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SAP creates customer exits for specific programs, screens, and menus within standard
applications. These exits do not contain any functionality. Instead, the customer exits act as
hooks. You can hang your own add-on functionality onto these hooks.

Customer exits are nothing but a include in customer name space will be provided in the
function module which starts with CALL CUSTOMER. You can fill them with your own source
code. Technically this is an enhancement. User exits generally refer to SD module while
customer exits refer to all modules like MM, SD, PP, FICO etc.

Advantages of Customer Exits:

 They do not affect standard SAP source code .
 They do not affect software updates .
Disadvantages of Customer Exits:
 Customer exits are not available for all programs and screens found in the SAP
 You can only use customer exits if they already exist in the SAP System.

Types of Customer Exits

Function Module exits.
Screen exits.
Menu exits.
Field Exits
Function Module exits.
1. Function module exits are exits developed by SAP.
2. The exit is implemented as a call to a function module.
3. we are not writing the code directly in the function module, but in the include that is
implemented in the function module.

How to find the enhancement for the implementation

Go to the transaction where you want to enhancement
Select the filed Program name
Press F1 and click
Technical setting


Go to system
Then click on status

Find the program

Name and double
Click on it
Go to find and provide
Call customer-function
Select “in main Program”
Click ok
Click on the main program if
one popup comes and then
double click here
Double click on the customer-function no.

This is the
customer exit function module page

This is called enhancement

These are the
parameters from
which we will
decide the
include is useful
or not

This is the include provide by SAP for the customization.

Copy the include name for the enhancement implementation
Through project otherwise it will not wok properly.
Method 2

Go to the screen program

find the package name

Find the package name

Go to SMOD

Press execute button

This is the enhancement

Double click on it
And go to the function
module to verify, then copy the name by pressing Ctrl+y
1. Now you have the enhancement name.
2. Go to CMOD and then create a project.
3. Give the short text and click on “enhancement assignment
4. Give the enhancement name and press component.
5. If this enhancement is implemented in any other project
it will give a error with the implemented prog name.
6. Go to that enhancement  delete it or edit it or copy the
Code to the new project and then enhance accordingly.
This represent the enhancement is implement but not activate. We have to active it.
Before that go to the function module and check the code inside the include then
active the project.

Click once the code

is done then save it
and back

After double click the include

window will come and click on
the edit or change button and
then write the code as per the
customer requirement.
After all click Active and check the enhancement is working or not.
Before that close the transaction and reopen it.
Field Exits
1. Go to the field which name we want to change.
2. Press F1. and click technical settings. Note the data element name.
3. Go to CMOD

Give the data

element name
Change the field name and
save in the package.
Continue the step till
changes done

This message indicate that the changes is done.

Menu exit
 Menu exit is a slot provided by SAP for the adding new menu function in to the menu bar.
 If the slot is not provided by SAP then we can not add new menu item to the menu bar.

How to find the slot is present or not

 Go to the transaction page where you want to add the menu.

Go to system

Click in the GUI status

Maximize the menu and click on the menu icon to find the location where we can place our
menu exit.

This represent the space availability foe the

Menu exit .
After finding the availability -
Go to the required page. And find the package of that page.

After finding the package

Go to SMOD find give package name  find the enhancement name

Enhancement name

Decide by short description

Check which function
module is appropriate
After finding the enhancement name
Go to CMOD  create a project  give “short-text”  click “enhancement assignment”
 give the enhancement name  click “ components”

Click on Menu Exit and write

the what to be display on the
menu bar
Click on function Exit and go to the function module

Double click on the

include and there
write the
functional code .
Save active and back

Not activated

This indicate all things are created and only activation is remain.
Click the active button and the project is activated.
Back to the t-code page and check the changes.
Screen Exits
1. Go to the screen where we want to add the screen.
2. Press F1. and click technical settings. Click on program,.
3. Go to Goto  properties/ attribute
4. Note the package name.
5. Go to SMOD and find the enhancement by putting the package.

In the FS (functional
specification) it is mention that
which enhancement need to be
done(i.e name of enhancement).

You have to go through the

enhancement and check all table
and fields are there accordingly or

You can find by going short

description or google it or SCN .
Function for view
modules more

area , in
which Screen no.
screen we with
want to description
Once the enhancement name search completed the append the required structure to the
standard table, and save and active it.
After then

Go to CMOD  create a project  give “short-text”  click “enhancement assignment”

 give the enhancement name  click “ components”

Not Activated and

not implemented

Click here
Click for the
table data in
Edit area

Double click
and edit

Once the screen is ready then save and active

and click on flow logic.
It is the importing structure by
which we can send data to the
database table, for that we need
to again append the structure in
to this table .
Once the structure is created then save and active that and back,
Double click on include
User input data reponse

Entered Data to be store at STKO table

STKO address, Input by the user in screen level

Now go for the exporting to the
screen level

Go to the include
Table field data
Screen field data

Data will export to the screen from the database table

Click the active button and the project is activated.
Back to the t-code page and check the changes.

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