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Ms. Vanessa S.

 Confucius contended that
education is a way to cultivate
 Plato postulated that education
makes a man good.
 People would say that education
is one’s ticket to success.
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) is
considered as the father of the
English essay and is famous for
his wit and aphoristic style. He
discusses politics, philosophy, and
science in most of his works.
 Francis Bacon claims studies serve purposes for
"delight," "ornament," and "ability." In his view,
studies help enrich life, both for enjoyment and
practical purposes. However, key to his view,
Bacon also believes that moderation is necessary
for studies to be most useful. He thinks one
shouldn't study so much that it distracts from
applying one's studies and living.

 Studies serve for delight, for ornament,
and for ability.

 Study as an activity, in whatever form,

brings us joy and enhances our thinking,
speaking and writing ability adding
charm to our personality.
 Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring;
for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the
judgment and disposition of business.

 Study is always a private activity which people engage

in when they are alone or in the privacy of their
homes. It helps them in relaxation after a strenuous
routine, when the body and mind need to slow down.
It sharpens our intellect helping us to judge things
soundly. It helps us to go about our life’s business in a
more capable way.
 For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of
particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and
the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best from
those that are learned.

 It enables the learned men, who have studied

extensively, to critically examine issues, and arrive at
the right conclusion. They can garner data, facts and
arguments or against a particular view rationally. Such
intelligent analysis of facts improves the soundness
and quality of their judgment.
 To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use
them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make
judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a
 However, over-indulgence in studies leads to
undesirable consequences. Setting aside long hours in
a day to study will make a man indolent. Overuse of
the wisdom to analyze ordinary commonplace issues
may make the man appear pretentious and
vainglorious. Sticking too much to rules to asses
situations and decide on action may invite derision
from others.
 They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for
natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning, by
study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too
much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.
 Studying adds finesse and perfection to human nature.
Experiences in life supplements such honing of nature. A
person’s abilities inherited by birth are raw. Only when they
are carefully worked upon and honed, the in-born abilities
yield the best benefits to us. Studying is the whetstone that
we use to sharpen our abilities. But inferences from study
may lead to imprecise and misleading conclusions. In such
situations, one’s experience in life comes in handy to arrive
at the right conclusion. So, experience is very valuable as it
supplements studies.
 Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire
them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their
own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and
above them, won by observation.

 People who are cunning and deceitful have no

appreciation for studies as they accomplish their
objectives through many crooked ways. Simple folks,
however, greatly value the role of studies in human
life. Wise people inherently draw upon the ideas
obtained from their studies while solving life’s myriad
 Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and
take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to
weigh and consider.

 The aim of reading and acquiring knowledge must not

be to aggressively refute other’s views or accept the
writer’s views as gospel truth. It should also not be to
engage in pointless discussion and argumentation.
Studying should enable us to weigh facts and analyze
them rationally.
Principles of Creative
Non Fiction
 Creative nonfiction includes types
of writings; essay, memoirs,
reports, journalistic writing,
biographies, autobiographies,
travelogues, blogs, testimonials
and many more.
 Creative nonfiction is a genre that
uses traditional literary styles and
techniques to report, recount, or tell
stories of factual person, places,
events, or things. At times called
literary nonfiction or factual
literature, it utilizes fact-based
writing stories with human values.
Creative writing demands a
spontaneous and imaginative
approach while remaining
true to the validity and
integrity of information
(Gutkid, 1997)
 Creative Nonfiction is a “literature
of reality "where readers can
connect to real world. The author
should not alter facts, misquote,
and misconstrue the sources in
order to mislead the readers.
(Gutkid, 1997)
Lee Gutkid was dubbed the
“Grand Father of Creative
Nonfiction” by Vanity Fair
Magazine in 1997 because he
pioneered, activated, advocated
the popularity of the genre in the
Lee Gutkid also founded the
first and largest literary magazine
entitled “Creative Non Fiction,
which features narrative and
Creative nonfiction works.
The styles of Creative
It present a unique challenge in
presenting a content through
language, scenes, details, and
point of view.
The styles of Creative
A creative non fictionist is
someone who possesses the skills
of a narrator, storyteller, and a
mind of a critical thinker.
The styles of Creative
Creative Nonfiction doesn’t
only include facts but also
elaborates, interprets, and
present the work to the reader in
an interesting fashion.
The elements of styles of
Creative Nonfiction
Offer the unique challenge of
molding real-life experiences into
essays where language reflects
 The author’s presence, either
directly or indirectly narrating the
story, creates a distinctive voice
that reveals his/her personality,
attitude, beliefs, and interests.
Authors use “prism of own
personality” by doing this.
The language of the author
conveys visual imagery. The
words used encourage
memory sights, sounds,
smells. The language makes
the meaning sensible
Scene dramatize the facts
and details of creative
nonfiction. Dialogues, action
verbs, and descriptions are
used in order to make scenes
“Pinoy’s Exceptional
(Harold V. Gallo) (June 27, 2013)

