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Vygotsky‘s Socio-cultural
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

 Who is Vygotsky, his background.

 Enumerate the Two Main Principles/Elements of

Socio-Cultural theory.

 What are the two features of Zone Proximal


 What are the 4 Basic Principles Underlying the

Vygotsky Framework.
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

 “The Mozart of Psychology”

 Lev Semonovich Vygotsky was born in Western Russia on November 5, 1986.His

father, Semi L’vovich, founded the “Society of Education in Gomel”, and held a
wide range of active interest including foreign language, history, literature,
theater and arts. His mother was educated as teacher.

 In 1917, he graduated from Moscow University with a degree in Law.

 Vygotsky completed 270 scientific articles,numerous,lectures and 10 books

based on a wide range of Marxist-based psychological and teaching theories.

 He is considered a seminal thinker in psychology, and much of his work is still

discovered and explored today.

 He died on June 10, 1934 at 37 after long battle with TB.

Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

 Vygotsky Theory is that social interaction plays a

very important in cognitive development.

 Did not focus on the individual child but on the child

as a product of social interaction, especially with

 Focus on dynamic interactions rather than child

by himself.

 People thinking differs dramatically between

cultures because different cultures stress different
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

1. The More Knowledgeable Other (MKO)

 Refers to anyone who has better

understanding or higher ability level than the

 Normally thought of as being a teacher,

trainer, or older, adult, but MKO could also
peers , a younger person, even computers.
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

2. Zone of Proximal Development

 Difference between what child can

accomplish alone and s/he can accomplish
with the guidance of another.
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

What you DON’T


ZPD – Zone of Proximal


What you
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

I. Scaffolding

• Appropriate assistance given by the teacher

to assist the learner accomplish a task.

• Requires that an instructor shows example

how to solve a problem, while controlling
the learning environment so that students
can take things step by step expanding their
knowledge without excessive frustration.
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural
Pamela G. Virtusio

II. Reciprocal Teaching

• A highly successful teaching method, it

provides an environment of open dialogue
between student and teacher which goes
beyond a simple question and answer session.
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

1) Children construct their

2) Development cannot be separated from its
social context.

3) Learning is mediated.

4) Language plays a central role in

mental development.
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

1. Lower Mental Function

 Are those with which we are born, are

the natural functions and are genetically

2. Higher Mental Function

 Are acquired and developed through

social interaction.
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

 Sociocultural theory considers learning as a

semiotic process where participation in
socially- mediated activities is essential.

 Social interaction emphasized that effective

learning happens through participation in
social activities, making the social context of
learning crucial.

 Vgotsky theory was important in education

since these works provide tools for the
development of individuals learning.
Vygotsky’s Socio-Cultural Theory
Jeffrey Lois S. Maestrado

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