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 Alternative Names:

 Chronic Renal Failure

 Chronic Renal Insufficiency
 Chronic Renal Disease
 Chronic Kidney Insufficiency
 Chronic Kidney Failure
 CKD implies longstanding (>3 Months), an
d usually progressive impairment in renal funct
 GGFR <60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 or
 Diabetes Mellitus  Family history of CKD
 Hypertension  Kidney Stones
 Cardiovascular  Infections like Hep B,
Disease C and HIV
 Age and Race  Autoimmune diseases
 Acute Kidney Injury  Nephrotoxic drugs like
 Diabetes
 Non Diabetic
 Glomerular

 Tubulointerstitial: Analgesic, Reflux, Ch. Obs

 Vascular: Vasculitis, HTN, RAS

 Cystic: ADPKD

 CKD in transplantation
USRDS Annual Data Report
 History
 Duration of symptoms
 Drug ingestion
 Previous Medical & Surgical History
 Previous Occasions of Investigations
 Family History of Renal Disease
amlaise, loss of energy, loss of appetite,
Nocturia & polyuria due to impaired concentrating ability,
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea,
Paraesthesiae due to polyneuropathy
 ‘Restless legs’ syndrome (overwhelming need to
frequently alter position of lower limbs)
 Bone pain due to metabolic bone disease
 Paraesthesiae and tetany due to hypocalcaemia
 Symptoms due to salt and water retention – per
ipheral or pulmonary oedema
 Symptoms due to anaemia
Mental slowing, clouding of consciousness and Seizures

Myoclonic twitching.
 SPallor (due to anemia)
 Increased photosensitive pigmentation Brown di
scoloration of the nails
 Scratch marks due to uraemic pruritus
 Ccutaneous vasculitic lesions in systemic vasculiti
 Retinopathy in diabetes and hypertensive retin
opathy in hypertension
 Evidence of peripheral vascular disease and ass
ociated renal artery stenosis
 Hematuria:
 Proteinuria:
 Urine Culture:
 White Cells: UTI, GN, Papillary Necrosis or TB

Eosinophilia: Allergic Tubulointerstitial Nephritis or

Cholesterol Embolization

Granular cast: Active renal tubular disease

RBC Cast: GN

 Red Cells
 Urinary Electrolytes
 Urine Osmolality
 Urine Electrophoresis & Immunofixation
 Urea & Creatinine
 Calculation of eGFR
 Electrophoresis & Immunofixation for
 Elevation of creatinine kinase:
 Eosinophilia: vasculitis, allergic Tubulointerstitial
nephritis or cholesterol embolism
 Markedly raised viscosity or ESR: Myeloma or
 Fragmented RBC &/or Thrombocytopenia:
Accelerated HTN, HUS or TTP
 Complement Components
 Autoantibody Screening
 Cryoglobulins
 Antibodies to Streptococcal Antigens
 Antibodies to Hep B & C
 Antibodies to HIV
 Ultrasound
 CT Scan
 MR Angiography in Renovascular
 Should be performed in every patient
with unexplained CKD & normal-sized
 Erythropoietin Deficiency
 Bone marrow toxins
 Bone marrow Fibrosis
 Hematinic Deficiency
 Increased RBC destruction
 Abnormal RBC membranes
 Increased Blood Loss
 ACE inhibitors
 Hypeparathyroid Bone Disease
 Osteomalacia
 Osteoporosis
 Osteosclerosis
 Adynamic Bone Disease
 Pruritis
 Eczematous
 Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
 Pseudoporphyria
 Decreased gastric Emptying
 Reflux Esophagitis
 Peptic Ulceration
 Acute Pancreatitis
 Constipation
 Gout
 Insulin
 Lipid Metabolism Abnormalities
 Hyperprolactinemia
 Increased LH
 Decreased Testosterone
 Oligomenorrhea or Amenorrhea
 GH Abnormalities (Low)
 Thyroid Hormone Abnormalities
 Uremia cause Muscle dysfunction
 Decreased Physical Fitness
 Central Nervous System
 Depressed Cerebral Function

 Dialysis Dementia

 Psychiatric Problems; psychosis, depression, Phobias

 Peripheral Nervous System

 Restless leg Syndrome

 Median nerve Compression

 Polyneuropathy

 Autonomic Nervous System

 Lymphomas
 Primary Liver cancer
 Thyroid cancer
low protein diet 0.6 – 0.8 gm/kg
Low K diet, Low phosphate diet, Salt restriction
Fluid chart
Hiccup and vomiting; domperidone
Gastritis; H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors
Hypertension control (CCB, BB, (ACEI and ARBs w
ith careful monitoring of kidney function and
Volume overload: Loop diuretics
pericarditis is an indication of dialysis
Ca carbonate 1500 – 2000 mg/day (hold if there is
Vit D analog (Calcitriol)
PO4 chelators Oral Ca carbonate, Sevelamer
Iron therapy better IV
Target Hb 11 – 12 gm/dl
Avoid blood transfusion as possible as it may cau
se sensitization to HLA which may affect ren
al transplantation
Control Ca/PO4 product and hyperparathyroidis
Oral charcoal
Ultraviolet photo therapy (narrow band)
(dietary restriction, cation exchange resins t
o remove K in GIT, Glucose insulin infusion,
if no response dialysis is indicated

oral sodium/calcium bicarbonate
If no response dialysis
RRenal replacement therapy

Dialysis (H D , P D)
Indication of dialysis
 Uremic symptoms (encephalopathy, coma , p
 Volume overload not responding to diuretics
 Hyperkalemia > 6.5 mmol/L not responding t
o medical treatment or if there is ECG changes
 Acidosis not responding to medical treatment
 High urea. 200 mg/dl (BUN>100), Cr >10

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