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Healthy People
Shahjalal Hosssain
Dipto Saha Mehedi Hasan Islamul Huq (Bipul )

Asifur Rehman Irfan Tamim

Health & Hygiene
SECTION-51: Cleanliness
Every work place shall be kept clean and free from effluvia arising from any drain or other nuisance.
a)Every day cleaning.
b)Wash once in a week.
c)Effective means of drainage.
d)Painting or varnishing once in every three years. e)White
wash or colour wash once in every 14 months.
SECTION-52: Ventilation & Temperature.
1) Effective and suitable arrangement should be made for proper ventilation
2 ) P r oper tempera tur e sha ll be maintained in ever y wor k place
3)Wa ll and r oof sha ll be build in such a way to maintain
4 ) Prop e r measures to be taken to prevent temperature
5) Government may instruct to take appropriate measures.
SECTION-53: Dust & Fume.

1)Work place shall be maintained dust and fume free. Measures to be taken to protect workers
from dust and fume.
2)No internal combustion engine shall be operated unless the exhaust is conducted into open
SECTION-54: Disposal of waste & effluents.

Effective measure to be taken for the disposal of waste and effluents.

Provision for waste and effluent treatment plant

Arrangement as per the government rule

SECTION-55: Artificial Humidification.

If the humidity of the air is artificially increased the water used for this purpose shall be
taken from a public supply or other sources of drinking water or effectively purified
before use.
SECTION-56: Over crowding.

1)No work place shall be over crowded to an extend injurious to the health of
workers working in that place.

2)For each worker 9.5 Cubic Meter space should be provided.

SECTION-57: Lighting.

Work place and walkways shall be provided and maintained sufficient and suitable lighting,
natural, artificial or both.
SECTION-58: Drinking Water.

1)Effective arrangement shall be made to provide and maintain at a suitable point

sufficient supply of drinking water.
2)Provision shall be made cooling the drinking water during hot weather where at least
250 workers are employed.
3)Arrangement shall be made for oral and dehydration therapy for the workers working
near the engine producing high heat.
SECTION-59: Latrines & Urinals.
a)Sufficient latrines and urinals shall be provided at convenient place.
b)Latrines and urinals shall be provided separately for female workers.
c)These should be well lighted; make airy and constant supply of water shall be made.
d)These should be cleaned regularly with cleaners.
SECTION-60: Dustbin & spittoon.

1)To provide sufficient number of Dustbin and spittoon in proper places and keep
them clean.
2)Everybody should use those dustbins and
3)Notice for punishment for non-users should be
Stay Healthy

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