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• I will help you.

will + V1 • She will call me when I


be going • He is going to spend his

vacation in London.

to + V1 • I’m going to be an actor

when I grow up.
We use “will" to
• A: I’m really hungry.
express a voluntary
• B: I will make some sandwiches.

We use “will" to • I promise I will not tell him about the

express a promise surprise party

We use “will” to express

a spontaneous decision • A: The phone is ringing.
(the action is decided • B: I will answer.
at the moment of
We use “will” to request help • Will you please help me to do my
or offer help homework?

We use “will” with words and

expressions like probably, • I will probably get there by car.
possibly, perhaps, I’m sure,
I expect

We use “will” when the

main verb is “be” even if
• I will be in London tomorrow.
we talk about the planned
We use “be going to” to
talk about prior plans,
• I am going to buy a new car next year.
strong intentions, or
fixed arrangements

We use both “will” or

• The weather tomorrow will be sunny.
“be going to” to predict
• You are going to be a famous artist.
future events.

Note: we use “be going to”

(not “will”) to make
• Look at those dark clouds in the sky. It
predictions about events
when there is a concrete
is going to rain soon.
tomorrow I'll go to the market tomorrow.

soon Don’t worry. He will be here soon.

There will be another meeting next

next week / year

in five minutes/
in two hours I will return in two hours.

later today I will finish my report later today.

Positive Form

will V1 Rest of the


I’m sure he will succeed on the test.

Negative Form

will not
Subject Rest of the
V1 sentence.

He will not do it again.

Question Form

Yes / No Question:
Rest of the
Will subject V 1 ?

Will he come to visit us tomorrow?

Wh – Non- Subject Question:

Wh-word will subject Rest of the

V1 sentence?

Where will you study when you finish school?

Wh – Subject Question:
Who/ Rest of the
will V1 sentence?
Who will come to help him?
Positive Form

I am

he, she, it is going to do something.

we, they,
you are

He is going to spend his vacation in Eilat.

Negative Form

I am

he, she, it to do
is not going
we, they,
you are

Sarah isn’t going to visit her aunt on Friday.

Question Form

Yes / No Question:
Is subject going to do something?
Are you going to be a teacher?

Wh – Non- Subject Question:

to do
Wh-word am, is, are subject going

Where are you going to spend your weekend?

Wh – Subject Question:

Who/What is going to do (something)?

Who is going to speak at the lesson?

Do the following exercises and check your answers:

Ex. 1 Ex. 3 Ex. 5 Ex. 7

Ex. 2 Ex. 4 Ex.6 Ex. 8

If you are sure that you have understood the material

pretty well, you can continue with the quizzes.

Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4

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