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Answer the question

correctly. Write the LETTER &

WORD of the correct answer,
otherwise, identify the
question being asked
1. Which of the ff is not a properties of acids.
a. taste sour b. tastes sweet
c. corrode metals
2. A dye that changes into specific color to determine acidity
or basicity.________
3. A material has changed the indicator into yellow
color,what does this mean?
a. weakly acidic b. strongly acidic
c. strongly basic
4. Which of the ff is not a properties of bases.
a. taste bitter b. feels slippery
5. A dye taken from the Lichen plant.______
6. Aneutral solution has a pH level of ______
7. Which of the ff. statements is true.
a. ph 5 is acidic than ph 1
b. ph 7 is neither acidic nor basic
c. ph 15 is strongly basic
8. A numeric scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of a
9. A type of acid that aids in digestion_______
10. An ingredient use in vinegar
a. acetic acid b. HCl acid c. NaOH
11. He first introduced the use of pH scale_______
12. A type of base use as ingredient for fertilizers.
a. calcium hydroxide b. ammonia
c. lactic acid
13. pH stands for______
14. A more accurate measurement of ph level is thru the use
a. litmus b. natural indicator
c. pH meter
15. One of the strongest bases and is use in oven cleaners
and drain cleaners.__________
1. Which of the ff is not a properties of acids.
a. taste sour b. tastes sweet
c. corrode metals
2. A dye that changes into specific color to determine acidity
or basicity.________
3. A material has changed the indicator into yellow
color,what does this mean?
a. weakly acidic b. strongly acidic
c. strongly basic
4. Which of the ff is not a properties of bases.
a. taste bitter b. feels slippery
5. A dye taken from the Lichen plant.______
6. A neutral solution has a pH level of ______
7. Which of the ff. statements is true.
a. ph 5 is acidic than ph 1
b. ph 7 is neither acidic nor basic
c. ph 15 is strongly basic
8. A numeric scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of a
pH scale
material._______ hydrochloric acid/stomach acid
9. A type of acid that aids in digestion_______
10. An ingredient use in vinegar
a. acetic acid b. HCl acid c. NaOH
Soren Peder-Lauritz
11. He first introduced the use of pH scale_______
12. A type of base use as ingredient for fertilizers.
a. calcium hydroxide b. ammonia
c. lactic acid
13. pH stands for______
presence/potential of hydrogen
14. A more accurate measurement of ph level is thru the use
a. litmus b. natural indicator
c. pH meter
15. One of the strongest bases and is use in oven cleaners
and drain cleaners.__________sodium hydroxide

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