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§ Submitted To § Submitted By
Prof. Sukti Abhishek
Chakraborthy Ekta

§ muality means focusing on the production of
increasingly better products and services at
progressively more competitive prices.
§ It is a sense of appreciation that something is better
than something else.
§ muality control include doing things right the first
time, rather than making and correcting mistakes.
§ i.e. doing thing right in organization on the first try to
avoid the high cost associated with rework.
§ To improving standards of goods without much
increases or no increase in the cost of production.
§ To assess the quality of rwa materials , semi- finished
goods and finishes product at various stages of
production process.
§ To reduce the wastage of raw materials, men, and
machines during the process of production.
§ To apply new techniques and methods in machines.

§ It is applied in two phases:
1. Statistical muality Control.
2. Inspection control.


* It is also known as statistical process control(SPC).
* It is a method of measuring an continously improving
work process befor final inspection of the product.
§ It is preventive as well as remedial.
§ This is based on the therory of sampling which implies
that the analysis of a few items out of the total
population can be used to understand the feature of
the enitre population.
§ It is uesd in the case of high volume product such as
Machines part, Ready- Made garmrnets etc.
§ It is further divided into two main parts.
Tolerance Limit
Tolerance limit is the variation in quality from the
standard specification which can b acceptable.
Measurement of quality
Measurement of quality is undertaken during the
operation itself so that if the machine starts producing
items beyond the tolerance limit, it is stopped
immediately in order to avoid further losses.

§ In this the quality manager seeks to determine the
acceptability of parts, products, or services.

§ It is applied at the stage of raw materials as well as at

the finished goods.

§ Inspection is made by comparing the quality of the

product to the standard.
m  › › › 
§ muality circle is a group of employees that meets
regularly to solve problems affecting its work area.
§ Six to Twelve volunteers from the same work area make
up the circle.
§ mc generally recommends solution for quality and
productivity problems.
§ mc is not the task force because it cab made a
permanent feature of the organization.
§ Contribution to the improvement and development of
the organization.
§ Respect humanity and built a happy workplace
worthwhile to work.
§ Display human capabilities fully and eventually draw
out infinites possibilities.
§ An approach which brings about participation as well
as teamwork.
^! m
§ Start-up Phase
§ Constitution of mC
§ Initial Problem Solving
§ Presentation and Approval of Suggestion
§ Implementation

§ The first thing is top be done in mC is to publicize the
concept of mC in the organization.
§ People should understand the implications of mC.
§ It is necessary because participation in mC is
§ Initial training to some personnel should be provieded
to operate mC.
§ Members are drwan voluntaryly.
§ Members are from the same work area or doing similar
type of work.
§ Remain permanent unless they leave the job.
§ The responsibilty of the management lies in carrying
out operational activites in smooth , effective and self
sustained manner.
Involves 3 stages :-
§ Data collection- carried on through past record,
contracting employees and self suggestion.
§ Data analysis- identifies basic reasons for a particular
§ Problem solving- involves participation of various

Final decision is taken

§ Presentation may be in oral form, project report,group
§ Help to improve communication b/w management
and workers.
§ Offers opportunity to recognize the mC memberǯs
§ This the final phase of mC.
§ Relevent groups may be assinge for the activties
depending upon the nature of suggestions.
§ Impementation can be undertaken directly at the work
§ Thus mc may be organized for the other departments.
§ TmM means that the organization's culture is defined
by and supports the constant attainment of customers
satisfaction through an integrated system of tools,
techniques and training. This involves the continuous
improvement of organization processes, resulting in
high quality products and services.
§ Continuous quality improvement at every level, at
every place, and at every stage.
§ Management involvement and leadership,
empowering staff, team work ,action research.
§ Every one in the organization is involved including
suppliers and customers.
§ èDo it right first time every timedz
§ Customer Ǯs satisfaction (internal and external).
§ Philosophy
§ Prevention of defects and not detection and then
§ Commitment ,participation, motivation, education
and training, organization development.
Advantages nique to TmM
§ It makes company a leader not follower.
§ It makes the company adopt more readily to change.
Benefits to customers
§ Better Customer care.
§ Greater satisfaction.
Benefits for the company
§ Better product quality.
§ Reduce quality cost.
§ Benefits to staff
§ More training and improvement in skills.
§ Reduce employee grievances.
u!   m
§ A System Approach

§ The Tools of TmM

§ A Focus on Customers

§ The Role Of Management

§ Employee Participation

§ èA series of functions and activities ǥ.. Within an
organization that work together for the aim of the
organization .dz
§ Parts of the system must work to support each other
§ When the parts of an organization do not support
other parts, then the organization cannot focus on
total quality management.
§ Benchmarking or comparing your products and
processes against the very best in the world.

The process of finding the best available product
features, processes and services and using them
as a standard for improving a company's
own product, processes, and services.
u  ›  

§ Acc. To FORD Estimation
§ Attarcting a new customer cost the company five times
more then remaining and old one.
§ The company shuold focus on the real needs of the
customers and the managers and workers shuold
concentrate there efforts where it really matter.
§ TmM implies that when there is a quality problem it
begins in rthe board room and in the offices of the
seniours ,managers,and other who do not take quality
seriously enough.
§ It is the every managers job to seek out and correct the
causes of failer rather than nearly identify failers aftger
they accure and affix blaim to some one.

§ It simply means leting employees to make decision at
all levels of the organization without asking for the
approval from managers.
§ When there is a chance to improve the job or the
systems of which a job is a part , people shoukld make
those improvement without asking for permission.
§ It relates for the best position to learn how to do the
job in the best and efficient way.

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