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Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban, Tobacco Advertising Ban,

and Protection Against Tobacco Industry Interference in Key School Districts

Scope of the Policy
• All DepEd officials
• All private elementary and secondary schools and respective
school heads and management (except where provisions are
applicable only to public officials)
• All pupils and students
• Visitors and other persons who are within the premises of
elementary and secondary schools and the DepEd offices
• DepEd and school activities held outside DepEd or school

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
In your respective group, ask each other to share among
yourselves all your current efforts (programs, projects,
activities) related to tobacco control. Write down these efforts
on the leaf-shaped meta-cards. Write only one unique effort
per meta-card.
Classify the tobacco control efforts you’ve written on
meta-cards according to which strategy they belong to, and
post them on the appropriate branches.

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
1. Information, education, and communication (IEC)
2. Cessation interventions
3. Collaborations, partnerships, and linkages
4. Capacity building of school officials, personnel and students
5. Monitoring and reporting

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 1: IEC
Information, Education, and Communication
• Awareness-raising activities involving students
• Education program integrated in the curriculum (Graphic
Health Warning-- GHW templates)
• Campaign activities
• Promoting DOH’s activities
• Inclusion of the DOH-CSC Joint Memorandum Circular-- JMC
No. 2010-01 in the meeting agenda
• Putting up of “smoke-free zone” signs
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 1: IEC
Information, Education, and Communication
• Awareness-raising activities involving students
• Education program integrated in the curriculum (Graphic
Health Warning-- GHW templates)
• Campaign activities
• Promoting DOH’s activities
• Inclusion of the DOH-CSC Joint Memorandum Circular-- JMC
No. 2010-01 in the meeting agenda
• Putting up of “smoke-free zone” signs
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 1: IEC
Information, Education, and Communication
• Awareness-raising activities involving students
• Education program integrated in the curriculum (Graphic
Health Warning-- GHW templates)
• Campaign activities
• Promoting DOH’s activities
• Inclusion of the DOH-CSC Joint Memorandum Circular-- JMC
No. 2010-01 in the meeting agenda
• Putting up of “smoke-free zone” signs
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 1: IEC
Information, Education, and Communication
• Awareness-raising activities involving students
• Education program integrated in the curriculum (Graphic
Health Warning-- GHW templates)
• Campaign activities
• Promoting DOH’s activities (e.g., Red Orchid Awards)
• Inclusion of the DOH-CSC Joint Memorandum Circular-- JMC
No. 2010-01 in the meeting agenda
• Putting up of “smoke-free zone” signs
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 1: IEC
Information, Education, and Communication
• Awareness-raising activities involving students
• Education program integrated in the curriculum (Graphic
Health Warning-- GHW templates)
• Campaign activities
• Promoting DOH’s activities (e.g., Red Orchid Awards)
• Inclusion of the DOH-CSC Joint Memorandum Circular-- JMC
No. 2010-01 in the meeting agenda
• Putting up of “smoke-free zone” signs
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 1: IEC
Information, Education, and Communication
• Awareness-raising activities involving students
• Education program integrated in the curriculum (Graphic
Health Warning-- GHW templates)
• Campaign activities
• Promoting DOH’s activities
• Inclusion of the DOH-CSC Joint Memorandum Circular-- JMC
No. 2010-01 in the meeting agenda
• Putting up of “smoke-free zone” signs
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 1: IEC
IEC Topics
• Harms of tobacco smoke • Protection against tobacco
• Harms of secondhand smoke industry interference measures
• Absolute smoking ban • Healthy lifestyles
• Access restrictions • Tobacco industry tactics
• Outdoor advertising ban (to glamorize smoking, and
• Sponsorship bans downplay and deny the addictive,
• Ban on promotional items harmful nature of tobacco products)
for minors • D.O. no. 48, s. 2016
• Sampling restrictions • DOH’s activities

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 1: IEC
IEC Audiences
• Students
• School personnel
• Parents
• Visitors in school grounds
• Retailers in the 100-meter perimeter
• Other stakeholders

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 2: Cessation
Cessation Interventions
Cessation Interventions refers to the treatment of tobacco
dependence which includes a range of techniques such as
motivation, advise and guidance, counseling, telephone and
internet support, and appropriate pharmaceutical aids all of
which aim to encourage and help tobacco users to stop using
tobacco and to avoid subsequent relapse.

