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Grade six 6
Grade six 6
What are Compound Words?
- are two words which are
put together to form a new
EXAMPLE: base + ball = baseball
arm + chair = armchair
Three types of compound words:
Closed compound words
are formed when two unique words are joined together.
Example: backyard, classroom, airport, friendship,
Open compound words
have a space between the words but when they are read together a new meaning is formed
Example: full moon, real estate, middle class,
Hypenated compound words
are compound words are connected by a hyphen (-).
Example: one-half, well-being, Mother-in-law
Tell whether the compound word is:
• closed compound word,
• open compound word,
• hyphenated compound word
Full moon
• closed compound word,
• open compound word,
• hyphenated compound word
• closed compound word,
• open compound word,
• hyphenated compound word
• closed compound word,
• open compound word,
• hyphenated compound word
• closed compound word,
• open compound word,
• hyphenated compound word
• closed compound word,
• open compound word,
• hyphenated compound word
• closed compound word,
• open compound word,
• hyphenated compound word
• closed compound word,
• open compound word,
• hyphenated compound word
• closed compound word,
• open compound word,
• hyphenated compound word
Post office
• closed compound word,
• open compound word,
• hyphenated compound word
Let us check!
Full moon
open compound word
closed compound word
closed compound word
Hyphenated compound word
closed compound word
Hyphenated compound word
Hyphenated compound word
closed compound word
Post office
open compound word
Fullmoon Well-being
Airfield Self-respect
Middle class Farewell
Friendship Post office
Grade six 6
1. Butcher 6. Agree
2. Rumor 7. Havoc
3. Bushy 8. Bankrupt
4. Rejoice 9. Plaque
5. Chorus 10. Chasm
What are Compound Words?
- are two words which are
put together to form a new
Three types of compound words:
Closed compound words
are formed when two unique words are joined together.
Example: backyard, classroom, airport, friendship,
Open compound words
have a space between the words but when they are read together a new meaning is formed
Example: full moon, real estate, middle class,
Hypenated compound words
are compound words are connected by a hyphen (-).
Example: one-half, well-being, Mother-in-law
What were the children doing in the picture?
What part of speech shows action?
Aspects of Verbs.
 is determined by whether the action is
ongoing or completed.
 It has four aspects, Simple Aspect (also
known as the indefinite aspect), Perfect
Aspect (also known as the complete aspect)
Progressive Aspect (also known as the
continuing aspect) and Perfect Progressive
Simple Aspect (also known as the indefinite
- no emphasis of completed or on-going action
Example: He took the photos.
Perfect Aspect (also known as the complete
- perfect aspect means action completed
Example: He had taken the photos by the
time the owner
Progressive Aspect (also known as the
continuing aspect)
- (progressive aspect means action is on going)
Example: He was taking the
photos when
the owner
Perfect Progressive Aspect
- (perfect progressive aspect - action on going
but then finished)
Examples: He had been taking
the photos
before the
owner arrived.
Identify what aspect
of verb is
used in each
of the sentences
Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

I went to my Grandmother’s House.

Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

Mario will be studying in Japan.

Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

We have seen the movie twice.

Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

Dan and I go fishing.

Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

I had been going too long to see him

but nothing happens .
Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

I will have to cleaned the room.

Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

The boy was carrying a heavy basket.

Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

I have been eating cookies.

Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

I will walk with the dog.

Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

I went to my Grandmother’s House.

Simple Aspect
Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

Mario will be studying in Japan.

Progressive Aspect
Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

We have seen the movie twice.

Perfect Aspect
Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

Dan and I go fishing.

Simple Aspect
Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

I had been going too long to see him

but nothing happens .

Perfect Progressive Aspect

Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

I will have to cleaned the room.

Perfect Aspect
Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

The boy was carrying a heavy basket.

Progressive Aspect
Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

I have been eating cookies.

Perfect Progressive Aspect

Simple, Perfect, Progressive or Perfect Progressive

I will walk with the dog.

Simple Aspect
How much score did you get?
Okay let’s review!
What is Verb Aspect?
It determines by whether the action is
ongoing or completed.
What are the four aspects of verbs?
Simple Aspect (also known as the indefinite aspect),
Perfect Aspect (also known as the complete aspect)
Progressive Aspect (also known as the continuing aspect) and
Perfect Progressive Aspect
Grade six 6
1. Chasm 6. Chorus
2. Havoc 7. Rumor
3. Bankrupt 8. Plaque
4. Rejoice 9. Bushy
5. Agree 10. Butcher
What is Verb Aspect?
It determines by whether
the action is ongoing or
What are the four aspects of verb?
Simple Aspect
-(also known as the indefinite aspect)
Perfect Aspect
-(also known as the complete aspect)
It uses have, has, had, will before the main verb
Progressive Aspect
-(also known as the continuing aspect)
It uses the “ing” form of the verb.
Perfect Progressive Aspect
-(action on going but then finished)
It follows both the Progressive and perfect aspects.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. ENCIRCLE the letter only.

1. Grapes ______ raisins if you dry them. A. have become B. are becoming c. become
2. Sandra is investigating a mystery. A. Progressive B. Simple
3. You are mastering grammar! A. Progressive B. Simple
4. The wombats ___ through the forest. A. have run B. were running c. ran
5. The magnet attracts the iron filings. A. Progressive B. Simple
6. My neighborhood ______. A. changing B. was changing c. will have changed
7. I ______ good today. A. feel B. will feel c. am feeling
8. Gabriela put her hands on her hips. A. Progressive B. Simple
9. Ingrid ______ her dog to fetch her slippers. A. has trained B. Trains c. is training
10. I ____ only a mango that morning. A. ate B. was eating c. had eaten
What are the four aspects of verb?
Simple Aspect
-(also known as the indefinite aspect)
Perfect Aspect
-(also known as the complete aspect)
It uses have, has, had, will before the main verb
Progressive Aspect
-(also known as the continuing aspect)
It uses the “ing” form of the verb.
Perfect Progressive Aspect
-(action on going but then finished)
It follows both the Progressive and perfect aspects.
Skill: Identifies the different Aspects of Verb.
Directions: Identify what aspect of the verb is used in the sentence.
Simple Aspect, Perfect Aspect, Progressive Aspect or Perfect Progressive Aspect

________ 1. I will go to the beach.

________ 2. The supervisor will be going to observe classes.
________ 3. I have been working with the educators for almost two years.
________ 4. The farmer went to the rice field.
________ 5. I had been writing novels for the youth.
________ 6. She took the photos.
________ 7. The choir will be performing tonight.
________ 8. I am going to report your bad behavior.
________ 9. My mother will cook sweet potatoes.
________ 10. I have written an excuse letter to my teacher

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