are 4000+ standards from ITU.
 ITU allocates global radio spectrum and satellite
 It has categories such as broadband , cable, TV,
Quality of Services, protocols and test
specifications, security and future Network.

 They also work on multimedia ,climate change

 The ITU Telecommunication Standardization
Sector (ITU-T) is one of the three sectors
(divisions or units) of the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU)
 It coordinates standards for telecommunications.
 The standardization efforts of ITU commenced in
1865 with the formation of the International
Telegraph Union (ITU).

 ITU became a specialized agency of the United

Nations in 1947.
 ITU-T is divided into study groups
 Each group devoted / dedicated to a different aspect
of industry.
 National committees (such as ANSI )submit proposal
to these study groups.
 If study group agrees ,the proposal is ratified and
becomes part of ITU-T standards.
 Famous ITU-T standards :
 V series (v.32,v.33,v.42) which define data transmission
over phone lines
 X series (X.25,X.400,X.500) which define transmission
over public digital network,e-mail,directory
services,ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) was
founded in 1918 and its head quarter located in
 ANSI’s membership includes companies
,government agencies, academic institutions,
international bodies ,other organizations and
 There are currently 10,000 American National
 ANSI doesn’t develop standards; it accredit
(certify ) the standards that come from
approximately standard developing organizations.
 ANSI published first standard for C programming
referred as “ANSI C”,is an example of ANSI
standard for representing ASCII characters.
 IEEE : Institute of Electrical & Electronics
Engineers was founded in New York ,US in
 It is a non-profit ,largest technical professional
association of more than 3,77,000 individual
members in 150 countries.
 It helps in the development of standards that often
become national and international standards.
 IEEE publishes a number of journals, has many
local chapters, and several large societies in special
areas, such as IEEE computer Society.
 Electronic Industries Association

 Itis a trade organization that defines electronic

manufacturing standards in the US.

 Itincludes individual organizations that together

have agreed on certain data transmission standards
such as EIA-232 (earlier known as RS-232)
 Internet Society
 It was formed in 1992 with one of its purposes
being to provide a corporate structure to support
the internet standards, development process.

 It provides leadership in internet related

standards,education,access and policy.

 Its mission is to assure the open development

,evolution and use of the internet for the benefit of
all people throughout the world.
 International Engineering Task Force

 It is an international ,non-profit organization

founded in 1992, It is responsible for handling the
standardization of Internet that was first formed in
January 16,1986.

 It develops and promotes Internet Standards co-

operating closely with W3C and ISO /IEC
standards bodies.
 It is an open standards organization ,with no
formal membership requirements.

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