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Environmental Effect
- Environmental degradation is a consequence of increased industrial
activity. Governments must balance issues of environmental protection with
those of economic growth. Reducing environmental damage while still
preserving growth has led to the growth in so called “green” technologies
and jobs.
- purchasing power of people is always affected in a community with a
contemporary issues such as migration ,fluctuation in the exchange rate
,oil price increases ,unemployment, and peace and order. Situations are
constantly changing, sometimes for the good, but oftentimes unfair
especially for the masses.
- Migration is a way to move from one place to another in order to
live and work movement of people from their home to another city, state or
country for a job ,shelter and employment opportunities are the most common
reason due to which people migrate.
- migrations is becoming a very important subject for the life of
cities. Many opportunities and attraction of big cities pull large numbers
of people to big cities.

• Unemployment is reduced and people get better job opportunities
• Migration helps in improving the quality of live of people
• Children get better opportunities foe higher education.
• The population density is reduced and true birth rate decrease.

• Migrations is one of the main causes of increasing nuclear family where
children grow up without a wider family circle.
• Children growing up in poverty have no access to p[roper nutrition,
education or health.
• Poverty makes them unable to live a normal and healthy life.
• Sometimes migrants are exploited.


- Currency fluctuations are a natural outcome of the
floating exchange rate system, which is the norm for most major
economies. Numerous fundamental and technical factors influence
the exchange rate of one currency compared to another. These
include relative supply and demand of two currencies ,economic
performance ,an outlook for inflation ,interest rate
differentials ,capital flows ,technical support and resistance
levels ,and so on. As these factors are generally in a state of
perpetual flux ,currency values fluctuate from one moment to
the next.
- Are generally though to increase inflation and reduce economic
growth. In terms of inflation ,oil prices directly affect the prices of
goods made with petroleum products. Oil prices indirectly affect costs such
as transportation ,manufacturing ,and heating. The increase in these costs
can turn affect the prices of a variety of goods and services ,as producers
may pass production costs on to consumer.
- can also stifle the growth of the economy through their effect on
the supply and demand for goods other than oil, increase in oil prices can
depress the supply of other goods because they increase the costs of
producing them.
- As a consumer ,you may already understand the microeconomic
implications of higher oil prices. When observing higher oil prices ,most
of us likely to think about prices of gasoline as well ,since gasoline
purchases are unnecessary for most household ,budget is likely to spent on
it ,which leaves less to spend on other good and services.
- The more severe the health consequences ,with increased depression
and other health issues worsening over time. In addition to the obvious loss
of income ,unemployed workers were found to have lost friends and self
-affects the unemployed individual and his family. Not only with
respect to income ,but also with respect to health and mortality.


Frictional unemployment- workers who are between jobs

Structural unemployment- economic changes make certain workers unnecessary
Cyclical unemployment- related to the swings of the business cycle
Seasonal unemployment- related to changes in whether ,economic demands, etc.
Technological unemployment- when low-skilled workers are replaced by
- The main responsibility of government is to establish
and maintain peace and order. For it is only under a regime of
peace and order that we can have true and effective governance.
On the contrary ,it is virtually impossible to accomplish
things in a situation of lawlessness and dis order.
- is still an elusive paradise as many of its underlying
causes remain insufficiently addressed. And for as long as
government is unable to eradicate the causes ,the destructive
effects of a breakdown in peace and order will continue to

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