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CONDITIONAL SENTENCES express actions that
can only take place if a certain condition is fulfilled. These
sentences are also called “if clauses” because they are
always made up of an if clause (dependent clause ) and a
main clause (independent clause).

if clause(condition) main clause (result)
If I read the brochures, I become informed.
The zero degree conditional is used when the situation
is real and possible. It is often used to refer to general
truths and facts, this, uses the simple present tense.
1. If you study hard, you get good grades.
2. If it rains, the grass gets wet.
3. If the people do not read news, they remain
This type of conditional is used to refer to a possible
condition and its probable result. It uses the simple
present in the if clause and the simple future in the
main clause.
1. If there are no classes, we will go to the park.
2. If you receive the flyer’s voucher, you will have a
free ticket.
3. If you make a mistake at printing, you will repeat
A. Read each sentence carefully and identify the type of
conditional used. Write 0C for zero conditional and 1C
for first conditional in the blank.

___1. If people care more, the world is in peace.

___2. If many people stay apathetic, the country will not
___3. If government officials tolerate criticisms, the
government and the people will have better discourse.
___4. If the society moves upward in their value system,
the rest follows.
___5. If the sermon appeals to people to be aware of
what they have been doing, people will leave their vices
and will start leaving in another light.
___6. If the small group of people join each other’s
causes, it will be one strong group.
___7. If minorities are taken care of by the sectors of
the society, they will finally be served well.
___8. If there is hope, there is strength to tolerate
___9. If differences are seen as unique feature, the world
will be a better place.
10. If the day comes where everyone is equal, it is a
peaceful one.
Second degree conditional expresses an unrealistic or
hypothetical condition and its probable result.
The second degree conditional uses the simple past
in the if- clause and the present conditional in the main
clause (The present conditional tense is composed of the modal
would and the base form of the verb. )
The second degree conditional has two main uses:
• To think or imagine a particular condition in the
future that is impossible or unlikely to happen.
1. If I met President Aquino, I would ask him to tour
around Malacañan with me.
2. If I earned ten billion pesos, I would build a
school for the poor and give them free education.
3. If I attended one of the United Nations Assembly,
I would ask the presidents of different countries to
act against violence of all forms.
The second degree conditional has two main uses:
• To state unreal or unlikely situations at present
1. If I were the president of the Philippines, I would
increase the salary of the teachers.
2. If I were a poet, I would publish poems about love
and war.
3. If she were to deliver the valedictory speech today,
she would make it as conversational as possible.
When using the second degree conditional, you can also
use other modals such as could and might to express
the degree of certainty, permission or a recommendation
about the outcome.

1. If I met President Aquino, I might tell him how

much our family loves her mother.
2. If I earned ten billion pesos, I could travel anytime
and anywhere I want.
Supply the appropriate verb form for the following
sentences to make them express unreal or unlikely

1. If he ______ (win) the lottery, he ______(give) 50

percent of his winnings to his former high school.
2. If I _____(be) you, I ___(tell her right away) why you
are ignoring her these past few days.
3. If you ____(apply) for a better job, you ____(feel) less
stress in paying your bills.
4. If she ____(be) not always late, she____(make) it to
the top of the class.
5. If he ____(be) a superstar, he ____(use) the
screenname “Jonson.”
6. If the audience____(wear) the same clothes for the
concert, the event _____(look) like a rally.
7. If I ____(be) a fairy, I ____(tell) people to stop
wishing and to start making things happen.
8. If my parents ____(give) me money to travel the
world, I ____(go) to Africa and Europe.
9. If time ____(stop) for an hour, I ____(hug) all the
people who matter to me.
10. If I ____(give up) one of my possessions for other
people, I _____(sacrifice) my gadgets.
The third degree conditional expresses condition that
did not happen in the past and its probable result in
the past. In this type of conditional, the past perfect is
used in the if-clause and the perfect conditional is used
in the main clause. (The perfect conditional is composed of the
modal would+have+past participle of the verb.)
If-clause(past perfect) + would +have + past
participle of the verb

(past perfect) (perfect conditional)

• If I had studied, I would have passed the test.

(perfect conditional) (past perfect)

• I would have given him the message if I had seen
Supply the appropriate form of the verb using the third
degree conditionals. Write your answers on the blanks
provided for each number.

1. If I _____(save) enough money, I would ____(buy)

her a present.
2. If I ____(finish) earlier, I could ____(help) in
cooking dinner.
3. They could ____(sing) the song, if they_____(know)
the lyrics.
4. The man could ____(complete) the course, if he
____(do) his very best.
5. If the girl_____(be) nice, she would______(have)
many friends.
6. If they ____(read) the document, they could____(win)
The argument.
7. The family could ____(dine) together, if they _____
(arrive) home e
8. She would ____(recover) fast, if all the medicines ____
(be) present.
9. If the athlete _____(have) enough sleep, he might ___
(win) the competition.
10. The boy would____(catch) the train, if he____(wake)
up early.
Identify the types of sentence used. Write S for simple,
CD for compound, CX for complex, CDX for
compound-complex. Write your answer on the space
before each number. Then, underline dependent clauses
where it applies.
________1. Vampires Dairies is my favorite television
show, but I also love True Blood.
________2. The student wiped the white board that was
filthy with last week’s notes.
________3. The trendy fashion designer released her new line
on Wednesday.
________4.. Trina and Hareem went to a bar in Hollywood to
celebrate their anniversary.
________5. Wicked Regina cast a spell on the entire city, so the
citizens decided to rebel.
________6.While waiting for the paint to dry, Angela went to
Home Depot, and Martin organized the kitchen appliances.
________7 After listening to the Kanye West CD, I have new
respect for his music.
________8. After the teacher chose groups, John and Sara
were selected as partners for a project, yet Sarah did most of
the work.
________9. Anna plays defense, and Amber plays offense.
________10. I liked the cheese, yet ham tastes better.
________11. Allen graduated last year.
________12. New York City is not too far from New Jersey.
________13. Soon, Marie and Carla will go home.
________14. Leave early.
________15. While I was waiting for you at the lobby, Laura
and Arcee passed by.

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