Singkaban Puni

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•Singkaban is a local term for bamboo arches elaborately
designed with kayas.

•Filipino word for decorated bamboo arch, is used as a welcome

signage of a town, city or village in the country
•It is widely used as decoration during town fiestas
particularly in Bulacan.

•Singkabans are artfully-made entrance arches used

during fiestas and other important events in Bulacan.
Bamboo is primarily used in creating a singkaban, and
the art is most prevalent in the old towns.

•Singkaban Festival is an annual provincial event of

Bulacan where Bulakenyo culture and arts are featured in
a week-long celebration.
PUNI/ Palm Leaf Folding
• Puni are decorations during fiestas and special
occasions made from young coconut leaves

•A tagalog term from the province of Bulacan which means to

beautify or decorate with the use of coconut leaf. Coconut leaves
are fashioned by folding, plaiting, braiding and simple weaving,
which may have functional as well as aesthetic uses.
•Puni designs can be categorized according to their uses.
The most common designs are in the form of toys such as
birds, fish, grasshopper, etc.

•Puni also used as food containers for suman, rice and

various kakanin, the most commonly known is the “puso”
and paraphernalia for religious rituals especially during
Palm Sunday when these design are used to accentuate
the “palaspas”.

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