Harold V. Gallo is a teacher at
the Philippine Science High
School Cagayan Valley Campus.
He is hailed as the 2016 Most
Outstanding School Paper
Adviser of the Philippines.
“Pinoy’s Exceptional
(Harold V. Gallo) (June 27, 2013)

NUEVA VIZCAYA, Philippines -- For
the second straight year, the world
witnessed how LeBron James and
the Miami Heat delivered a hard-
earned championship to South
Florida. There is no doubt, however,
that the second journey was a lot
harder than the first.
The level of the competition
for both the Heat and the Spurs' Big
3s and their "super-ting" casts took
basketball to a higher level in the
NBA Finals. The Game 7 finale turned
out to be a classic and will go down
the record books as one of the most
exciting deciders of all time
Except for the unbridled brilliance of James, no
single player owned the big moments of the series.
Who would forget Tony Parker's Game 1 heroics?
How about the offensive juggernaut by Miami in
Game 2?
I'm sure you would remember Danny Green's
machine-gun-like production from rainbow territory
And Ray Allen's dagger of all daggers with 5.2
seconds left in Game 6.
The past Finals series proved that the NBA is still
the best basketball league in the world, one full of
grit, greatness and glory.
As the series spawned excitement across the
world, Filipino fans and even the so-called
"bandwagoners" followed the Xs and Os of the duel
and a higher sense of hoops fanaticism for Pinoys
was created. It isn't shocking that the Philippines is
one of the top 3 countries in the planet when it
comes to following the NBA.
We, Filipinos, have hoops running in our veins. We
are and forever will be legionnaires of the game.

Streets, offices, schools, barber shops (and

perhaps, even parlors), tricycle stops, jeepney and
bus stations turned into Las Vegas, as Pinoys placed
bets on their favorite teams. With the gambling
went the excitement and the little bets spiced up the
It is a testament that the drama went its way
from the hardcourts of Texas and Florida, and into
the homes of Filipinos intently awaiting the result of
each match -- even if they did not fully understand
what was happening during games.
There are also those who pestered social media
with post after post about the Finals, with some
sneaking out of work or class just to follow the game
on TV, as following the box score through the
internet wasn't enough and missing an exciting
finale is like missing half of your life.
Haters, Heaters, Spursians, bandwagoners --
whatever you call them -- joined the world in
sharing the monumental re-coronation of
LeBron and his Super Friends, and the humble
and gracious acceptance of defeat by the
legendary Tim Duncan and the Spurs. The NBA
Finals proved to be a cavalcade of triumph,
humility and professionalism.
For many reasons, the NBA Finals became one of
the trending topics on social media, with Game 7
taking over the World Wide Web like basketball
never had before.
Questions, doubts and criticism arose with every
move and the answers were provided within a
matter of minutes by the main actors in this
showdown. The Heat and the Spurs provided fans
with an unprecedented level of competition,
something heaven-sent for die-hard basketball fans
like me.
The NBA Finals series is done, but the
Pinoy fanaticism never wavered and
waned. Next season, expect more to
come from the stars and whoever will
step up the 2014 podium will have Pinoy
fans there to share every moment.
 The literary model is a “Sport Feature”
published in a Philippine based citizen
journalism website.
 He use several nonfictional elements;
chronological order, author’s purpose,
pov, scene, metaphor.
 BLOGS, are non fiction text that are
common in social media.
 The tone reveals that the story uses the
3rd person pov.
 He also use appropriate word choices or
called sports vocabulary.
 In terms of structure and approach, the
author uses chronological order.
 The blog contains of summaries
explanations, and reflections.
 The characters are portrayed realistically;
Lebron James, Tony Parker, Danny
 The author filled the blog with objective
and subjective descriptions.
 Just like fictions, understanding the
author’s purpose in writing the piece will
again help the readers arrive at the
central idea.
“ We, Filipinos, have hoops
running in our veins. We are and
forever be legionnaires of the
Many college students will find
letter-writing major part of their
life’s works. Specially when the
time comes that a student
becomes professional.
It is preferably typewritten on one side
only of 8 ½ x11 inches in size.

These sheets are folded either once

horizontally and twice in the other
direction to fit an envelop about 3 ½ x 6
½ inches in size, or twice horizontally to
fit an envelope about 4x10 inches in size.
(Hidges and Whitten, 1962)
 Heading

The heading must give the full

address of the writer and the date of
the letter. If there is a letterhead, the
date may be written either under the
letterhead or flushed with the right
 Inside Address

The inside address is the address

of the person or organization for
whom the letter is written. If the
writer wants the letter to go to a
particular person, the writer may use
the two forms:
Bro. Andrew Gonzales, President
Linguistic Society of the Philippines
De La Salle University
Taft Avenue Manila
The Linguistic Society of the Philippines
De La Salle University
Taft Avenue,Manila
Attention: Bro. Andrew Gonzales,
 Salutation
The Salutation or greeting
should be consistent with the
tone of the letter, the first line of
the inside address and the
complimentary close.
 Salutation
It is written flushed with the
left margin two spaces below the
inside address and is always
followed by a colon
The salutation of the letter
addressed to a business firm or an
organization is:

