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is a mixture of sand, gravel, crushed rock, or other

aggregates held together in a rocklike mass with a
paste of cement and water.
Reinforced Concrete
In a reinforced concrete, reinforcing bars are embe
dded in the concrete in such a way that the tension
forces needed for moment equilibrium after the con
crete cracks can be developed in the bars.
Reinforced Concrete Design
A direct application of laws of statics and mechani
cs of materials to obtain a successful design not on
ly on design rules but is capable of being built in a t
imely fashion for a reasonable cost and should prov
ide a long service of life.

Advantages of Reinforced Concrete

2.Suitability of material for structural and
architectural functions
3.Fire Resistance
5.Low Maintenance
6.Availability of materials

Disadvantages of Reinforced Concrete

1.Low Tensile Strength
2.Forms and shoring
3.Relatively low strength per unit of weight or volume
4.Time dependent volume changes
Properties of Reinforced Concrete

1.Compressive strength 2.Modulus of Elasticity

Values ranges from Concrete has no clear-
3000-20000 psi cut modulus of elasticit
3.Poisson’s Ratio
Values ranges from 0.11 t0 0.21 with average val
ues of about 0.16


6.Tensile Strength
Varies from about 8% to 15% of its compressive
7.Shear Strength
Factors Affecting Concrete Compressive Strength

1. Water/cement ratio
Factors Affecting Concrete Compressive Strength

2. Type of cement 3.Supplementary ceme

ntitious materials.
Factors Affecting Concrete Compressive Strength

4. Aggregate

5. Mixing water

6. Moisture and temperature conditions during curing

7. Age of concrete.
Objectives of Design
3.Structural Adequacy
Limit States
When a structure or structural element become
s unfit for its intended use, it is said to have rea
ched a limit state.

1.Ultimate limit states involve a structural colla

pse of part or all of the structure.

2.Serviceability limit states are those condition

s that are not strength based but still may make
the structure unsuitable for its intended use.
There are three main reasons why safety factors, s
uch as load and resistance factors, are necessary i
n structural design:
1. Variability in strength
2. Variability in loadings

3. Consequences of failure
1. Allowable or Working Stress Design
Computed elastic stress in the material must not e
xceed the allowable stress. The moments or forces
are added together and the sums are multiplied by
a load combination.

Stress-Strain Diagram of Steel

2. Strength or Load and Resistance Factor Design
The design is based on factored loads and resistan
ces. The loads are amplified or reduced by load fac
tors depending on the type and sense of the load, w
hile the strengths are reduced by resistance factor
s less than or equal to unity.

3. Plastic Design / Limit Design / Capacity Design

Is a design process that considers the redistributio
n of moments as successive cross sections yield th
ereby forming plastic hinges that lead to a plastic

1. Balanced Design
A designed so proportioned that maximum stresses
of concrete and steel are reached simultaneously.
2. Underreinforced Design
A designed in which the amount of steel is lesser t
han what is needed in the balanced design. In this
design the steel fails first but failure is gradual wit
h the steel yielding.
3. Overreinforced Design
A designed in which the amount of steel is more th
an what is required in the balanced design. In this
design the concrete fails first in crushing and the s
teel will not yield before failure.
Two different types of problems arise in the study of reinforced con

1.Analysis. Given a cross section, concrete strength, reinforceme

nt size and location, and yield strength, compute the resistance or
strength. In analysis there should be one unique answer.

2.Design. Given a factored design moment, normally designated

as Mu ,select a suitable cross section, including dimensions, conc
rete strength, reinforcement, and so on. In design there are many
possible solutions.
Stress and Strain Compatibility and Section Equilibrium
Two requirements are satisfied throughout the flexural analysis
and design of reinforced concrete beams and columns:

1.Stress and strain compatibility. The stress at any point in

a member must correspond to the strain at that point. Except f
or short, deep beams, the distribution of strains over the depth
of the member is assumed to be linear.

2.Equilibrium. Internal forces must balance the external load


1. Plane sections remain plane before and after bending

2. Concrete is elastic, therefore the stresses varies from zero at neutral

axis to maximum at extreme fibers.

3. Concrete is not good in carrying tension so only steel bars are assu
med to carry all tensile stresses due to bending

4. Relationship between compressive stress distribution and concrete s

train may be assumed rectangular, trapezoidal, parabolic, or any other
form that results in prediction of strength in substantial agreement with
results of compressive tests.
Section 422.2.1.2
Section 420.2.2.1

Section 422.2.2.2
Section 422.

Section 422.2.2.3

Section 422.
Section 422.2.2.1
Section 422.2.2.2
Table 409.6.3.3
Section 409.3.3.1

Section 418.6.3.1
Table 420.
Section 406.5
Table 407.3.1.1 & Table 409.3.1.1

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