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 People usually are not “good”

 How should bad behavior be contained?

 Philosophers believe that for self preservation, individual rights must be
incorporated under a leadership charged with maintaining order
 The reason why leaders lead and followers follow is self interest
 The traits that leader lacks or possess inform us how leadership was exercised
 For example- Greedy leaders crave more success and power
 Leader’s traits should not be overstressed.
 Other factors like situation and followers should also be considered

 It is permanent, fundamental and fixed.
 For example- Hitler was a “malignant narcissists” and hence was violent and brutal
in his relationships with people.
Individual Safety
 Bad leaders also fulfil our basic needs like safety, simplicity and certainty

Group Needs
 Bad leaders also prevent chaos, maintain unity and do the collective work
 Followers who knowingly follow a bad leader are themselves bad
 Associates of immoral leaders receive undue benefits
 Example- Germans in Nazi Germany were divided into 3 groups
a. Bystanders- People who followed Hitler because of self interest
b. Evildoers- They followed Hitler because they were sadists
c. Acolytes- They were genuine believers in Hitler’s political program
 Put followers’ needs before their own
 Display values such as courage and temperance
 Exercise leadership in the interest of the common good

 Take leader into account
 Engage leader and other followers for the benefit of everyone
 Demonstrate private values such as courage and temperance

The unethical leaders and followers do not have any of the above mentioned
Incompetent : Lack of practical intelligence, careless and sloppy behaviour

Intemperate : Lack of self-control. For e.g. an alcoholic leader not in his complete senses

Callous : Do not care about needs of most members of the group or organization

Corrupt : Bribes, evasion of taxes, lack of honesty

Insular : Do not really care about health and welfare of others

Evil : Misuse power to cause agony to people, commit atrocites

Rigid : Non-willingness to adapt to new ideas, lack of flexibility

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