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Welcome Back to School

We hope that you had a great

summer vacation!
Positive Behavioral Interventions
and Supports
What’s it all about?

Our goal is:

To provide a positive
school climate; within
which all students can
excel academically,
socially, and emotionally
So…what does that mean?
Well, we want you to be excited about the
learning opportunities at Burke Town School.
We want our school to be a safe and happy
place where you can be a positive member of
the school community.
 We want you to be able to perform to the best of your ability
in your classes
 We want you to make and keep friends
 We want you to know what the expectations are and to follow
What’s so new about that?
• What makes this year different is that we are
going to be paying a lot more attention to
students who are following the expectations
and rewarding their positive behavior.
What are the expectations?

1) Respect Yourself
2) Respect Others
3) Respect Our School
What does respect look, sound, and feel like?

All Classroom Hallways Playground Cafeteria Bus

*Be on time *Be prepared *Stay focused *Play safely *Use good *Be on time
Respect *Be on task *Do your best *Go where *Be brave manners *Find your seat
Yourself *Do your best *Be on task directed *Eat healthy quickly
*Keep yourself *Walk safely foods *Sit facing
safe forward
*Remain seated

*Help others do *Listen to, and *Use quiet *Take turns *Use good *Be on time
Respect their best follow, the voices *Include others manners *Talk quietly
Others *Keep others teacher’s *Walk to the *Share *Include others *Keep hands
safe directions right at your table and feet
*Use kind *Be engaged *Hands and *Respect to self
words and *Take turns feet to self others’ food *Follow
actions choices directions of
bus driver

*Follow adult *Use materials, *Keep areas *Use equipment *Be on time *Follow all
Respect directions furniture and clean appropriately *Talk as bus rules
Our promptly equipment as *Hands and *Follow quietly as *Be on time
*Help others intended feet to self directions of possible *Keep bus
School do their best *Keep our space all staff *Use good clean
*Keep the clean *Report manners
school safe problems to *Keep the
*Encourage an adult cafeteria
learning and *Pick up little clean
How will we get rewarded?
Every adult who works for the school will be
giving out “Paws for Praise” tickets to students
who are following the expectations.
Paws for Praise
I noticed ________________________________
__Demonstrating Respect for Self
__Demonstrating Respect for Others
__Demonstrating Respect for School
Teacher __________________________________
What do we do with the tickets?
• Each class will brainstorm a list of rewards that can be earned
with a pre-determined number of Paws for Praise tickets.
• On “banking day”, students can turn in their tickets for
• When students turn in their tickets, those tickets are then
tallied on the “Paw-O-Meter” towards a classroom reward.
• When the class has reached 150 tickets, they earn
the classroom reward and a piece of the
panther puzzle.
• When the panther puzzle is complete, the whole school
will earn a school-wide reward.
You mean all I have to do
is behave and I’ll get a

Well, not exactly…

You won’t get a Paws for Praise

ticket every time you follow
one of the expectations
If you follow the expectations,
chances are better that you
will be noticed!
Who will be giving out tickets?
Any of your teachers:
•Your classroom teacher
•The paraeducator in your class
•A Special Ed. teacher
•Your art teacher
•Your music teacher
•Your P.E. teacher
•Your librarian
•Your reading, math, speech, O.T.,
or ELL support teacher
•Your nurse
•Your guidance counselor
•Your substitute teacher
Who else will give them out?
The Principal The Secretary
Anyone else?
The kitchen staff The custodian
And finally…
Bus drivers Special Presenters
That sounds great but sometimes I
have trouble following the rules.
We all have dozens of choices to make
every single day
And our choices have consequences
Some are positive And some are negative
If you choose to not follow one of the school’s
expectations, your teacher will do several things:

 Your teacher will remind you of the expectation(s)

 She will state how your behavior was either not
respecting yourself, someone else, and/or the school
 She will tell you what the consequence is
 If this is your first minor referral, it will get filed (and passed
along to the next teacher you have that day)
 If it is the second minor referral, your referrals will be “flagged”
(for your next teacher)
 If it is your third minor referral, it becomes a major and you will
be sent to the Student Support Room, the Principal will be
notified, and your parents will be contacted.
What are minor behaviors?
Minor behaviors include:
 Inappropriate language
 Physical contact
 Defiance/disrespect/noncompliance
 Disruption
 Dress code
 Technology violation
 Property misuse
 Tardy
 Other: _________________________
What is a major behavior?
Major behaviors include:

 Abusive language
 Skip class/truancy
 Fighting/physical aggression
 Forgery/theft
 Overt defiance
 Dress code violation
 Bullying/harassment/teasing/
 Lying/cheating
 Alcohol/tobacco/other drugs
 Inappropriate display of affection
 Vandalism
 Technology violation
 Weapons
 Tardy
 Other: ____________________
What happens if I display a
major behavior?
Your teacher will complete a referral form and
you will be sent immediately to the Student
Support Room
The Principal will be notified
Your parents will be contacted
An appropriate consequence will be given
But that sounds really
negative -
I thought we were
going to be
Well, remember a couple of things…

We are going to be Everyone makes mistakes.

noticing when you It’s our job to help you
make good choices and to learn from them and
you can earn rewards to make better choices
for positive behaviors. in the future. We are
here to support you and
help you to do your
Together, we will make this our best
year ever!!!
Our schedule for today:
 8:00-9:00 AM Meet and greet your new classmates and teacher
 9:00-10:00 AM Panther Meeting
 10:00-11:00 AM Return to classroom to learn classroom
expectations, take a break, and begin brainstorming lists
for individual and class-wide rewards
 11:00-2:30 Teachers will take their students to each setting and
teach the expectations for that settiing

11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 12:30-1:00 1:00-1:30 1:30-2:00 2:00-2:30

EPM/EP Lunch Playground Break Hallways Bus Flex Flex

2,2/3,3 Flex Lunch Playground Break Hallways Bus Flex

4 &4/5 Flex Flex Lunch Playground Break Hallways Bus

5&6 Flex Flex Bus Lunch Playground Break Hallways

7&8 Flex Flex Hallways Bus Lunch Playground break

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