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Ilya’s Geography Project

- Composite Cone Volcano

A smooth-sloped volcanic peak with a summit crater made up of alternating layers of ash
and lava, formed from andesitic magma at subduction zones.
- Fold Mountain
A mountain formed by the rupturing and folding of the earths crust being pushed up
and folding over itself.
- Batholith
A massive, often bottomless intrusion of magma cools beneath the earth’s surface to
form igneous intrusive rock.
- Stalagmites
A wide pedestal of calcium carbonate, or calcite, deposited by water falling to the floor of an
underground cave or cavern in limestone rock.
- Limestone
A layered sedimentary rock that dissolves fully in water.
- Moraine
A deposit of glacial till transported and deposited by a glacier.
- Arete
A knife-edged ridge formed between the steep walls of two or more adjacent glaciers.
- Crevase
A large crack in a glacier caused by shifting and twisting of glacier paths.
- Hanging Valleys
A U-shaped valley cut by a smaller tributary glacier that lies at a higher elevation than the deeper
U-shaped valley eroded by the main glacier.
- Youth Stage River
A young river fed by either a reservoir or a glacier. Fast flowing and powerfull water erodes deep
- Cumulous
Cumulous clouds are vertical clouds, often white in colour, with a dark flat base. Rissing air
currents produce a cauliflower appearance at the top of cumulous clouds.
- Nimbostratus
Nibostratus clouds are layered and dark in appearance due to their high moisture content. These
clouds can steady, prolonged precipitation.
- Radiation Fog
Radiation fog forms during cloudless and windless nights . The ground cools, it cools
the air close to ground level. As air reaches due point the water vapour begins to
condense and creates fog.
- Temperate Rain Forrest
Tall coniferous trees grow over a mossy forrest floor. Ferns and shrubs cover the forrest floor.
Non-living components of ecosystems, like rocks.
- Photosynthesis
The process by which sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar) and oxygen.
- Evergreen
Coniferous trees that are green year round.
- Smog
Pollution in the air that discolour the air and causes obstructions in vision.
- Contour Interval
Lines on a map that are used to notate the elevation of land and water. Usually measured in
intervals of meters or feet in tens.
- Map legends
A Section of a map that notates the symbols used on the map such as man made structures,
rivers, scale and rivers.

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