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Source-Free RLC

Lect # 07, 08, 09
The RLC Circuits:
RLC circuits contain both an inductor and a capacitor.

• These circuits have a wide range of applications, including oscillators and frequency

• They can also model automobile suspension systems, temperature controllers, airplane
responses, etc.

• They have various applications in filters , tuning and removing distortion factors.

• The response of RLC circuits with DC sources and switches will consist of the natural
response and the forced response:

v(t) = vf(t)+vn(t)
• The complete response must satisfy both the initial conditions and the “final conditions”
of the forced response
Source- Free RLC Circuits:
• We will first study the natural response of second-order circuit by studying a
source-free parallel RLC circuit

• Parallel RLC circuit:

• The second-order differential equation can be solved by assuming the form of a
solution. If the form of the solution is correct, then we can determine the unknown

• Assume a solution is of the form:

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