Part II: Halaman 140 (No 36 - 40) : A. Yes, I Put Them in The Supply Room

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Part II : Halaman 140 (no 36 – 40)

36. You put the new supplies away didn’t you ?

( anda menyimpan persediaan baru bukan? )
a. Yes, i put them in the supply room
b. You can put them anywhere
c. No, i didn’t like the new ones

37. When will the building be finished ?

(kapan saat bangunan akan selesai )
a. The architect has finished
b. The building has seven stories
c. The contractor says 3 months
38. I will forward this joke to your personal email address ?
( saya akan meneruskan lelucon ini ke alamat email pribadi anda )
a. James is the best person to ask
b. Thanks the country jokes at work
c. I thought it was really funny

39. Why isn’t the photocopier working ?

(mengapa mesin fotocopy itu tidak berfungsi )
a. We had our photos taken
b. The electricity is off
c. She copied my work

40. How large is your stuff ?

( seberapa besar barang – barang anda )
a. Yes we have too much stuff
b. My stuff was very efficiently
c. We have 12 people
Part III: halaman 144 (no 56-65)
Dialog no. 56-58 :

M : the kim wasn’t that this mornings meeting

W : no, he’s out of town till next week on a business trip
M : the meeting didn’t go well at all and started light and very few people showed up,
in fact out of 15 people on E7 chard
W : i hope things go better at next month’s meeting

56. Why wasn’t mr. Kim at the meeting ?

a. He is sick
b. He went downtown
c. He arrived too late
d. He is away on a trip
57. How many people were at the meeting ?
a. Two
b. Seven
c. Eleven
d. Fifteen

58. When is the next meeting ?

a. Tomorrow morning
b. In two days
c. Next week
d. Next month
Dialog (no. 59-61)

W : i’d like to open a savings account please, certainly just fill out this phone
M : you can do it now or bring it back later
W : i can do it now i’d like to use this $500 check for my initial deposit
M : great just sign it on the back and write the amount on the deposit slip
W : take a deposit slip now which one is that the pink one or the green one ?
M : sorry i should have mentioned that,the deposit slips always pink if you’re ever in
doubt just look at the bpttom left-hand corner of the slip that will tell you what type
of slip .

59. Where are the speakers ?

a. In a bank
b. In a store
c. In a doctor’s office
d. In an accountant’s office
60. How much money is the check for ?
a. $400
b. $500
c. $800
d. $900

61. What does the woman have to sign ?

a. A deposit slip
b. A letter
c. A check
d. A form
Dialog (no. 62-64)

M : we’re not driving to work and all this snow

W : you’re right it’s dangerous will take the rain
M : is today, Wednesday i have a conference call at 10 we have to hurry
W : will leave as soon as you finish eating the next train leaves in 25 minutes and that
should get us there in plenty of time.

62. What is the weather like ?

a. It’s snowing
b. It’s raining
c. It’s hot
d. It’s windy

63. How will the speakers get to work ?

a. By car
b. By train
c. By walking
d. By taxi
64. What does the man have to do at 10:00 ?
a. Attentd a meeting
b. Clean the conference room
c. Talk on the telephone
d. Get on the train

Dialog (no.65)
W : we’re all sold out of newspapers try the hotel across the street
M : oh that’s all right i’ll take this magazine instead before 50
W : do you want any candy or gum today ?
M : just the magazine is fine i need some reading material while i wait for my dentist
W : a magazines at the dentist ‘s are always at least a year old

65. Where is the hotel ?

a. On another street
b. To the left
c. Across the street
d. To the right

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