Gender Quiz

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For each question, identify whether the difference

between men and women is based on sex (biological)

or on gender (a difference constructed by society).
Write your answers on the METACARDS…
1. Women give birth to
babies, men don’t.

Sex Gender
2. Little girls are gentle, little
boys are tough.

Sex Gender
3. Boys do better in science
and math; girls do better in art
and literature.

Sex Gender
4. Amongst agricultural
workers, women are paid only
40-60 percent of the male

Sex Gender
5. Women can breastfeed
babies, men can bottle-feed

Sex Gender
6. In ancient Egypt men stayed
at home and did weaving.
Women handled family business.
Women inherited property and
men did not.

Sex Gender
8. In one study of 224 cultures,
there were 5 in which men did all
the cooking and 36 in which
women did all the house

Sex Gender
9. According to UN statistics,
women do 67 percent of the world’s
work, yet their earnings for it
amount to only 10 percent of the
world’s income.

Sex Gender
10. According to statistics from the
Inter-Parliamentary Union, only 20
percent of parliamentarians
worldwide are women despite the
fact that women represent roughly
50 percent of the population.

Sex Gender
1. Sex
2. Gender
3. Gender
4. Gender
5. Sex
6. Gender
7. Sex
8. Gender
9. Gender
10. Gender

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