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What is the value of (-2+3(sq.rt. Of 3)i)

raised to 6?

a. 4906 c. 4906

b. 4096 d. 4507

How many liters of water must be added to 35 liters of
89% hydrochloric acid solution to reduce it’s strength to

a. 4.83 c. 7.33

b. 6.53 d. 5.34
In the proportion of four quantities, the first
and fourth terms are reffered to as the

a. means c. denominators

b. extremes d. numerators
Which of the following cannot be an
operation of matrices?

a. addition c. multiplication

b. subtraction d. division
Find the sum of all the numbers between 0
and 207 which are exactly divisible by 3?

a. 3456 c. 3487

b. 2890 d. 7245
The concept of spread of random
variable or a set of observations.

a. variance c. dispersion

b. standard deviation d. range

If x and y are distinct numbers such that 1979 + x = y
(squared) and 1979 + y = x (squared), what is the value
of –xy/4?

a. 494.5 c. 354.7

b. 349.5 d. 792.4
If x=2y and 3y=2z, then x:y:z=

a. 2:3:4 c. 4:2:3

b. 1:2:3 d. 3:2:4
If 6x2+36y+k=6(x+m)2, what is the
value of k?

a. 12 c. 9

b. 54 d. 36
A spherical storage tank is filled with liquid to a depth of 20cm. If
the internal diameter of the vessel is 30cm, determine the
number of liters of liquid in the container.

a. 15.24 c. 10.47

b. 12.30 d. 13.40
How far is the intersection of the lines 4x-
5y=26 and 3x+7y+2=0 from the origin?

a. sq rt (5) c. 2 sq rt (5)

b. 2 sq rt (10) d. sq rt (10)
Find the equation of the line that passes
through (2, -3) and has a slope of 5.

a. 5x + 3y = 13 c. 5x + y = -13

b. 5x - 3y = 13 d. 5x - y = 13
Find the sum of the first 12 terms of
the series 5, 9, 13, 17,...

a. 320 c. 300

b. 324 d. 120
Find the constant term in the
expression of (2x2 + 1/x)9

a. 648 c. 672

b. 682 d. 664
John started running at a speed of 10kph. Five minutes later,
Peter started running in the same direction and catches up with
john in 20 minutes. What is the speed of Peter in kph?

a. 17.5 c. 12.5

b. 15 d. 14.2
What is the modulus of the complex
number 3 + j4 ?

a. 5 c. 3

b. 53.13 d. 4
An engineer and his helper can do a certain job in 3 hours. On a given day,
they work together for 1 hour then the helper left and the engineer
finishes the rest of the work in 8 more hours. How long will it take for the
engineer to the job alone?

a. 12 hours c. 10 hours

b. 8 hours d. 15 hours
Find the sum of the first 7 terms of
the series ½, 1½, 4½, 13 ½.

a. 234 ½ c. 1708

b. 546 ½ d. 332
Which of the following regular
polygons has 27 diagonals?

a. nonagon c. hexagon

b. pentagon d. heptagon
The logarithm of the reciprocal of N is
called the __________ of N.

a. antilogarithm c. natural logarithm

b. cologarithm d. Briggsian logarithm

What is the mean proportional to 3
and 12?

a. 4 c. 6

b. 8 d. 5
Two aircrafts leave an airfield at the same time. One travels due north at
an average speed of 300km/hr and the other deu west at an average
speed of 220 km/hr. Calculate their distance apart after 4 hours.

a. 1488 km c. 2345 km

b. 1350 km d. 2103 km
The difference of the cubes of two positive numbers is
2402 and the cube of their difference is 8. find the
smaller number.

a. 21 c. 20

b. 19 d. 18
What is the degree if 3x4y + 2x4z3 -
4yz2 ?

a. 7th c. 5th

b. 4th d. 3rd
A positive integer which has no
perfect-square factor greater than 1.

a. Radical expression c. Square integer

b. Square integer d. Square-free integer

An integer the sum of all its possible divisors except the
number itself is greater than the integer is called

a. Abundant number

b. Defective number

c. Perfect number

d. Amicable number
At present maria’s age is 30% of his mother’s age.
Twenty years from now, maria’s age will be 58% of his
mother’s age. How old is maria’s mother?

a. 42 c. 38

b. 36 d. 30
In how many ways can a PSME chapter with 15 directors, choose
a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, and an
auditor, if no member can hold more than one position?

a. 15 c. 36060

b. 3003 d. 360360
Division of population or same into two groups based
either on measurable variables (e.g. Age under 18, age
over 180) or on attributes (e.g. Male female).

