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Quiz Bee


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Easy: 15 seconds
1. The heat from a lamp allows a lizard to remain
warm. This is an example of which type of heat
a. radiation
b. conduction
c. convection
d. insulation
Easy: 20 seconds
2, What is the definition of CONDUCTION?

a. When heat is transferred from objects like rays of

light or electromagnetically.
b. a hot liquid or air that expands, becomes less
dense, and rises or becomes more dense, and sinks.
c. When heat transfers from objects that are touching.
d. When heat transfers through the heater or AC in your
Easy: 20 seconds
3. What is the definition of CONVECTION?
a. When heat transfers through waves.
b. When heat transfers from objects that are
c. warm fluid rises; cool fluid sinks
d. Heat traveling from the sun
Easy: 15 seconds
4. What is the BEST example of a conductor?

a. A wooden block
b. A ceramic mug
c. A glass cup
d. A metal bowl
Easy: 15 seconds
5. The faster molecules move,
a. the higher the temperature
b. the less temperature
c. the same temperature
d. I don't know
Average: 30 seconds
6. How is temperature related to heat?
a. Temperature is a measure of the heat of an object.
b. Heat causes a change in the temperature of an
c. Raising the temperature causes the heat of an object
to increase.
d. Temperature and heat are two different ways to
measure the same thing
Average: 15 seconds
7. In which state of matter are molecules
moving the slowest?
a. solid
b. liquid
c. gas
d. all of the above
Average: 20 seconds

8. Which direction is heat flowing in the picture?

a. from the hand to the ice
b. from the ice to the hand
c. heat is not being transferred
d. there is no way to tell
Average: 15 seconds
9. The liquid inside the thermometers is ________?
a. alcohol
b. mercury
c. water
d. juice
Difficult: 10 seconds

True or False:
10. Body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit
Difficult: 20 seconds

11. What tool does this picture show?

a. Scale
b. Thermostat
c. Thermometer
d. Ruler
Difficult: 40 seconds

12. The figure shows a glass and bathtub full of water at the same
temperature. What statement describes the amount of heat in the
glass and bathtub?
a. The bathtub full of water has more heat than the glass of water.
b. The glass of water has more heat than the bathtub full of water.
c. The heat of both the glass and bathtub full of water is 33
d. The heat of both the glass and bathtub full of water is 66
Difficult: 60 minutes
13. Which heat transfer method gives trees the
energy it needs for photosynthesis?
a. Radiation
b. Conduction
c. Convection
d. Meltin
Difficult:40 seconds
14. What types of waves are used in the transfer of
thermal energy by radiation?
a. electromagnetic waves
b. sound waves
c. gamma waves
d. pressure waves
Difficult:40 seconds

15. If the atoms of an object are moving slow, the

object would feel?
a. Colder
b. Hotter
c. warm
d. Unknown

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