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Ionic Bonding
•The formation of ionic bonds between metallic and non-
metallic elements
•The lattice structure of ionic compounds as a regular
arrangement of alternating positive and negative ions
The properties of ionic compounds
Covalent bonding
The electron arrangement in simple and more
complex covalent molecules
• The physical and chemical properties of covalent compounds
Atom – the smallest unit of matter “indivisible”


Stability of inert gases
Inert gases ( elements in group 18 or group
0)possess stable electronic configuration,
they do not release, accept or share electrons
with other elements. Thus, they exist as
monoatomic gases

Atoms of other elements have less than eight

valence electron tend to combine with other
elements to achieve stable octet arrangement
Electron Dot Structures
Symbols of atoms with dots to represent the valence-shell

1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18
H He:
      

Li Be B   C  N  O : F  :Ne :

    

      

Na Mg  Al  Si  P  S :Cl  :Ar :

    
Learning Check

A. X would be the electron dot formula for
1) Na 2) K 3) Al
B. X would be the electron dot formula

1) B 2) N 3) P
bond formed between
two ions by the
transfer of electrons
Learning Outcome
• Describe the formation of ionic bonds
between metallic and non-metallic

• Describe the lattice structure of ionic

compounds as a regular arrangement of
alternating positive and negative ions
Formation of Ions from Metals
 Ionic compounds result when metals react with
 Metals lose electrons to match the number of valence
electrons of their nearest noble gas
 Positive ions form when the number of electrons are
less than the number of protons
Group 1 metals  ion 1+
Group 2 metals  ion 2+
• Group 13 metals  ion 3+
Formation of Sodium Ion
Sodium atom Sodium ion
Na  – e  Na +

2-8-1 2-8 ( = Ne)

11 p+ 11 p+
11 e- 10 e-
0 1+
Formation of Magnesium Ion
Magnesium atom Magnesium ion

Mg  – 2e  Mg2+

2-8-2 2-8 (=Ne)

12 p+ 12 p+
12 e- 10 e-
0 2+
Some Typical Ions with Positive
Charges (Cations)
Group 1 Group 2 Group 13
H+ Mg2+ Al3+
Li+ Ca2+
Na+ Sr2+
K+ Ba2+
Learning Check

A. Number of valence electrons in aluminum

1) 1 e- 2) 2 e- 3) 3 e-

B. Change in electrons for octet

1) lose 3e- 2) gain 3 e- 3) gain 5 e-

C. Ionic charge of aluminum

1) 3- 2) 5- 3) 3+

A. Number of valence electrons in aluminum

3) 3 e-

B. Change in electrons for octet

1) lose 3e-

C. Ionic charge of aluminum

3) 3+
Learning Check

Give the ionic charge for each of the following:

A. 12 p+ and 10 e-
1) 0 2) 2+ 3) 2-
B. 50p+ and 46 e-
1) 2+ 2) 4+ 3) 4-
C. 15 p+ and 18e-
2) 3+ 2) 3- 3) 5-
Ions from Nonmetal Ions

In ionic compounds, nonmetals in 15, 16, and 17

gain electrons from metals

Nonmetal add electrons to achieve the octet


Nonmetal ionic charge:

3-, 2-, or 1-
Fluoride Ion
unpaired electron octet
  1-
:F + e : F:
 

2-7 2-8 (= Ne)

9 p+ 9 p+
9 e- 10 e-
0 1-
ionic charge
Ionic Bond
• Between atoms of metals and nonmetals with
very different electronegativity
• Bond formed by transfer of electrons
• Produce charged ions all states. Conductors
and have high melting point as they have
stronger electrostatic attraction between
positively charged and negatively charged ion
• Examples; NaCl, CaCl2, K2O
1). Ionic bond – electron from Na is transferred to Cl,
this causes a charge imbalance in each atom. The Na
becomes (Na+) and the Cl becomes (Cl-), charged
particles or ions.
How Elements Bond
More Gains and Losses
• Can elements lose
or gain more than
one electron?
• The element
magnesium, Mg,
in Group 2 has two
electrons in its
outer energy level.
• Magnesium can lose these two electrons and
achieve a completed energy level.
How Elements Bond
More Gains and Losses
• Some atoms, such as oxygen, need to gain
two electrons to achieve stability.
• The two electrons released by one
magnesium atom could be gained by a
single atom of oxygen.
• When this happens, magnesium oxide
(MgO) is formed.

Using the method shown on the last few slides, work

out the formula of all the ionic compounds that you can
make from combinations of the metals and non-metals
shown below:
1. Work in group of 2 (10 minutes for discussion)
2. Discuss the properties of metal and non metals chosen
3. Illustrate the formation of ionic bond

•Metals: Li Ca Na Mg Al K

•Non-Metals: F O N Br S Cl
Quiz 1

Element M is an element from group 13 and

element X is an element from Group 16 in
the Periodic Table. What is the formula of
the compound formed between M and X?
More Complicated Formulae

• When working out formula you simply treat the entire

group of atoms as though it were a single atom.
• The only difficulty is to do with how we write down the
final answer.
• For example, what is the formula of lithium nitrate?

