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Group 1:
Beverly Ramos
Edelene Avellaneda
Zia Dayrit
Ariane Calimlim
Ferdinand Magellan was born in
Portugal, circa 1480. As a boy, he
Who was Magellan? studied mapmaking and navigation.
By his mid-20s, he was sailing in
large fleets and was engaged in
combat. In August 10, 1519, with the
support of Holy Roman Emperor
Charles V, Magellan set out to find a
better route to the Spice Islands. He
assembled a fleet of ships which,
despite huge setbacks and
Magellan’s death, circumnavigated
the world in a single voyage.
Spain and Portugal were the two major seafaring super powers at that time,
agreed to these terms called the Treaty of Tordesillas.

Ferdinand Magellan was sponsored by Spain to travel west across the Atlantic
in search of East Indies. In doing so, his expedition became the first from
Europe to cross the Pacific Ocean and circumnavigate the world.

They have 5 ships (Victoria, Concepcion, Santo Antonio, Trinidad and Santiago
with 270 people on board.

With them were Antonio Pigafetta an italian scholar and explorer from the
republic of venice and Enrique of Malacca the slave of magellan and
Purpose Why
To find a westward route The spices found there
to Spice (Maluku) Island, which were used as
thereby proving they seasonings, food
belonged to Spain. preservatives and
aphrodisiacs were worth
many times their weight
in gold.
One of the most significant problems was to find a way to reach the Pacific

Sailing on the eastern side of South America, Magellan's expedition made

landfall at a place later known as Rio de Janeiro. Soon after, they reached
the edge of the known world.

As far down the coast of South America as any westerner had ever been,
Magellan was looking for a passage to the "South Sea." Thinking he was in
the right spot, he sailed into the River Plate estuary. It was a disaster,
causing a three-month delay.

Determined to keep sailing, Magellan still believed he would find a

passageway, linking the Atlantic to the as-yet-unnamed Pacific. Many of
his men disagreed the enormous effort was worth it.
Cold, hungry and no longer believing in their captain, some of the men
started a mutiny.
In October of 1520, he and his men
found a passageway - between Chile
and Tierra del Fuego - known today as
the Strait of Magellan.

A month later - on the 28th of

November, 1520 - Magellan's expedition
reached the Pacific Ocean. Because the
water seemed so calm, Magellan gave
the vast body of water a name which
means "peaceful sea."
Magellan's entire crew - on all three remaining ships - were devastated by
hunger, thirst and foreboding. Their food and water were contaminated,
and the men were reduced to eating rats. Still they sailed into the
unknown, until they finally saw land.

Magellan’s fleet then sailed on to the Philippine archipelago landing on the

island of Cebu, where Magellan befriended the locals and, struck with a
sudden religious zeal, he sought to convert them to Christianity. Magellan
was now closer than ever to reaching the Spice Islands, but when the Cebu
asked for his help in fighting their neighbors on the island of Mactan,
Magellan agreed. He assumed he would command a swift victory with his
superior European weapons, and against the advice of his men, Magellan
himself led the attack. The Mactanese fought fiercely, and Magellan fell
when he was shot with a poison arrow. He died on April 27, 1521.
Despite of Magellan’s death the voyage still needs to continue. After that
Enrique was never heard from again, and after the loss of yet another of
his fleet’s vessels, the two remaining ships (Trinidad and Victoria) led by
Juan Sebastian Elcano finally reached the Moluccas on November 5, 1521.
In the end, Trinidad was captured by Portuguese and only the Victoria
completed the voyage around the world and arrived back in Seville Spain,
in September 1522 with a heavy cargo of spices but with only 18 men from
the original crew.
Who do you think was the first
person to circumnavigate the
world, Juan Sebastian Elcano
or Enrique of Malacca?
Tell us what you think ;)
“History does not belong to us; we belong to
-Hans-Georg Gadamer

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