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Users of Database System

Faiqa Maqsood
Users of Database System
• Application Programmers
• End Users

Data Base System

Users of Database System
Application Programmers
• Those people who create different types of database application
• Application programmers design applications according to the needs
of the users of the database.
• Application programmers are skilled peoples
• Application programmers have clear idea about the structure of the
database and the organization for which they are going to design

Data Base System

Users of Database System
End Users
• End users are the people who use the database application programs
developed by the Application programmers.
• This category further contains two types of users
• Naive Users
• Sophisticated Users

Data Base System

Users of Database System
Naive Users
• User who simply use the database applications. (Created by the
• Has no interaction with other parts of database
• They have not to worry about the further working of the database.

Data Base System

Users of Database System

Sophisticated Users
• This type of users has more rights to access data over the Naive users.
• Sophisticated user can access the data stored in the database any of
their desired way.
• They can access data using the application programs as well as other
ways of accessing data.
• These users have to take more responsibility and they need to be
aware of the database structure.
• Sophisticated users should be skilled enough to be able to get data
from database without damaging or losing data.
Data Base System
Database Administrators (DBA)
Database Administrators (Most technical user of database)
A person who have central control over the data and the programs that
access that data.
• They need to have the knowledge of
• How to design database
• How to manage database
• How to manage data in the database.
• DBA is responsible for
• Proper working of the database and DBMS.
• Making proper database backups.
• Makes necessary actions for recovering the database in case of a database

Data Base System

Duties of the DBA
A Database administrator has some very precisely defined duties which
need be performed by the DBA very religiously. Some of these are
1. Schema Design
2. Granting Data Access
3. Routine Maintenance

Data Base System

Duties of the DBA
1. Schema Design
• In some organization DBA is responsible for designing the database
schema. (DBA create all the meta data on which the database is
• In very large scale organizations this job is performed by the database
• Which is hired for the purpose of database design
• Once the database system is installed.
• It is handed over to the DBA for further operation.

Data Base System

Duties of the DBA
2. Granting Access to Users
DBA is also responsible for
• Granting of access rights to the database users.
• Revoking (taking back) the rights to the database users.
3. Routine Maintenance
In routine maintenance DBA perform these tasks
a) Backups
b) Monitoring disk space
c) Monitoring jobs running

Data Base System

Duties of the DBA
b) Monitoring Disk Space
• When a new database is created it takes a limited space.
• As a result of daily activity the database acquires more data and
grows in size very rapidly.
• The DBA has to monitor the disk space usage and statistics to ensure
that no data over flow occurs at any stage

Data Base System

Duties of the DBA
c) Monitoring Running Jobs:
• To ensure the secure and proper functioning of the database system
• DBA continuously monitors all activities to ensure all users are using
their authorities legally.
• To ensure different devices attached to the database system are
functioning properly.

Data Base System

Data Base System

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