1. Symbols: Li NO3-

2. Charge on ions 1+ 1-
3. Need more of neither
4. Ratio of ions 1 1
5. Formula LiNO3

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More Complicated Formulae

• What is the formula of magnesium nitrate?

1. Symbols: Mg NO3-

2. Charge on ions 2+ 1-
3. Need more of NO3-

4. Ratio of ions 1 2
5. Formula Mg(NO3)2

• The brackets around the NO3- ion show that the

2 refers to two complete NO3- ions.
• It represents a total of 2 nitrogens and 6 oxygens
with each magnesium ion.
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Write down how to work out the formula of
aluminium hydroxide.

1. Symbols: Al3+ OH-

2. Charge on ions 3+ 1-
3. Need more of OH-
4. Ratio of ions 1 3

5. Formula Al(OH)3

Again we need brackets as 3 complete OH- ions are needed meaning

that for each aluminium there are 3 oxygens and 3 hydrogens.

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Write down how to work out the formula of
aluminium sulphate.

1. Symbols: Al3+ SO42-

2. Charge on ions 3+ 2-

3. Need more of Need to get total

charge =6

4. Ratio of ions 2 3

5. Formula Al2(SO4)3

No brackets for Al as only one atom even though it’s 2 letters.

We do need brackets around the SO4 to show it is 3 complete sulphate ions.

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Properties of ionic compounds
1. Melting and boiling point- High
2. Volatility- Non- volatile
3. Solubility- Usually soluble in water
4. Electrical conductivity- conduct electricity in
molten state

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Your task
1. Copy and complete:
• Ionic compounds have ______________ melting
points and boiling points because of the strong
electrostatic forces of ______________ between
___________ charged ions in the giant
_____________. Ionic compounds will
____________ electricity when ____________ or in
_____________ because the ions are able to
_________ freely.
2. Why is seawater a better conductor of electricity than
water from a freshwater lake?

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bond formed by the
sharing of electrons
Learning outcome
•Describe the formation of single covalent bonds
in H2, Cl2, H2O, CH4, NH3 and HCl as the sharing
of pairs of electrons leading to the noble gas
Describe the electron arrangement in more
complex covalent molecules such as N2, C2H4,
CH3OH and CO2

• Describe the differences in volatility, solubility

and electrical conductivity between ionic and
covalent compounds
Covalent Bond
• Between nonmetallic elements of similar
• Formed by sharing electron pairs
• Stable non-ionizing particles, they are not
conductors at any state
• Examples; O2, CO2, C2H6, H2O
Small covalent structures

• Sometimes just a few atoms join together in

this way.
• This produces small covalent molecules –
often known as simple molecular structures.

a simple
covalent bonds

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Giant covalent structures

• Sometimes millions of atoms are joined

together by covalent bonds.
• This produces a rigid 3-D network called a
giant lattice.

a giant lattice

covalent bonds
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2. Covalent bonds- Two atoms share one or more pairs of outer-shell

Oxygen Atom Oxygen Atom

Oxygen Molecule (O2)

Covalent bonds

• Covalent compounds are held together by

this sharing of electrons.
• A pair of electrons shared in this way is
known as a covalent bond.
• It is sometimes represented in full bonding
diagrams (see figure 1). Often these bonds
are just shown as a pair of electrons (xx)
or even just a line (see figure 2).

Figure 1 Figure 2
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Covalent bonding in hydrogen chloride

Both hydrogen (1) and chlorine (2.8.7) needs 1 more

electron to attain a full outer shell.

H Cl

(1) (2,8,7)
H Cl

(2) (2,8,8)

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Covalent bonding in water

Hydrogen (1) needs 1 more electron but oxygen (2.6)

needs 2 more. Therefore, we need 2 hydrogens.



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• Hydrogen (1) needs 1 more electron.

• How many does nitrogen (2.5) need? 3

• How many hydrogens per 1 nitrogen? 3
• Draw bonding diagrams for ammonia.



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• Hydrogen (1) needs 1 more electron.

• How many does carbon (2.4) need? 4

• How many hydrogens per 1 carbon? 4
• Draw bonding diagrams for methane.




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• Copy the atoms below.
• Complete the diagram showing how each atom
can achieve full shells.



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Covalent bonding - multiple bonds

• Mostly electrons are shared as pairs.

• There are some compounds where they are shared in
fours or even sixes.
• This gives rise to single, double and triple covalent
• Again, each pair of electrons is often represented by a
single line when doing simple diagrams of molecules.

Cl-Cl O=O N=N

Single bond Double bond Triple bond

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Covalent bonding in oxygen

Oxygen (2.8.6) needs 2 more electrons to attain a

full electron shell.

4 electrons


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Nitrogen (2.8.5) needs 3 more electrons to attain a
full electron shell and forms a triple bond.
Draw a bonding diagram of nitrogen.

