Errors of Measurement, and ROLE of ERROR in Physics: Group 1

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and ROLE of ERROR in

Group 1

• A measurement tells us about a property of something and it gives a number to

that property.
• Measurements are always made using an instrument of some kind.
• The result of a measurement is normally in two parts: a number and a unit
of measurement.
What is ERROR?

“ERROR in science does not mean the terms of mistake.”

• Error in a scientific measurement means the different between the individual
result and true value.
• Errors cannot be eliminated although the measurement is being dne
• The total value of error is made up of error source.
Repeated measurement will contribute the disrepancy or random
errors. The disrepancy can only be obtained when there are
difference between the readings and true value. The smaller the
random errors, the greater the precision. If the individual readings
are the same, there still an error called uniform or systematic error.
> A component of the error of measurement which, in the course of a
number of measurements of the same measurand, varies in an unpredictable
> The mean of a large number of measurement influenced by random errors
matches the true value.
> It can be evaluate by study the repeated measurement values.
> The exist of the error is known by inference.
> A component of the error of measurement which,in the course of a number
of the same measurand, remains constant or varies in a predictable way.
> The mean of a large number of measurements influenced by systematic
errors deviates from the true value.
> It can be evaluate y comparing the measurements results with a higher
standard, which is measurement.

1. Dynamic Error
> Characterized by frequency and phrase response of the system for
periodic variations in the measured input.
2. Loading Error
> It is the difference between the value measured before and after the
measurement system is measured.

3. Static Error
> It is cause by physical nature of various components of the measuring
4. Characteristic Error
> It is the deviation of measurement under constant environmental
conditions from the theoretical predicted performance.
* Elastic Deformation
>Divided into two: error cause from reflection when end gage is used for setting or
measure and deflection due to self weight on object.

* Parallax
> Any instrument that using pointer and scale may have parallax error because the gap
between pointer and scale is different at any reading angle.

5. Contact Pressure
> While measuring, the pressure at contact causes some penetration causing
error in measurement.
* Backlash
> Due to backlash in gears and screw threads, some motion is lost to overcome backlash.
* Hysteretic
> It is a source of errors in electrical instruments. Ascending values are observed when
decrease current or voltage.
* Avoidable Error
> The errors occured due to non-allignment of workpiece centre, improper of measuring
6. Human Error
> Difficult to detect. It can be include a tendency to read high or low using a wrong
instrument. Human Training is the best way to prevent this error.
* Errors in Technique and Experimental Error
> If wrong technique is used. Example; a calibration technique for vernier is used for
micrometer. Education helps to prevent these errors.

7. Computational Error
> Can be random or continuous, but once an error has started, it usually established itself
in the computation. This error is affected by environmental, fatigue and instrumentation.
* Chaotic Error
> Extreme disturbance that ruin or hide the measurement results. This
error include vibration, shock, extreme noise and etc...

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