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Course Instructor: Afraa Sayah

Prepared by: Sarah Alfayez

College of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Hail, Saudi Arabia

Guy-Vincent Jourdan :: CSI 3140 :: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

JavaScript Properties

JavaScript is a scripting language: designed

to be executed within a larger software
JavaScript can be run within a variety of
 Web browsers (client-side java script)
 Web servers (server-side java script)

SWE 444:: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

JavaScript Properties

Note that JavaScript code did not need to be

 JavaScript is an interpreted language
 browser software that reads and executes
JavaScript is an interpreter
Interpreted vs. compiled languages:
 Advantage: simplicity or easy
 Disadvantage: efficiency

SWE 444:: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

Developing JavaScript
Writing JavaScript code
 Any text editor (e.g., Notepad)
 Specialized software (e.g., MS Visual InterDev)
Executing JavaScript
 Load into browser (need HTML document)
 Browser detects syntax and run-time errors
 Mozilla: JavaScript console lists errors
 IE6: Exclamation icon and pop-up window

SWE 444:: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides


Two approaches to client side scripting:

 Written in the <body> section of a document

 embedded in the <head> section

 External:

A separate file linked to the HTML document


 <script> tag
 Indicate that the text is part of a script

 type attribute

 Specifies the type of file and the scripting language use:

 Value: “text/javascript”
Scripting Options

<script src="xxx.js"></script>  1
<script type="text/javascript”>  2
<script type="text/javascript”> 3
<script src="xxx.js"></script> 4

Guy-Vincent Jourdan :: CSI 3140 :: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

Javascript Methods

 Window.alert(“message”)
 Window.write(“text”)
 Window.prompt(“sometext”, “default text”)
 Window.confirm(“text”)

Guy-Vincent Jourdan :: CSI 3140 :: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

<script language="JavaScript">
document.write("Hello World!");
alert("Hello World!");
Variables and Data Types

Type of a variable is dynamic: depends on the type

of data it contains
JavaScript has six data types:
 Number
 String
 Boolean (values true and false)
 Object
 Null (only value of this type is null)
 Undefined (value of newly created variable)
Primitive data types: all but Object

SWE 444:: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

Variables and Data Types

Syntax rules for names (identifiers):

 Must begin with letter or underscore ( _ )
 Must contain only letters, underscores, and digits
(or certain other characters)
 Must not be a reserved word

SWE 444:: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

Variables and Data Types

SWE 444:: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

JavaScript Statements
var syntax:
Comma-separated declaration list with
optional initializers

Java-like keyword statements:

SWE 444:: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

Arithmetic Operators and order of evaluation

JavaScript Arithmetic Algebraic

x JavaScript
operation operator expression
y expression
Addition + f+7 f + 7

Subtraction - p–c p - c
Multiplication * bm b * m
Division / x / y or or xy x / y

Remainder % r mod s r % s
Fig. 7.12 Arithmetic operators.

Operator(s) Operation(s) Order of evaluation (precedence)

*, / or % Multiplication Evaluated first. If there are several such operations,
Division they are evaluated from left to right.
+ or - Addition Evaluated last. If there are several such operations,
Subtraction they are evaluated from left to right.
Fig. 7.13 Precedence of arithmetic operators.

Always use parentheses to ensure desired order of evaluation: (a + b) / 6

Relational (Inequality and Equality) Operators

Standard algebraic JavaScript equality Sample Meaning of

equality operator or or relational JavaScript JavaScript
relational operator operator condition condition
Equality operators

= == x == y x is equal to y
? != x != y x is not equal to y
Relational operators
> > x > y x is greater than y
< < x < y x is less than y
>= x >= y x is greater than or
equal to y
<= x <= y x is less than or
equal to y
Fig. 7.15 Equality and relational operators.

Do NOT confuse relational equality operator “==“ with an assignment operator “=“
Order of Precedence for the
Basic Operators

Operators Associativity Type
* / % left to right multiplicative
+ - left to right additive
< <= > >= left to right relational
== != left to right equality
lowest = right to left assignment
Fig. 7.17 Precedence and associativity of the
operators discussed so far.
The JavaScript var (for variable) can be
<html> used to define a field (note that you can
<script language="JavaScript"> eliminate the command var and it will still
var ans = 0; work). In this example, I have defined
var firstnum = 0; three variables and given them all an
initial value of 0.
var secondnum = 0;
firstnum = prompt("Enter the first number",0);
secondnum = prompt("Enter the second number",0);
ans = firstnum * secondnum;
document.write(ans); The prompt can be used to take in
</script> data. The message in quotes is
</html> used to ask the user for input and
the 0 indicates it is numeric input.
Note that the data that was keyed in
ans = firstnum * with the first prompt was assigned
to firstnumand the data that was
secondnum; keyed in with the second prompt
This takes the two numbers was assigned to secondnum.
stored in firstnum and document.write(ans);
secondnum and multiplies
them together. The results are I am now using the write method
stored in ans. to put ans to the screen. Note
that ans is a variable, not a literal
so it is not enclosed in quotes.
<script language="JavaScript">
var ans = 0;
var firstnum = 0;
var secondnum = 0;
firstnum = prompt("Enter the first number",0);
secondnum = prompt("Enter the second number",0);
ans = firstnum * secondnum;
document.write("The answer is ", ans);

