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​According to the cell
theory, living organisms
are composed of cells.
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State the three parts of the cell theory.

◎ The cell is the basic unit of life.

◎ All living things are composed of cells.

◎ Cells come from preexisting cells.

The cell is the basic unit of life*
"Basic" in this context means foundation or starting point; fundamental.

Cell = alive Subcellular Components = not alive

* ”Life” is an emergent property that arises at the level of the cell.

For more about emergent properties, see 1.1.U4.
Watch out for the common mistake of saying all things are made of cells,
without adding the word "living!"

All living things are composed of cells.

Is it alive* or was it once alive?
Then it is (or once was) made of cells!

Viruses are not Bacteria are living Fungus are living Animals are living Plants are living
living and they are and they are made and they are made and they are made and they are made
not made of cells. of cells. of cells. of cells. of cells.

* How do you know if something is alive?

There is general consensus around the functional characteristics of
life. 4
Cells come from preexisting cells.

Cells can only be formed

by division* of preexisting
cells. (1.5.U1)

Except at the
original origin of
life, cells do not
generate (1.5.NOS)

* Prokaryotic cells divide by binary fission (1.2.U3) while eukaryotic

cells can divide through fission, mitosis (1.6.U1) or meiosis (3.3.U1)!
Outline evidence that supports the cell theory.

◎ Repeated observations and experiments support the cell theory.

◎ We have never observed the cell theory not to be true.

○ Subcellular components have never been seen to perform the
functions of life whereas full cells have.
○ From the 17th century on, biologists examined tissues from both
plants and animals (later from fungi, bacteria and protists) and saw
that every specimen contained at least one or more cells.
○ We have observed cells coming from other cells, but never observed
spontaneous generation.

Outline evidence that supports the cell theory.
1663 1838
Robert Hooke Matthias
discovers cells Schleiden
realizes all
plants are 1855
made of Rudolf
cells Virchow
that all cells
come from
invents the
other cells

1839 Ernst Abbe
Theodore and Carl Zeiss
Schwann invent the
Anton von
realizes all modern
animals compound
are made microscope
organisms of cells 1935
The scanning
NOS: Developments in microscope
scientific research follow was invented.
improvements in technology 7
Compare the use of the word theory in
daily language and scientific language.

◎ In daily use: a theory is a guess, there is doubt.

◎ In scientific use: a theory has been shown to be true through repeated

observations and experiments. There is no current doubt*. As of yet, no
evidence has been collected that does not support the idea.

* This is not to suggest that theories should not be questioned (1.1.A1),

might not have exceptions (1.1.NOS1) and might not change with new
evidence and technological advancements (1.3.NOS2, D.1.NOS1,
5.4.NOS1 and 8.2.NOS1). 8
Compare the use of the word theory in
daily language and scientific language.

Compare the use of the word theory in
daily language and scientific language.

◎ Well substantiated= lots of evidence

◎ Explanation of the natural world = why natural things are they way they are

◎ Based on a body of facts = not opinion

◎ Repeatedly confirmed = shown over and over and over again

◎ Through observation and experiment = rigorous testing and use of the

scientific method

◎ Are not guesses = not a guess

Explore more...

◎ In addition to the Cell Theory, other named scientific theories within the
scope of the IB Biology course are:
○ Endosymbiosis (1.5.U3)
○ Hydrogen bonding (2.2.NOS1)
○ Semiconservative DNA replication (2.7.S2)
○ Natural selection (5.2.NOS1)
○ Chemiosmosis (8.2.NOS1)

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