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Siluh Nyoman Alit Nuryani, BoN, MN

 Admission refers to permission given to a

person to enter a place, or the act of
entering a place

 Customers/clientsrefer to an individual
purchasing goods and services
(Eunson 2008, p. 597)
 Only 4% of customers ever complain.
Others mostly simply go elsewhere
 Happy customers or customers who have
their complaints satisfactorily resolved
will tell 3 to 4 other people
 Poor customers service can have negative
consequences for the reputation of an
organisation, and eventually effect both
its short term and long term performance
(Eunson 2008, p. 607)
Eye contact
 Speak clearly
 Speak at, not down to the clients
 Don’t use jargon or language that is too
 Use questioning techniques to determine
clients needs and motivations
 Use languages that is neither too formal
or too informal such as love/darling, hi,
Building rapport
Gathering personal
Gathering medical
Writing notes in patient’s
Assessing patient needs
Hello, Mrs Kingston,
my name is……
 Good morning/good afternoon sir/madam
may I help you?
How can I help you?
Is there anything that I can do?
Welcome, Mr Anwar!
 Pardon me/ Excuse me sir/madam please have a
 I would like to ask you some question
 Have you ever been in hospital?
 Acknowledge the clients, if you can’t attend /see
them right away say, ‘hello, I’ll be with you in a
minute, thanks
 Identify your self
‘Hi my name is Ratna, how can I help
 Use active listening- don’t interrupt or
offer quick fixes, listen for what is not
said as well as what is said
 When was the last time you were
 Have you had any operation?
 Do you have any allergies with some
 Give non-verbal feedback such as head nods,
friendly grunts (hmm, anyway, by the way)
 Any way, could you tell me more about your
 Could you please tell us, what was happening?

 Establish eye contact

 Do you need some other services?
 Do you need to see a specialist doctor?
 Offer the clients procedures and what
are the things it should be done during
the patient admission
‘sorry sir/madam, could you please fill
out this form with the patient details

 Do not forget to say ‘ Thank You’ at the

 Ensurethe clients understand our
explanation by asking ‘ do you have any

 Ensure the clients that the nurse will always

there to assist them
‘ if there is anything that you want to ask/
you want me to do just let me know!’
 Ask the patients whether they have any
insurance to cover their hospital expenses
“ Do you have any health insurance?” or
“ Does your insurance will fully cover your

 Ensure the patients understand their rights

and responsibilities including consent

 Intonation patterns vary in different
languages. When you speak English, it is
important to use English patterns of
intonation because people will use your
intonation as clues to help them decide
whether they can relate to you or not……..
Practice your intonation!!
 Hi, I’m Samira. I’m one of the nurses here.
 If you don’t mind, I’d like to check some details on the
 I have your name listed as Mr Fischer, is that
 What would you like to be called while
you’re in hospital?
 Have you had a surgery before?
 What seems to make the problem worse?
 Tell me more about the pain.
 Are you allergic to any medicines?
 Are you taking any other medication?
 Is your general health good?
 Tip during interview!

 Usewords like OK, Right, That’s fine

To let the patient know you’ve understood
the information and are ready to go on.
A patient visit a 24 hour out patient clinic
 Ns Tina: Well come Mr. Brown, good evening
and please take a seat!
 Mr B : Thank you
 Ns Tina : Is there anything I can do for you
 Mr. B : I would like to see a doctor
 Ns Tina : Have you ever been to this clinic?
 Mr B : No, not at all, I heard this clinic
provide really satisfy services
 Ns Tina : well, thank you for your
appreciation. Could you please out this
patient’s details?
 Mr. B : Alright then, Does the doctor are here
 Ns Tina : yes, he is here, soon after you
finish to fill out this form, I’ll take you to
examination room
 Mr B; Thank you very much
 Ns tina : you’re well come
 Linen
 Medical record/patients’ files
 Hall/lounge
 Operating theatre
 Triage
 Medical students
 X-Ray
 Laboratory results
 Resuscitation
 oxygen
 Bedmaking
 Vital sign
 Blood pressure
 Pulse
 Respiration rate
 Nurse manager
 Nurse in charge
 Trolley
 Physicians
 Ward
 Lounge
 Waiting room
 Out patient
 In patient
 Surgical ward
 Medical ward
 Intensive care unit
 Loundry
 Nursing department
 ICU, NICU, Operating Theatre
 Billing, Insurance dept
 Radiology dept
 Laboratory dept
 Medical Gas, Engineering, Kitchen
 Registration, Admission counter
 Pharmacy
 Dialysis, maternity unit, Occupational unit
The words 'this', 'that', 'these', and 'those' are called demonstratives. They
tell us whether an object is close to you, or far away.

singular plural

this these

that Those
 Demonstratives relate a noun. We use a
different demonstrative depending on
whether the noun is singular or plural.
 If the noun is singular we use 'this' and 'that‘
ex : This is pen; that is my book

 If the noun is plural we use 'these' and

 Ex : Those houses, these dogs
 Every + Noun singular
 Each of & one of + noun plural
 Both, few, many several + noun plural
 All + noun plural
 All of + plural/singular
 Never treat customer as enemies
 Approach them as a friend
 Think of customers as guests, make them
 Acknowledge their presence within 30
 Smile, Make eye contact, say hello
 Talk to them within 3 minutes
 Offer product advice where appropriate
 Smile, always thank customers and invite
them back……
Thank you

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