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Fast Money

Christmas Feud

Exit Game
Round 1:
Other than “Christmas,” name
a word that’s in almost every
0 Christmas song.
X X X 39
Merry X
39 43

SantaX X
Santa X 21
X26 X X

SnowX X
Snow X 12
X17 X X

BellsX X X 11
Bells X
11 13

Feud Directions
1. Divide class into two teams of about 5-8 students , the remaining students are the audience.
2. In their teams, line them in a row and tell them not to change order. The head person is the captain.
3. Explain to students that they will be asked a question a that 100 people were surveyed on. Their goal is to
guess the most popular answers that were given.
4. The captains are the first people to start by buzzing in after the question has been read.
5. First captain to buzz in answers first.
6. If the answer is on the board then click on the corresponding number. If it is the top answer (# 1) then the
whole team gets to play. If it isn’t then the other team’s captain gets to give their answer. Whichever team
has the highest answer gets to play.
7. Now, the next person down the line gets to answer. He/she must answer and if they don’t (within 5-10
seconds) or their answer is not on the board, then click on the first box down the bottom and a cross will
8. If the person gets it right then click on the correct numbered answer and it should appear.
9. Now ask the third person and repeat step 5 & 6.
10.Keep going down the line and start again at the front when you reach the end of the line.
11.However, if the team gets three strikes then the other team gets to discuss quietly for a few seconds
about any of the possible remaining answers and the team captain shares their answer. If the answer is on
the board then they steal all the points showing on the board. If the answer isn’t on the board then the
other team gets to keep their points.
12.Reveal all remaining answers at the end of the round.
13.Click the host icon to return to the scoreboard. Add each round’s score in the correct team’s box.
14. Now select round-two question and repeat all steps again.
15.Repeat until the end of round three and go to fast money round.
Fast Money
Teams both earn points by answering the fast money round questions.
Make sure to check set your timer to 30 seconds before bringing up the questions.
Hit “enter” twice for questions to come up.
*After 30 seconds has ended go to the next slide.
Enter both team’s scores for each of the questions.
Add up the team’s scores for all 5 questions and enter it into the larger total box under their column.
Click the host icon to return to the scoreboard© to add up the team’s final totals and announce winners!
2013 Not Just for Elementary

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