a. decomposition c. deviance

b. denomination d. dichotomy
Lita has ten bills in her wallet. She has a total of php 40.00. if she
has one more php 5 bill than php 10 bills, and two more php 1
bills than php 5 bills, how many php 10 bills does she have?

a. 4 c. 2

b. 3 d. 5
The sides of a right triangle have lengths
(x - y) and x, (x + y). Find the ratio of y/x.

a. 1/3 c. 1/2

b. 1/4 d. 1/7
Mario spent a quater of his life as a boy growing up, one-twelfth of his life
in college, one third of his life as university professor, one-fifth of his life
as director. He spent his last ten years as broker. How old was he when he

a. 75 c. 84

b. 60 d. 80
For a cubic equation, if the discriminant is
equal to zero, we produce
a. Three equal real roots

b. One real root and two conjugate complex roots

c. Three distinct real roots

d. Three real roots, of which two are equal

At what time between 4 and 5 o’çlock will the hands of
the clock be right angle for the first time?

a. 4:5.45 c. 4:6.42

b. 4:5.23 d. 4:7.62
Divide x4 - 10x2 - 9x - 20 by x - 4. what
is the remainder?

a. 50 c. 40

b. 45 d. 38
Solve the root of the given equation
sq rt (2x - 6) + sq rt (9 - x) = 0

a. 5 c. -5

b. 10 d. No solution
If x - 3 is a factor of kx3 - 6x2 + 2kx - 12.
solve for k.

a. 2 c. 1

b. 3 d. -2
A progression whose reciprocal forms
an arithmetic progression
a. Arithmetic means

b. Geometric progression

c. Harmonic means

d. Harmonic progression
The second power of the standard
deviation is called

a. mode c. variance

b. Central tendency d. dispersion

The most significant digit of the
number 0.2015 is

a. 0 c. 2

b. 1 d. 5
In the expression of (x + 4y)12, the
numerical coefficient of the 5th term is:

a. 63360 c. 506880

b. 126720 d. 253440
What is the lowest common factor of
10 and 32.

a. 320 c. 180

b. 2 d. 90
The difference of the squares of the digits of two digit positive number is
27. If the digits are reversed in order and the resulting number subtracted
from the original number, the difference is also 27. What is the original

a. 63 c. 48

b. 54 d. 73
A batch of concrete consisted of 200lbs fine aggregates, 350lbs coarse
aggregate, 94lbs cement, and 5 gallons of water. The specific gravity of
sand and gravel maybe taken as 2.65 and that of the cement as 3.10. How
much weight of cements is required to produced one cubic yard?

a. 765 lbs c. 675 lbs

b. 657 lbs d. 567 lbs

Ten liters of 25% salt solution and 15 liters of 35% salt solution
are poured into a drum originally containing 30 liters of 10% salt
solution. What is the percent concentration in the mixture?

a. 19.55% c. 27.05%

b. 22.15% d. 25.72%
A and B working together can finish painting a home in 6 days. A
working alone, can finish it in five days less than B. How long
would it take each of them to finish the work alone?

a. 10, 15 c. 20, 25

b. 15, 20 d. 5, 10
If a number is divided by one or more than itself, the result is one-fifth. If
a second number is divided by one more than itself, the answer is one-
fifth of the number itself. What is the product of the two numbers?

a. 1 c. 2

b. 10 d. 5
The simplest value of
[(n+1)!]2/ n(n-1)! is

a. n2 c. n+1

b. n(n+1) d. n(n+1)2
Determine the sum of the positive valued solution to
the simultaneous equations: xy = 15, yz = 35, zx = 21.

a. 15 c. 17

b. 13 d. 19
A woman went shopping for some canned goods which were on sale. She
bought three times as many cans of tomato sauce as cans of peaches and
two times as many cans of tuna as cans of peaches. If she purchased a
total of 24 cans, how many cans did she buy?

a. 4 c. 2

b. 3 d. 5
Find the equation whose roots are the reciprocals
of the roots of the equation 2x2 - 3x - 5 = 0.

a. 5x2+3x-2=0 c. 5x2+3x+2=0

b. 5x2-3x+2=0 d. 5x2-3x-2=0
On foot is equivalent to how many

a. 2 c. 4

b. 3 d. 5
John is 5 years older than Sunny. In 5 years, the product
of their ages is 1.5 times the product of their present
ages. How old is Sunny now?

