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“From the rich

experiences that our

senses bring, we
construct the ideas,
the concept, the
generalizations that
give meaning and
order to our lives.”
(Dale, 1969)
Purposeful because the experiences are not
purely mechanical. They are not a matter of
going through the motion. These are not
“mere sensory excitation.”

They are experiences that are internalized in

the sense that these experiences involve the
asking of questions that have significance in
the life of the person undergoing the direct
 Preparing meals
 Making a piece of
 Doing powerpoint
 Performing a
laboratory experiment
 Delivering a speech
 Taking a trip
 Give our students opportunities to learn by
 Immerse our students in the world of
 Make use of real things as instructional
materials as long as we can.
 Help in the development of five senses to the
full to heighten their sensitivity to the world.
 Guide students so that they can draw
meaning from their firsthand experiences and
elevate their level of thinking.
Direct Purposeful Experiences are first
hand experiences which serve as the
foundation of learning. In this level,
more senses are used in order to build
up the knowledge.

Learning happens through actual

hands-on experiences.
This level also proves that educational
technology is not limited to the
modern gadgets and software that are
commercially available nowadays. This
shows that even the simple opportunity
that you give to each child could help
them learn.

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