6 electrons


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Draw ‘dot and cross’ type bonding diagrams
for each of the following:
1. Hydrogen fluoride (HF)

2. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)

3. Ethane (C2H6 and the carbons are joined by a

single covalent bond)

4. Carbon dioxide (CO2 and the carbon oxygen

bonds are double bonds)


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Giant covalent structures

1. Carbon atoms form giant structures.

2. What is interesting is that there is more than one
possible arrangement for the atoms.
3. Although this does not affect the chemical properties
it can make a huge difference to the physical
properties such as hardness, slipperiness, melting
point and density.

Different arrangements of the same element

are called allotropes. C

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Giant covalent structures: diamond

Diamond Strong
• One form of carbon
is diamond. forces

• Each diamond
consists of millions
of carbon atoms
bonded into a single
giant structure.

• It is very hard.

carbon atoms

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Giant covalent structures: graphite

• A more common strong

form of carbon is Graphite covalent
graphite. bonds

• Millions of carbon
atoms are bonded
into a giant structure
but within this weak
structure the layers attraction
are only weakly

carbon atoms

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Giant covalent structures: sand

• Sand is an impure form

silicon atoms
of silicon dioxide.
oxygen atoms
• Although it is a
compound, it has a
giant covalent structure
with certain similarities
to diamond.

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More Complicated Formulae
• Ionic compounds may contain ions consisting of
groups of atoms rather than a single atom.
• Here are some more complicated ions you may
come across.

Ion Formula Charg Atoms present

nitrate NO - e
1- N O O O
sulphate SO42- 2- S O O O O

ammoniu NH4+ 1+ N H H H H

hydroxid OH- 1- O H

carbonat CO32- 2- C O O O

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Property Covalent compound

Simple molecule Gigantic molecule

High(due to
MP and BP Low forces of attraction)

Volatility Very volatile Non-volatile

Insoluble in water but Insoluble in both
soluble in organic water and organic
Solubility solvent solvent

Electrical Does not conduct electricity at any state

conductivity except Graphite (Giant molecule)
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Quiz 2

The proton numbers of atom J and atom Q are 15

and 17 respectively. Explain the type of bond
and the formula of the compound formed
between J and Q.

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Exit task Question

Explain clearly why carbon dioxide is a gas

whereas magnesium chloride is a solid at room
temperature. Which compound can conduct
electricity in liquid state? Explain your answer.

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Take home task
Graphite is the most stable allotrope of carbon.
Each carbon atom bonded to three other
carbon by covalent bonds. Explain why
graphite could conduct electricity by
comparing its structure with Diamond.

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bond found in
metals; holds metal
atoms together
very strongly
Metallic Bond
• Formed between atoms of metallic elements
• Electron cloud around atoms
• Good conductors at all states, lustrous, very
high melting points, malleable
• Examples; Na, Fe, Al, Au, Co
Ionic Bond, A Sea of Electrons
How can you tell if a bond is IONIC or
• Easy way:

All metals = metallic bond

Nonmetals and Metals = ionic bond
All nonmetals = covalent bond
• Remember:
• Covalent – Sharing an Electron
• Ionic – Opposite charges + / -
• Metallic – Many free floating electrons

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Bonding and physical properties

The type of structure that substances have

has a huge effect upon physical properties.
These are things such as:

• Density
• Conductivity
• Malleability/ brittleness
• Melting point

The next few slides illustrate just a few of the general pa

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Bonding and physical properties
• Ionic compounds are very brittle.

• Opposite charges attract, so

neighbouring ions are pulled together. + - +
- ++ - - +
• When something hits the substance a -+ - -+
+ -- ++ -
layer of ions will be pushed so that they -+ +- -+
are next to ions with the same charge.

Attraction becomes:

+ - + + - + repulsion!
- + - - + -
Blow + - +
+ - +

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Bonding and physical properties

• Metals are not brittle.

• The metal atoms are the same and

exist in simple structures.

• If something hits the substance, it

simply moves to the next layer along.


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Bonding and physical properties
• Covalent substances do not conduct electricity.

• This is because in covalent substances the outer

electrons are fixed (localised) between specific atoms.

• Metals conduct electricity.

• In metals the electrons can, given a potential, move

anywhere throughout the structure.

fixed in
H C C H covalent
free to move

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Bonding and physical properties
• Ionic substances do not conduct electricity
as solids.

• When molten or dissolved they will conduct

(and also undergo electrolysis).

• This is because the electricity is carried

through the solution by the ions which are
free to move when the ionic compound is
molten or in solution.

+ - +
+ + +
+ -- ++ - - +
-+ +- -+
Solid – not free to move Molten – mobile
Doesn’t conduct Does conduct

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Bonding and physical properties
• Generally substances with giant structures have high
melting points and boiling points.

• Small molecules have melting points and boiling

points that increase as the size of the molecule
In giant structures all
the atoms are tightly
bonded together.
Small molecules tend
Usually they are high
to be gas, liquid solids
melting-point solids.
with low melting points.

forces -+ - -+
+ -- ++ -
between -+ +- -+

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Which of the following will have covalent

A. Sodium chloride
B. Iron
C. Bronze
D. Nitrogen dioxide


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