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Presented by

Sudeesh kumar patel

 Theoretical investigation of motion of
fluid in a tank subjected to lateral
harmonic vibration at a frequency in
the neighborhood of the lowest
resonant frequency of the mass of
 Fluid is irrotational
 Fluid is inviscid
 Fluid is incompressible
 Only body force is that of gravity
Equations solved Results
1. Laplace equation of potential  The investigation indicates that non
function planar fluid motion is due to non
2. Bernoulli's equation with pressure linear coupling between fluid
motion parallel and perpendicular
set equal to zero
to excitations
3. Kinematic condition, fluid particle
 Three types of motions possible :
on the free surface has same
stable planar, stable non planar and
velocity as the free surface
• Stable planar motion is a steady-state fluid motion with a constant
peak wave height and a stationary single nodal diameter
Stable perpendicular to the direction of excitation

• Stable non planar motion is a steady-state rotary fluid motion with a constant
peak wave height and a single nodal diameter that rotates at a constant speed.
Stable non • This motion has the appearance of a surface wave traveling around the tank at
a constant speed and in a single direction

• Unstable motion is a swirling fluid motion that never attains a steady-state

harmonic response.
Unstable • the peak wave height and nodal diameter rotation rate and direction
continually change with time.
Rectangular Tank
• m & n are integers ranging
from 0 to infinity
• δ - elevation of the liquid
above reference level
• ω - lowest natural frequency
Circular Tank
 𝛁2 𝜙 = 0
 = 0 at z=-h
 = 0 at r=a,b
1 𝜕∅
 = 0 at 𝜃=0,2𝜋
𝑟 𝜕𝜃
𝜕2 ∅ 𝜕∅
 2 +g = 0 at free surface z=0
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑧

 Compartmentation by annular ring has

the effect of decreasing the frequency
of the lowest mode while introducing
additional modes that are relatively
widely spaced
 The tank configuration having a
diameter ratio between 0.5 to 0.7
would appear to offer the most
promise of phasing the liquid motions
of the inner & outer tank such that
some slosh force cancellation is
 Used for storage of propellants and
liquid for life support system
 Decrease in the liquid depth results in
a decrease of both the first and second
natural frequencies.
 For constant minor radius, an increase
in the major radius results in a
decrease in both the first & second
natural frequencies.
 The max. slosh force for first mode
occur at a liquid depth ratio of about
three-quarters while second mode
appears to occur at a liquid depth ratio
of one-half
Objective Geometry
 Objective - To study the total force
response and swirl phenomenon in  Cylindrical tank
circular cylindrical tank, half
cylindrical tank, 90 Deg sector
cylindrical tank.  Half cylindrical tank
 The sweep in frequency was made by
first starting at very low value, slowly
increasing until substantially above
first mode resonance , and then  90 Deg sector tank
sweeping back down to low values.
This procedure reveals jump
Circular Half cylindrical 90-Deg sector
cylinder tank cylindrical tank
The two lateral sectors
To avoid the respond at the lower
The swirl boundary is complexities frequency and the fore
dependent on both introduced by the and aft sectors at
excitation frequency occurrence of the somewhat higher
and amplitude liquid swirl mode in value of frequency, the
circular cylinder force response curve
will exhibit two peaks

The agreement Each pair of sectors

Within swirl region, has total force and
between theory and
the motion of the phase response similar
experiment for in
liquid has phase angle to those of the full
phase branches is
of near 90 deg with cylindrical tank, but
rather good but not so
respect to the input the two sector pairs
good for out of phase
displacement resonate at somewhat
different frequencies
 Eccentricities – 0, 0.68, 0.80
 Bond numbers – 5 to 927
 Test conditions – reduced gravity,
normal gravity
 This report presents experimental
data showing the variation of
natural frequency with bond
number, tank shape, and filling for
liquids in spheroids
 The greatest percentage change in  Ω - Natural frequency in non
natural frequency for a change in dimensional form
eccentricity results for the low  ω – Natural frequency in rad/sec
Bond number and low filling cases
 The greatest percentage change for
a change in filling results when the
Bond number is low and the
eccentricity is high.
• low bond number theory and experimental results
match quite well

