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Facebook, Cambridge Analytica data

•This scandal involved the collection of personally
identifiable information of 87 million Facebook users.
•The data was allegedly used to attempt to influence
voter opinion on behalf of politicians who hired them
•The way that Cambridge Analytica collected the data
was called “inappropriate”.
•In December 2015, The Guardian reported that United
States Senator Ted Cruz was using data from this
•The subjects of the data were unaware that companies
were selling and politicians were buying their personal
• In March 2018, The New York Times, The Guardian and
Channel 4 News made more detailed reports on the data
scandal with new information from former Cambridge
Analytica employee.
• The scandal was significant for inciting public discussion
on ethical standards for social media companies, political
consulting organizations, and politicians.
• According to Facebook, up to 87 million users had their
data shared, with 70.6 million of those people from the
United States.
• Facebook sent a message to these users believed to be
affected, saying the information likely included one's
public profile, page likes, birthday and current city.
• Some of the app's users gave the app permission to
access their News Feed, timeline, and messages.
• The data was detailed enough for Cambridge Analytica
to create psychographical profiles of the subjects of the
• For a given political campaign, the data was detailed
enough to create a profile which suggested what kind of
advertisement would be most effective to persuade a
particular person in a particular location for some political
• Facebook director Mark Zuckerberg first apologized for
the situation with Cambridge Analytica on CNN, calling it
an "issue," a "mistake" and a "breach of trust.“
• Zuckerberg pledged to make changes and reforms in
Facebook policy to prevent similar breaches.

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