The only change here is in the

document.write where I am writing the
literal “The answer is ” and then the
variable answer, ans. Note that I
separated the literal and the variable with
a comma.
<script language="JavaScript">
I could have given whattodo and
var ans = 0;
initial value of space (written as
var firstnum = 0;
“ “).
var secondnum = 0;
var whattodo;
firstnum = prompt("Enter the first number",0);
secondnum = prompt("Enter the second number",0);
whattodo = prompt("Enter * or /","");
if (whattodo == "*")
Note the = = when I am making
ans = firstnum * secondnum;
the check for is equal to.
ans = firstnum / secondnum;
document.write("The answer is ", ans);
More about Javascript

Go to
To learn more about the language

 jQuery is Javascript library that is fast, small, and feature-

rich. (Write less, do more)
 It is mostly used for document traversal and
DOM(Document Object Model) manipulation, event handling,
CSS manipulation, form validation, and effects and animation.
 jQuery makes it easier to use Javascript in a web application.

To start with jQuery, follow these steps:

1. Create a folder in your project name js and create
a file and name it app.js
2. In your index.html at the end of the body tag
include the following script tags:
<script src="
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
jQuery Synatx

Basic Syntax:
$(Selector).action( );
o $  to access jQuery
o Selector to find the HTML element
o action  to be performed on the selector
The selector might be:
Tag  $(“h1”).action( );
Class  $(“.className”).action( );
Id  $(“#idName”).action( );
First jQuery

var main= function( ){

Window.alert(“Hello SWE444 Students”);

ready means: when all the HTML document

has been loaded, go to function main
For a complete list of the selectors please visit:
jQuery Events

An event is an action that the visitor of the

website perform and the web page can respond
Mouse events (click, dbclick)
Keyboard events (keypress)
Form events (submit, change)
The most important event is the click event

Guy-Vincent Jourdan :: CSI 3140 :: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

Click Event

Var main= function( ){

$(“#idName”).click(function( ){
//Any Action

Note: Any selector can be used

jQuery Effects

Hide  $(selector).hide( ); it will hide

specific element from the html
Show  $(selector).show( ); it will show a
specific element from the html
fadeToggle  $(selector).fadeToggle();
slideToggle $(selector).slideToggle(); it
will display or hide the element with a sliding


Guy-Vincent Jourdan :: CSI 3140 :: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides



Guy-Vincent Jourdan :: CSI 3140 :: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

jQuery DOM Manipulation

There are three DOM manipulation methods:

1. Text() set or return the text in the
selected element (only text)
2. Html()  set or return the content of a
selected element (with tags)
3. Val()  set or return the value of form
The most important one is the val( ) method
Get, set val( )

Get Val( )  return the value of the selector

from the from
$(selector).val( );
Set Val( )  assign a value to the selector in
the form
jQuery Add

jQuery Add

$(selector).append( );  insert content at the

end (after an element)
$(selector).prepend( );  insert content at
the beginning (before an element)

Guy-Vincent Jourdan :: CSI 3140 :: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

jQuery Remove

Remove  it will remove (delete) a set of

matched elements from the DOM
jQuery CSS

Single modification:
$(selector).css(“propertyname”, “value”);
Multiple Modifications:
$(selector).css({“propertyname”: “value”,
“propertyname”: “value”, …);
$("#s1").css({"background-color": "yellow",
"color": "green"});
jQuery Form Validation

Before you end you body tag add the jQuery

Form Validation Plugin as follows.
jQuery Form Validation

rules: { fieldName: ..
messages:{ filedName:

Guy-Vincent Jourdan :: CSI 3140 :: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

jQuery Form Validation
$("#form2").validate({ password2:{
rules: { required: true,
email:{ equalTo: "#pass"
required: true, } },
email: true messages:{
}, email:{
username: "required", required: 'enter your
password: { email',
required: true, email: 'enter a valid
email’ },
minlength: 8,
username: 'please
maxlength: 12
write your username',
password: 'required’,
} });

Use the following link to check your

JavaScript code
However, you need to configure it to accept
jQuery by clicking the configure and then tick
on jQuery.

Guy-Vincent Jourdan :: CSI 3140 :: based on Jeffrey C. Jackson’s slides

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