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Submitted by:

Ysham Aldin A. Kamid

10 – St. Stephen
Submitted to:
Salim A. Kamansa
Val. Ed Teacher
• Muslims
believe that
babies are
born innocent
and pure. 4

○ Aqiqah is the Islamic alternative to the
baby shower, which in many cultures is
held the child’s birth.
○ The aqiqah is a way for parents to
show gratefulness and thanks to Allah
for the blessings of a healthy child.

○ Two sheep for a boy and one sheep for girl.
○ Prefarably on the 7th, 14th or 21st day after the birth.
○ A single sacrifice cannot be shared between more
than one-new born.
○ One may eat of the sacrifice, feed people and give
away meat with no fixed amounts.
○ It is disliked to break the bones when sacrificing
and eating.
○ It is allowed but not obligatory to cook and invite to
a meal with it. 8
“ Is Aqiqah
for a child
The correct opinion is that the Aqiqah is a (Sunnah Muakkadah) confirmed Sunnah not an
obligation. According to Sunnah Aqiqah (slaughtering sheep) should be performed on the
seventh day after a child birth, if one can not do it on that day then he may perform it on the
fourteenth day or on the twenty-first day. This rule is based on the Hadith reported on the
authority of Buraidah who said, that the Prophet said: "Aqiqah should be performed on the
seventh day or on the fourteenth day or on twenty-first day after birth of a child". [al-
Baihaqi] If one can not slaughter sheep as Aqiqah in the above prescribed three times for
any reason he may slaughter it at any time convenient to him. If the parents or guardian of a
child did not make his Aqiqah then he himself can do it whenever he is able to do it. If the
guardian of a child is capable of slaughtering two sheep for a male child and one sheep for a
female child he should do so. If he can not slaughter two sheep for his baby boy then he
may slaughter one sheep on the seventh day. Then it is desirable to slaughter the other one
on fourteenth day or twenty-first day or he may slaughter it at any other time. We say this
because the Ahadith, which prove slaughtering two sheep, are stronger than those which
prove slaughtering one sheep, as explained by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim. Thereupon, we
conclude that it is better for one who had slaughtered one sheep for his baby boy10 to
slaughter another sheep any time.
Abu Talib performed Aqiqah for Muhammad on the seventh day of
his birth and invited members of his family for the occasion, who
asked "what is this?" to which he replied "Aqiqah for Ahmad". He
claimed to have named him Ahmad "because of the praises of the
inhabitants of the skies and the Earth for him."
Muhammad is said to have performed Aqiqah for both Hasan ibn
Ali and Husayn ibn Ali, his grandsons, on the seventh day of their
births respectively by sacrificing one sheep each; the leg of which
was given to the nurse that helped with the delivery. Anointing the
baby with the blood of the sacrificed animal for Aqiqah was a
common practice among Arab pagans and was therefore prohibited
in Islam. 12
The aqiqah is traditionally held on
the seventh day after the child's
birth, but it may also be postponed
until later (often the 7th, 14th, or
21st day after birth). If one cannot
afford the expense at the time of
the child's birth, it may even be
postponed longer, as long as it is
done prior to the child reaching
puberty. Some scholars even
advise adults to make
an aqiqah for themselves if the
celebration was not done earlier. 14
Actions for
the Baby
○ The first sound
to reach a baby's
ear should be
‘God is Great.’
Adhan and
After the baby is
cleaned and dressed.
Next the baby’s
father say some
special prayer Adhan
in the right ear and
Iqamah in the left ear.

○ Is the process chewing some food
(usually dates) Something sweet.
○ Ibn Hajar, “If one is not able to find a
dry date, then a fresh date should be
used, and if that is not available then
anything sweet.”
○ Gently placing / rubbing it against the
baby’s upper jaw or palate so that the
baby can suck, lick or chew on it.
○ Considered as Sunnah 19

the Head
(al - Halq)
○ Should be performed on the 7th day after the
sacrifice of the Aqiqah.
○ It applies to both males and females.

○ The weight of the hair in gold or silver should

be given in charity to the poor. 21

Naming the Child
(al - Tasmiya)
On the day of birth or up to 7 days after it.

a) The child may be called as follows: b) Names expressing servitude to others beside Allah
are prohibited. The following names are disliked:
○ Abdullah, Abdul Rahman or other
names expressing servitude to Allah ○ Names comprising ill-omen or having bad
○ Names of wicked people, or suggestive
○ After Prophet’s names as mentioned
in the Qur’an and Sunnah.
○ Names containing declaration of one’s piety
○ After the names of martyrs, with considerations.
Sahabahs, Sahabiyat, and other good
○ Yasaar, Rabaah, Najeeh and Aflah. 23


The performance of Aqiqah is highly encouraged. It is to be
performed by the parents or the guardians of the child.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his
companions used to perform Aqiqah when they were
bestowed with a newborn. There are many benefits in the
performance of Aqiqah. One is the announcing the birth of
the baby. Being bestowed a child is a great blessing from the
Creator. Another purpose is inviting family members,
neighbors, and friends to celebrate the blessed occasion. The
poor should be included in the celebration by offering them
food and meat served on this occasion. 27
Types of
Animals to be
The following is a hadith of the Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) where he
advised Aqiqah a goat/sheep.
Narrated Umm Kurz: The Prophet of Allah
(peace be upon him) said: Two sheep which
resemble each other are to be sacrificed for a
boy and one for a girl. (Sunan Abu Dawood
Book 15, No. 2830) 29
Condition of
the Animal
for Aqiqah
The condition of the animals in Aqiqah is the same as the
conditions for the animals in Qurbani. The animals to be
slaughtered must be a goats, cows or camels. For camels, it
must be older than 6 years, for cows the age must be older
than 3 years and for goats, it must be older than 2 years.
They must be free from any form of handicap such as blind,
sick, limp and undernourished. The animals must be
slaughtered in the appropriate humane ways.
Celebrate the birth of your newborn and share the joy with
your needy brothers and sisters through the Islamic Aid’s
Aqiqah Service. 31
The Islamic Aid Aqiqah Pack encompasses all these
aspects and includes: The sacrifice of one or two
Aqiqah animals (depending on sex “boy or a girl”)
distributed to the poor and needy, including
orphans and the elderly. The value equal to the
weight in silver of your child’s hair distributed to
the needy as sadaqah.* Aqiqah performed within 3
days. * £10 is given in Sadaqah. At the market price
of silver this easily covers the required value.33

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