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There is no such thing as a 'natural'
disaster, only natural hazards.
Concept of DRR
 Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is the concept and practice of
reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyze
and reduce the causal factors of disasters. Reducing
exposure to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and
property, wise management of land and the environment,
and improving preparedness and early warning for adverse
events are all examples of disaster risk reduction.
Importance of DRR
 Disaster Risk Reduction aims to reduce the
damage caused by natural hazards like
earthquakes, floods, droughts and cyclones, through
an ethic of prevention. Disasters often follow natural
hazards. A disaster's severity depends on how much
impact a hazard has on society and the
Key Principles
Community-based DRRM for preparedness:
Emergency plan

Disaster/emergency planning for records and

information should be a planned approach for the
prevention of records and information
loss, preparedness and response to the
emergency events affecting records and
information, recovery of records and information,
and necessary processes and equipment for
business continuity following the event.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Early Warning Systems
 can be defined as a set of capacities needed to
generate and disseminate timely and
meaningful warning information of the possible
extreme events or disasters (e.g. floods, drought,
fire, earthquake and tsunamis) that threatens
people's lives.
Survival Kits and Materials
In case of a disaster, have 'go bag' ready.
According to the NDRRMC, the emergency survival kit should contain the following:

 first aid kit (medicines for fever, diarrhea, wound,  Rainboots

etc.)  raincoats
 flashlight  slippers
 tissue
 candles and matches
 sanitary supplies
 batteries
 rope
 whistle
 money
 portable radio  pen and paper
 drinking water in jugs, bottles  identification card with blood type and emergency
 special needs of children and older adults contact number
 ready to eat food (such as canned goods) that could  important documents (birth certificate, marriage
contract, land title)
last for two days
 waterproof case
 blanket
 Clothes

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