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“The greatest failure of a Christian is

when he did not understand his

purpose and calling!”
- jce
“Christianity is not just about
maintaining, it is also about
- jce
1 PETER 2:9-12 NIV

9But you are a chosen people, a royal

priesthood, a holy nation, a people
belonging to God, that you may declare
the praises of Him who called you out of
darkness into His wonderful light.
1 PETER 2:9-12 NIV

10Once you were not a people, but now

you are the people of God; once you

had not received mercy, but now you
have received mercy.
1 PETER 2:9-12 NIV

11Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens

and strangers in the world, to
abstain from sinful desires, which
war against your soul.
1 PETER 2:9-12 NIV

12Live such good lives among the

pagans that, though they, accuse you
of doing wrong, they may see your
good deeds and glorify God on the
day he visits us.
4 Identities of a Christian
If you fail to live and function
according to your identity, you fail
to live your life!
1. A Chosen People –
A Treasured Possession

“For thou art an holy people unto the

LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath
chosen thee to be a special people unto
himself, above all people that are upon
the face of the earth.”
You are chosen for a purpose!
You are chosen to be a part of His
plan of salvation and restoration
of God’s Kingdom!
2. A Royal Priesthood

“And you will be called priests of the

LORD, you will be named ministers of
our God. You will feed on the wealth
of nations, and in their riches you will

“But only you and your sons may

serve as priests in connection
with everything at the altar and
inside the curtain.

I am giving you the service of the

priesthood as a gift. Anyone else
who comes near the sanctuary
must be put to death.”
Therefore, we are Ministers of God
and His Church.
We are called and chosen NOT only to
become attendees of the church, we are
called to become Priests of Christ so that
we can serve Him through the church and
bring more people to God.
3. A Holy Nation

“You are to be holy to Me because

I, the LORD, am holy, and I have
set you apart from the nations to
be My own.”
Nation in greek is “Ethnos" where
we get the word “Ethnic"
“Nation" means a group of people
having the same language, culture,
beliefs and values.
One Language
One Faith
One Culture
We are the Church - a group of
people “called out by God” to
become the “salt and light of the
4. A People belonging to God
1 PETER 2:9-12 NIV

9But you are a chosen people, a royal

priesthood, a holy nation, a people
belonging to God, that you may declare
the praises of Him who called you out of
darkness into His wonderful light.
"We are not only chosen to fulfill a
purpose. We are called to be His own
and whatever happens, nothing and no
one can separate us from Him.”
1 PETER 2:9

“But you are a chosen race, a royal

priesthood, a consecrated nation, a
[special] people for God’s own
1 PETER 2:9

so that you may proclaim the

excellencies [the wonderful deeds and
virtues and perfections] of Him who
called you out of darkness into His
marvelous light.”
We must show the “wonderful
deeds, virtues, and perfections” of
Our lives must prove that Jesus is
alive and true.
1 PETER 2:9-12 NIV

11Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens

and strangers in the world, to
abstain from sinful desires, which
war against your soul.
1 PETER 2:9-12 NIV

12Live such good lives among the

pagans that, though they, accuse you
of doing wrong, they may see your
good deeds and glorify God on the
day he visits us.
You are not chosen to be just a
member but to be a disciple of
You are not called to just fill in the
church but to fulfill a purpose.
You are not chosen to join a
religion, but to join a group of
people who will reveal Jesus and
change the world!
You are not called just to attend a
church gathering but to do good
works so that the people will give
glory to God!

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