• the applicability of high or low bond number

theory dependent upon tank filling and eccentricity

• High bond number theory matches very well with

experiment results
 To observe the dynamic behavior of
magnetic fluid in a laterally
oscillating rectangular container in
vertical magnetic field
 When there is no magnetic field,
the resonant angular frequency is
almost equal to that of water.
 When the magnetic field increases,  The theoretical and experimental
the resonant frequency increases in results agree with each other at low
the same way of magnetic fluid frequency
 But the maximum displacement of  The first resonance frequency
free surface decreases due increases with the magnetic field
difference in density of two fluids intensity because of the increase of
of kerosene and magnetic fluid the effective gravity.
 When magnetic field increases, the  As the frequency of shaking table
influence of magnetic field on increases the surface displacement
volume ratio is noticeable. increases.
 When the frequency passed the
resonance the surface disturbance is
 Oscillations of a tank near  The response for all non-shallow
resonance frequency changes from depths can be given by
hard spring to soft spring as depth
passes through critical value
 The response near the critical depth
h has been found and is valid for all
height. If height h1 is greater than
zero there will be large amplitude
Free sloshing
 Free liquid oscillations in partially  Measured the effectiveness of annular
filled container determines the free ring baffle system. They observed that
natural frequencies and corresponding the liquid resonance frequencies are
free surface mode shapes dependent on the ring baffle area and
its location below the free surface.
 Because of complexity of liquid
sloshing in sector tanks with  For ring baffles have width to tank
perforated wall so to account for flow radius ratio of 0.157, the liquid
through perforated holes Abrahamson resonance frequency exhibit a
performed experiments maximum value when baffle is located
at free then decreases to a
 He observed that there will be
minimum value near a baffle depth of
decrease in resonance frequency with
one tenth of tank radius
increase in size of perforated holes.
 Generated if the fluid container is  The region of instability can be
oscillated at one half of the vertical given by inequality
excitation frequency. Mathieu had
given a mathematical equation for
this phenomenon.
Spatial resonance Cross waves
 Strong interaction between two classes  Cross waves are standing waves with
of waves, which have related modal crests at right angles to the wave maker
shapes but greatly different
frequencies  They generally possess half the
 Mahony and smith developed a model
frequency of wave maker and reach a
that describes the onset of low steady state at finite amplitude
frequency waves in a system when  They are generated by applying
high frequency waves are driven at a parametric excitation using a plane
frequency close to resonance wave maker at sub harmonic frequency
 Under constant excitation amplitude
and slowly varying frequency the
steady state amplitude of the low
frequency wave exhibit hysteresis.
Conditions for constructing mechanical models
 The equivalent masses and moment of inertia must be preserved
 The Centre of gravity must remain same for all the oscillations
 The system must produce the same mode of oscillations and produce the same
damping force
 The force & moment components under certain excitation of the model must be
equivalent to that produced by actual system
Linear modeling Weakly non linear modeling
 Small oscillations in which the fluid  Relatively large amplitude oscillations
free surface remains planar without in which free liquid surface
rotation of its nodal diameter experiences non planar motions
 This regime is described by linear
 This regime is described by a
equation of first asymmetric mode,
equivalent to a pendulum describing differential equation with weak non
small oscillations with sin𝜙=𝜙 linearity & can be analyzed using the
standard perturbation.
 Replace simple pendulum by
compound pendulum to model non  This equivalent mechanical model is a
planar & rotational sloshing simple pendulum describing relatively
large motion such that
sin 𝜽 = 𝜽 − 𝜽3 /3!
 Strongly non linear .
motion where the non
linearity is mainly due to
rapid velocity changes
associated with
hydrodynamic pressure
impacts of the liquid
motion close to the free
 The force generated due to sloshing phenomenon can be used to suppress the
 These are based on exciting the maximum sloshing motion of the liquid by
tuning the liquid frequency to the system frequency.
 These devices use the sloshing resonance in a tank as vibration suppression of
structural systems such as satellites and marine vessels
 Kareem and modi et al has presented literature on suppressing wind induced
 During space missions, microgravity
experiments revealed significant level  Thermo capillary flows are driven by
of residual accelerations referred to as temperature induced surface tension
g-jitter. gradients at the interface between two
immiscible fluids
 The residual acceleration field can be
decomposed into a quasi steady or  The transition from steady state to
systematic component and fluctuating oscillatory flow was experimentally
component known as g-jitter. observed in various container
geometries & the associated instability
 The typical values of quasi steady
known as Hopf bifurcation
component are around 10−6 𝑔
 Hung et al(1993) solved the liquid
slosh dynamics in microgravity using
FE approach based on method of
marker and cell

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