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 2: Cessation
Cessation Interventions
• Make cessation intervention services, particularly brief
interventions, available and accessible to students and personnel
in need of such services
• The Department and all schools shall provide training to all
counselors and guidance teachers for brief cessation
• The Child Protection Committee shall develop a school-based
referral system for cessation interventions for children,
adolescents, and adults
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 3: Partnerships
Collaborations, Partnerships, and Linkages
Close coordination with other agencies, organizations, LGUs, and other
institutions for:
• Enforcing tobacco control policies, including identifying individuals, organizations,
and institutions that are using tobacco industry funds or representing the interests
of the industry
• Pushing for legislation on tobacco control through advocacy campaigns through
media and other venues
• Monitoring and reporting violations and ensuring that appropriate actions are
taken on violations
• Capacity-building
• Cessation services

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 3: Partnerships (cont’d)
Collaborations, Partnerships, and Linkages

Inclusion of a provision in all Memoranda of Agreement (MOA)

entered into with donors and partners stating full commitment of
all parties concerned to tobacco control implementation and
stipulating that said donor or partner does not represent the
interests of or receive funding from the tobacco industry

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 4: Capacity Building
Capacity Building of School Officials, Personnel and Students
• Capacity building to raise awareness of stakeholders on:
-the harms of smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke
-tobacco control policies
-the tobacco industry’s activities which serve to undermine tobacco control efforts
• Training of counselors and guidance teachers for brief cessation
interventions for children, adolescents, and adults

ROs and SDOs shall conduct training and capacity development for
program implementers
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,
Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Strategy 5: Monitoring/ Reporting
1. Monitoring and reporting of violations
Section V.F All schools, through the Child Protection Committee (CPC), shall monitor compliance with and
report violations of tobacco control policies [The seven “bans” contained in the D.O. and other local

2. Program Reporting (Monitoring of compliance to the

Department Order and submission of progress reports)
Section V.G.5.c All schools shall: Ensure implementation of this order and the local tobacco control
Section V.G.5.g All schools* shall: Submit progress reports as needed and an annual report no later than the
first week of December each year to the Division Office*

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Progress (Compliance) Violations
Section V.G.5.g All schools shall: Submit progress Section V.G.4.g DepEd Schools Division Offices (SDOs) shall:
reports as needed and an annual report no later than Consolidate reports on incidents and cases in all schools and
the first week of December each year to the Division submit a Schools Division Report to the Regional Director and
Office facilitate the referral of violation reports to the appropriate offices

Section V.G.4.h DepEd Schools Division Offices (SDOs) Section V.G.3.g DepEd Regional Offices (ROs) shall: Consolidate
shall: Submit progress reports as needed and an reports on incidents and cases of violations in the Region and
annual report consolidating yearly reports from schools submit a Regional Report to the BLSS, furnishing a copy to the
within its jurisdiction no later than the first week of Undersecretary for Legal and Legislative Affairs
December of each year to the RO
Section V.G.1.c The DepEd Central Office shall: Formulate a system
Section V.G.3.j DepEd Regional Offices (ROs) shall: of standard reporting, prescribe standards and procedures for
Submit an annual report consolidating the yearly monitoring and evaluation, and maintain the central repository of
reports from DOs within its jurisdiction, no later than regional reports on violations of tobacco control measures in
the first week of December each year to the CO-BLSS schools and DepEd DOs/ROs

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Program Reporting

• ..\MONITORING AND REPORTING\Progress-Report-Template_v2.docx

What violations shall be reported?
• Absolute smoking ban
• Access restrictions
• Outdoor advertising ban
• Sponsorship ban
• Ban on promotional items for minors
• Sampling restrictions or the prohibition on the distribution of samples of
tobacco products to minors
• Tobacco industry interference
• Other local tobacco control ordinances

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Why shall reporting be done?

Section V.F To achieve this, the CPC shall serve as the focal
group that will prepare compliance or violation reports and
collaborate with local government units (LGUs) and partners to
ensure that action is taken on violations.

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
To whom shall we report?

