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1.What comprises the seven ages of man or stages in life of man
according to the poem?

• The Infant
As an infant, men used to cry and vomit just to
have the attention of their carer. The moment they
behave this way, they carer knew already that they are
either hungry or full and need to rest from taking their
milk. At this stage, they are not expected to perform
any task except have their milk and take a lot of time to
rest for them to grow.
• The School Boy (childhood)
As a boy, children tend to be whiny especially
when they are asked to go to school. Since they have been
used of doing nothing except playing during their toddler, the
moment they are introduced to schooling will be quite
challenging they are merely making alibis just to skip
• The Lover (adolescence)
As a lover, men tend to be sentimental and too inspired to
create ballads for the one he love. It is the stage where
nothing seems to matter to him except the woman he love.
The moment he felt that he is in love, he also felt the need to
express that love until it has been compensated.
• A Soldier (early adulthood)
As a soldier, men tend to be determined and short –
tempered. At this stage, men are looking for ways to be
recognized. They are more careful of their reputation and are

willing to give whatever it takes for such reputation.

• The Justice (late adulthood)
As the justice, men tend to be wiser like a judge.
Everything should be decided upon with exceptional care
and wisdom. They do no longer trust everything to luck but
are more dependent on their experiences and learning.
• The Aging (old age,pantaloons)
As someone who wore lean and slippered pantaloons,
men are now approaching aging. As mere illustration of
aging, men are expected to wear glasses with his home
clothes on, doing nothing except sit on a racking chair since
he had already lost his strength and sharpness.
• The Retired (extreme old age)
Lastly, when men are being childish during aging this
only means that they tend to lose a part of their memory and
need to retire. They almost lose their senses including the
ability to taste, hear, see, and feel. This is the stage where
men are almost tired and are about to give up.

2.Describe the school boy's attitude towards school? How do you feel
about these pictures of childhood?

The school boys attitude shows that he refuses to go to school and whines but
he can't do anything about it because he really has to go or else he'll face the
consequences. If I am asked how'd I feel, I feel funny and a bit of nostalgia because
I hated school before and I'm sure I'm not the only one who hated it. I saw my past
childhood in the schoolboy who whines and refuses to go to school. has to go or else
he'll face the consequences.

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