Conic Sections: Ellipse

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The Ellipse

Analytic Geometry
Section 3.3
Definition of “ellipse”
• An ellipse is
the set of all
points in a
plane such
that the
distance from
two fixed
points (foci) on
the plane is a
Equation of a Circle

Standard Form
The position of the a2 (under
the x or y) tells you whether
or the horizontal or the vertical
axis is the major axis of the

General Form
• Center – the intersection of the major and
the minor axes
• Vertex (vertices) – the endpoints of the
major axis
• Co-vertex (co-vertices) – the endpoints of
the minor axis
• Focus (foci) – the two fixed points of an
• Latus rectum (latera recta) – a chord that
passes through a focus and is perpendicular
to the major axis
For an ellipse, the longest distance across the graph
is the major axis, with the endpoints of the major
axis called vertices. The segment perpendicular to
and bisecting the major axis (with its endpoints, co-
vertices, on the ellipse) is the minor axis, its
endpoints are called co-vertices.
Major axis

vertex vertex

Minor axis
• The two foci for this
ellipse are the two
points lying on the
horizontal axis that
appear to be a little
over 6 units from the
center of the ellipse.
The distance from the
center to a focus is
• The segments drawn
from the two foci to
the point (0,5) on the
ellipse are each 8
units in length. Their
total length is 16
units. This total
length is also the
length of the major
• Two more segments
are added, drawn
from the foci to the
point (2,4.84) on the
ellipse. Their lengths
are 9.556 and 6.434.
The sum of these
lengths is again 16
• The two latest
segments, drawn to
the point (7,-2.42) on
the ellipse, are 13.463
units and 2.537 units
in length, a sum of 16
• Use the Pythagorean
theorem to solve for
• A chord through a focus and
perpendicular to the major axis is
• The endpoints of the
called a latus rectum. two latus recti are
found using the
equivalence :
• When the equation of
the ellipse is
x2 y 2
 1
64 25
then c 2  64  25
 39
and c  6.24

So the endpoints of the latus recti are:

 6.24, 3.125
 
• How to get the length
of the latus recti:

So the length of the latus recti is:

6.25 units
• This ellipse has a
horizontal major axis
that is 23 units long.
• The minor axis of this
ellipse is 10 units

b  25, b  5

2b  10
• The major axis is the
vertical axis with
endpoints (0,13) and
(0,-13). The endpoints
of the major axis are
called the vertices.
The minor axis has
endpoints of (5,0) and
• The foci are found
c 2  a 2  b2
c 2  169  25  144
• so the values of c are
12 and -12. The
coordinates of the foci
are (0,12) and (0,-12).
• The endpoints of the
latus recti are:
Problem: Determining an equation

F F'
Finding the equation of the ellipse with foci at (8,0) and (-8,0) and a
vertex at (12,0).

• Since the center is on the origin, the ellipse will

be of the form:

x2 y 2
 2 1
a b

• The values of a and b need to be determined.

Finding the equation of the ellipse with foci at (8,0) and
(-8,0) and a vertex at (12,0).

• If the foci are at 8 and -8, then c = 8.

• Since a vertex is at (12,0), that means that
a = 12.
• Relating these values to the standard form for
an ellipse whose center is at the origin and
2 2
whose major axis is horizontal, x  y  1 ,
2 2
a b
and the equivalence c  a  b 2 2 2

applies. Solve for b2 to get the value of b.

In this case, b 2  a 2  c 2
b  a c
2 2 2

b 2  80, b  80  8.94
Finding the equation of the ellipse with foci at (8,0) and
(-8,0) and a vertex at (12,0).

• Since b 2  80, b  80  8.94

• The value of a is 12, and a2 is 144.
• The value of b is 80 and b2 is 80.
• So the equation of the ellipse is:
2 2
x 2
y 2 x y
•  2  1 or  1
a 2
b 144 80
Problem: Write the equation in standard form

• The general form of the equation is:

• After writing this in standard form, also find

the coordinates of the center, the ends of
the major and minor axes, the foci and the
ends of each latus rectum.

in standard form:

• First, group the terms with x’s and the

terms with y’s, and move the constant to
the other side of the equation.

• Now factor out the coefficient of each

squared term.

• Then complete the square for each

To finish the problem:
• Simplify the right side.

• Then divide each side by the number on

the right side.
The Ellipse

• Center:
• Major axis:
• Minor axis:
• Foci:
• Latus Rectum:
1. The Statuary Hall in the Capitol
Building in Washington, D.C. is a
whispering chamber. Its
dimensions are 46 feet wide by 96
feet long.
46 ft.

96 ft.
a. What is the standard form of the
equation of the ellipse
representing the outline of the
b. If two senators standing at the
foci of this room can hear each
others whisper, how far apart
are the senators?

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