Section V.E.1.a The CPC shall: Identify, refer, and report to

the appropriate offices cases of non-compliance with
tobacco control policies

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
How shall reporting be done?
Section V.C.1 The Department shall coordinate closely with other agencies,
organizations, local government units (LGUs), and other institutions for: Enforcing the
ban on tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship (TAPS) and access
restrictions within the 100-meter perimeter of schools, particularly for monitoring and
reporting of violations

Section V.E.1.b The CPC shall: Coordinate closely with the DOH, LGUs, NGOs and other
partners as appropriate to report violations and ensure compliance on the absolute
smoking ban, access restrictions, ban on sponsorships, including so-called CSR of
tobacco companies, ban on promotional items for minors, outdoor advertising
restrictions, sampling restrictions, and other pertinent tobacco control policies and

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
How shall violations be addressed?
Section V.I Prohibitions. To address cases related to the [prohibited acts in the
Department Order], concerned school and DepEd authorities shall follow the Civil
Service Commission’s Guide for Resolving/Filing Cases of Tobacco Industry
Interference in the Bureaucracy

Section V.J Violations. DepEd Order No. 49, s.2006, or the Revised Rules of
Procedure in Administrative Cases, shall apply to all cases involving violations of
tobacco control policies in this Order, where the offense was committed by DepEd
personnel, without prejudice to the filing of criminal and civil actions under existing
laws, rules, and regulations.

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
What’s the flow of reporting?
Section V.G.4.g DepEd Schools Division Offices (SDOs) shall: Consolidate reports on
incidents and cases in all schools and submit a Schools Division Report to the Regional
Director and facilitate the referral of violation reports to the appropriate offices

Section V.G.3.g DepEd Regional Offices (ROs) shall: Consolidate reports on incidents and
cases of violations in the Region and submit a Regional Report to the BLSS, furnishing a
copy to the Undersecretary for Legal and Legislative Affairs

Section V.G.1.c The DepEd Central Office shall: Formulate a system of standard reporting,
prescribe standards and procedures for monitoring and evaluation, and maintain the
central repository of regional reports on violations of tobacco control measures in schools
and DepEd DOs/ROs

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
What standard shall we follow?

Section V.G.1.c The DepEd Central Office shall: Formulate a

system of standard reporting, prescribe standards and
procedures for monitoring and evaluation, and maintain the
central repository of regional reports on violations of tobacco
control measures in schools and DepEd DOs/ROs

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Reporting of Violations



Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Reporting of Violations Complaint
(Fill-up Complaint Form)

School Head/Principal

Child Protection Committee

Referral System Monitoring System

Consolidate reports on incidents and

Division Office cases of violations of all schools and
submit a Division Report to the
Regional Office

Consolidate reports of the Division
(barangay/city/munis) Regional Office Offices within the Region and submit
a Regional Report to the Director of
Who Who/ What Bureau of Learner Support Services
Students, Personnel Retailers/ Access
What Central Office Central repository of Regional

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Reporting of Violations
• All schools, through the Child Protection Committee (CPC),
shall monitor compliance with and report violations of
tobacco control policies

• The CPC shall prepare compliance or violation reports and

collaborate with local government units (LGUs) and partners
to ensure that action is taken on violations

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Handling Violations
• DepEd Order No. 49, s.2006, or the Revised Rules of Procedure in
Administrative Cases, shall apply to all cases involving violations of
tobacco control policies in this Order, where the offense was
committed by DepEd personnel, without prejudice to the filing of
criminal and civil actions under existing laws, rules, and regulations.

• To address cases related to the [prohibited acts in the Department

Order], concerned school and DepEd authorities shall follow the Civil
Service Commission’s Guide for Resolving/Filing Cases of Tobacco
Industry Interference in the Bureaucracy

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Program Reporting
• Progress reports as needed and an annual report no later than the
first week of December each year

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
• Central, Regional, and Division Offices: Funds allocated by the
Central Office

• Schools: Incorporated in the Work and Financial Plan (WFP)

and Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), with funding sourced
from the budget for school maintenance and other operating
expenses (MOOE)

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Overall In-charge
• Central Office
Focal person: National Program Coordinator
Overall in-charge: Bureau of Learner Support Services
• Regional Office
Focal person: Regional Director
Overall in-charge: Education Support Services Division

• Division Office
Focal person: Schools Division Superintendent
Overall in-charge: School Governance and Operations Division

• School: Child Protection Committee

Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban,

Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against Tobacco
Industry Interference in Key School Districts
Instituting Implementation Mechanisms to Enforce Smoking Ban, Tobacco Advertising Ban, and Protection Against
Tobacco Industry Interference in Key School Districts

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