The Social Impact of Mobile Phones To National

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The Social Impact of Mobile

Phones to National University

Accountancy Students
Purpose of the Paper

The purpose of this paper is to know the social impact of

the mobile phones to National University Accountancy Students
and on how it can affect the society either positively or
negatively. Also, it will be a great help for National University
Accountancy Students to be more conscious as to how they
would use their mobile phones and put it to good use to prevent
negative effects and benefit even better to its positive effects.
The research method that we will use in this study is descriptive method. It is concerned
with the practice it prevails, effect that are being felt or trends that are developing. It will also
give a better understanding of a phenomenon or basis being studied. The researchers will use
descriptive technique because it goes beyond statistical calculation, gathering and tabulation of
data which will give us adequate and accurate interpretation about such information.
A total of 80 respondents who are taking up BS Accountancy at National University will
be chosen to participate in the study through simple random sampling technique. This technique
is a subset of individuals (a sample) chosen from a larger set (a population). Each individual will
be chosen randomly and entirely by chance, such that individual has the same probability of
being chosen at any chance during the sampling process, and each subset of k individuals has
the same probability of being chosen for the sample as any other subset of k individuals. This
process and technique is simple random sampling and should not be confused with systematic
random sampling. A simple random sample is an unbiased surveying technique.
The researchers will use questionnaires in asking questions to the respondents. It is a
research instrument consisting of series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of
gathering information from respondents.
To gather data, the questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents and will give
them enough time to fill up the questionnaires and answer each question honestly. The
questionnaires will enable the researchers to determine the perception of the respondents
regarding the effects and measures of social impact of cell phones.
This study will use statistical formula of frequency distribution to get the percentage
result of the questionnaires. We will also use graphical illustrations to interpret the data’s
F- refers to frequency
n- number of respondents
100- constant
Results and Findings
A survey was conducted at National University, the
BS Accountancy students as the respondents to look into
their perception regarding the effects and measures of
social impact of mobile phones to them.
  Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree     Disagree
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1.) Cell phone is a necessary item. 50% 48.75% 1.25% 0%
2.) Cell phone is a convenient tool for keeping in touch with my family or
62.5% 35% 2.5% 0%
3.) Cell phone makes me feel secured. 13.75% 56.25% 22.5% 6.25%
4.) I can’t live without a cell phone for a day 25% 25% 36.25% 13.75%
5.) I am more confident when talking through text or call than in personal
11.25% 32.5% 40% 16.25%
6.) I can express my feelings or true opinions very well through text or call.
18.75% 31.35% 43.75% 6.25%
7.) I still use my cell phone even when I am engaging in a personal
13.75% 41.25% 38.75% 6.25%
8.) I often use my mobile phone even if I am eating with my family.
10% 33.75% 41.25% 15%
9.) Long talks in person exhaust me than talking through my mobile phone.
13.75% 23.75% 43.75% 18.75%
10.) Using a cell phone is what first that comes into my mind when I have a
20% 55% 22.5% 2.5%
time to spare.
11.) I have used my cell phone in an emergency and it really helped.
58.75% 38.75% 2.5% 0%
12.) I often use my cell phone because of social media.
45% 42.5% 12.5% 0%
13.) I tend to forget that there are people in front of me trying to engage me
in a conversation because I’m busy talking to someone through my cell
11.25% 37.5% 38.75% 12.5%
As can be seen from the table above, 50% of them answered (4=strongly agree) that
cell phone is a necessary item. Meanwhile, 48.75% answered (3=agree) while 1.25% of them
disagree. However, 36.5% disagree that they can’t live without a cell phone for a day.
In this survey, respondents are asked if cell phone is convenient tool for keeping in
touch with family or friends. Those who strongly agreed and agree got the highest (strongly
agree= 62.5%: Agree=32%), while there are 2.5% who disagree about this. On the other hand,
56.25% of the respondents say that cell phone makes them feel secured. It also turns out that
58.75% helped them in time of emergency by using cell phone while there are 2.5% of them
who disagree.
Cell phone play a complex role in modern social interactions, many consider cell
phones as distracting to group dynamics when used in social settings. When considering the
impact of their mobile phone use on their own social interactions, 37.5% of them tend to
forget that there are people in front of them trying to engage in a conversation b`ecause they
are busy talking to someone through their cell phone. Also, 40% says that they are not
confident when talking through text or call than in personal for conversations. When asked
for their views on how mobile phone use impacts group interactions, 41.25% of them say that
they still use cell phone even when engaging in a personal conversation. Meanwhile, 41.25%
cited that they use cell phone while they are eating with family.
From the data provided, we can conclude that cell phones have become a necessity for
many people. There are so many things to like about cell phones: the convenience and its
functionality. It showed that cell phones really come in handy in the event of emergency. Cell
phones can also be a source of instant connection, but it can also cause constant distraction
and considerations involving social interactions and personal wellbeing. When considering
the impact of their mobile phone use on social gatherings, using cell phones takes some of
their attention away from the group of people they are with at the time and more likely to
ruin a group conversations. The social connections, which used to be negotiated with in
person are now commonly played out via cell phones and now caused personal and social
imbalance with our availability to others.
The present study intended to investigate the social impact of mobile phones to
NU accountancy students and on how it can affect the society positively and
negatively. The social impact of mobile phones on National University accountancy
students was measured through quantitative procedures to determine the positive and
negative impacts of the said topic. The findings resulted that cellphones have become
a necessity for many people because of its convenience, functionality and they come
in handy in emergency cases. Although this may be true, it can also create distractions
in social interactions, and now caused personal and social imbalance with the
availability of people towards others.

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