Dear Sir:
Dear Madam:
When business letter are
addressed to a company or a
department of a company but
marked for the attention of a
particular person. In such letters
the “attention line” is placed two
lines above the salutation.
Attention: Mr. Lord S. Sadornas

Attention of Mr. Lord S. Sardonas

 Body
The body of the letter should
follow the principles of good writing.
Typewritten business letters are
usually single spaced with a double
spacing between paragraphs. The
subject matter should be well and
organized and its tone should be
taken and direct.
 The Complimentary Close
The complimentary close should
be consistent with the tone of the
letter and with the salutations.
Ordinary business letters addressed
to strangers beginning either the
usual Dear, Sir, and others, should
close with Yours truly, Yours very
truly, or Very truly yours.
Professional letters
addressed to an individual with
such an opening a Dear Mr.
Sardonas may well be closed with
more friendly Yours sincerely,
Sincerely yours, Cordially yours.
The signature should be directly in
the complimentary close. In a typewritten
letter, the name may be typewritten beneath
the signature. A married woman should sign
her name and not her husband’s name, her
status is indicates by the use of parentheses
(Mrs.) Vanessa Sabanal Benet
Classified as solicited and unsolicited or
prospecting applications.
 Solicited- When you know the position actually
has vacancy . Identify the position and the source
you’ve known that there is a vacancy on that

 Unsolicited -You don’t have an idea if the

position is vacant. You will identify the position
you desire and mention you are writing the letter.
In order to gain success in applying Guth
(1985) gave the following pieces of advice.

1. Be specific about the position and mention the

advertisement or the person that informed you
the vacancy.
2. Stress previous training and practical
experiences that can show to be relevant to
the job. Give a factual time to the account of
your qualifications.
In order to gain success in applying Guth
(1985) gave the following pieces of advice.

3. Give you letter character. Established your

identity. If you have strong positive convictions
about the work of the organization state them.
4. If you list references, obtain prior permission
from those whose name you will use.
5. If the account of your qualification is extensive,
put it on a separate data sheet or resumé.
 Resumé.

Like application letter the Resumé

should be persuasive. The personal
data included should contain only
that which is pertinent to job.
The following information that should be
considered to complete a resumé (Tichcy

1. Personal Data
Name, mailing address and telephone
number it should be presented briefly and
clearly. It also includes height, weight, and
other personal profiles.
2. . Position Sought or Type of Position
It gives the job title and the source of

3. Employment Record
Employment should be listed
chronologically, current or most position first.
Each entry should include the dates of
employment the title of the position and the
employee’s name and address.
4. Education
Degrees and schooling are usually listed with
the st recent first and the rest following in order. It
should include the name and address of the college or
university, the applicants major, minor and special work
5. Special abilities
List of training and skills aquired by the applicant to
strengthen his/her applications.
6. References
List of names and addresses of persons willing to give
additional details about the applicant.
The most common kind of letter is one
that asks to do something, give as
information, send us something we have
been advertised, or correct a mistake.
Such letters should be direct, business
like and courteous, even when you’re
registering a complaint. (Legget, Mead,
Kramer 1985)
Principles in writing a Request letter
(Guth, 1969)
1. Make sure you state request directly
early in the letter.
2. If you’re making several request in the
same letter, or if several points need
attention, make sure each stands out
Principles in writing a Request letter
(Guth, 1969)
3. Whenever possible, relate your request
directly to the interest and responsibilities
you are writing to. Avoid “To whom it may
concern”; remain courteous. Emphasize
that the two of you will benefit with the
mistake that will be corrected rather than
the frustration that the mistake has made.
Writing an Inquiry letter
when you cannot find the
information yourself. It is
usually polite, simple, and
General Inquiries- The writer of
this type clearly states the reason
why he needs the information. It
also includes the reason why
he/she has chosen the reader as his
Sales-related Inquiries- This is written when
you intend to purchase products of services.
1. State briefly what prompts your request
for information.
2. Tell exactly the information you want.
3. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed
enveloped when you address/business may
profit should a reply be made.
4. Be courteous
The writer’s purpose is to build goodwill
and expect to influence the sale of a
product or service. It is further suggested
that the writer should:

1. Answer promptly
2. Reply courteously
3. Provide additional information
4. Follow-up the answer
The writer is advised to maintain the
correctness, completeness, and
definiteness for details related to the
product. Inaccuracies of the
description of the product will cause
the delay of the shipment. It requires
clearing the terms and conditions of
the sale to the parties involved.
Guidelines in making an Order Letter:
1. Complete description of the product
as to quantity, catalogue, price, style,
and other details.
2. Information needed in order to avoid
the delay of the shipment like;
A. Name and address of the buyer
B. Date of shipment
C. Manner of shipment or delivery
This letter is given to a person who
is required to perform a particular
task. The writer should indicate the
event and nature of the
appointment as well as the services
and duties of the appointee.

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