a. 20 c. 10

b. 30 d. 45
The first non-zero digit from the left
of the number.

a. Whole number c. Tens digit

b. Leading digit d. Units digit

In algebra, the operation of the root
extraction is called

a. evolution c. revolution

b. involution d. indexing
In a comercial survey involving 1000 persons on brand preference, 120 were
found to prefer brand x only, 200 prefer brand y only, 150 prefer brand z only,
370 prefer either brand x or y but not z, 450 prefer brand y or z but not x, and
420 prefer either brand z or x but not y. How many persons have no brand
preference, satisfied with any 3 brands.

a. 230 c. 180

b. 280 d. 130
The number denoted as ‘’e’’ and
equal to 2.718... is called the

a. Einstein constant c. Fabonacci number

b. Euler’s number d. Fermat’s number

The factorial symbol (!) was
introduced in 1808 by

a. Christian Goldbach c. Christian Leatner

b. Christian Kramp d. Robert Hooke

Refers exclusively to equations with
integer solutions.
a. Determinate equations

b. Diophantine equations

c. Indeterminate equations

d. L’Hospital’s equations
Two angles are complementary and one angle
is four times the other. The smaller is:

a. 72 c. 65

b. 26 d. 18
The unending sequence of integers formed according
to the rule that each integer is the sum of the
preceeding two.

a. Fermat’s last c. Goldbach conjecture


b. Fabonacci numbers d. Triangular numbers

The process of reasoning wherein a final
conclusion is obtained by experimental method.

a. Mathematical deduction

b. Mathematical conversion

c. Mathematical opposition

d. Mathematical induction
Reversing the digits of Ann’s age give her mother’s age
with a difference of eighteen years. If the sum of the
digits of each age is 6, how old is Ann now?

a. 24 c. 36

b. 12 d. 18
How many minutes after 10:00 o’clock will the
hands of the clock be opposite each other?

a. 22.76 c. 21.81

b. 20.45 d. 21.48
Convergent series is a sequence of decreasing number
or when the suceeding term is __________ the
preceeding term.

a. Greater than c. Lesser than

b. Equal to d. None of the above

Convert 110112 to a decimal

a. 25 c. 30

b. 27 d. 82
Your father told you “I was your age now when you
were born”. If you are 21 years old today, how old is
your father?

a. 50 c. 48

b. 42 d. 44
Workers A, B and C can mow a lawn in 4, 6 and 7 hours,
respectively. What fraction of the yard can they mow in
1 hour if they work together?

a. 47/84 c. 84/47

b. 54/47 d. 40/47
Determine what term whose value is 22
in the given sequence: 2½, 4, 5½, 7...?

a. 10th term c. 15th term

b. 12th term d. 14th term

Dertermine the standard deviationfrom the
mean set of data { 35, 22, 25, 23, 28, 33, 30 }?

a. 4.6 c. 5.2

b. 4 d. 4.2
A statement of truth which is
admitted without proof.

a. axiom c. postulate

b. theorem d. corollary
Suppose that you have seven chains each consisting five links. If
a single chain of 35 links is to be formed by cutting and welding,
what is the fewest number of cuts that need to be made?

a. 7 c. 5

b. 6 d. 3
The value of tan(A+B), where tan A= 1/3
and tan B= ¼ (A and B are acute angle) is:

a. 7/11 c. 7/13

b. 1/11 d. 1/11
An equation in x and y which is not easily
solved for y in terms of x is called:

a. explicit c. discontinuity

b. Implicit function d. quadratic

How is a number in pascal’s triangle
a. By getting the product of the two numbers directly
above it.
b. By getting the sum of the two numbers directly
above it.
c. By getting the difference of the two numbers
directly above it.
d. By getting the mean of the two numbers directly
above it.
The operation of raising to the
integral power known as

a. evolution c. revolution

b. involution d. indexing
The boat travels downstream in 2/3 of the time as it does going
upstream. If the velocity of the river current is 8 kph, determine
the velocity of the boat in still water.

a. 40kph c. 50kph

b. 30kph d. 60kph
Each of the two or more numbers which is
multiplied together to form a product are called

a. terms c. dividends

b. expression d. factors
Of the degree of the numerator is one more than the
degree of the denominator, the quotient is a
__________ polynomial.

a. linear c. cubic

b. quadratic d. quartic
For every law of addition and subtraction, there is a
parallel law for multiplication and division, except
division by

a. Negative values c. ne

b. zero d. Positive values

Any number divided by infinity equals

a. 0 c. infinity

b. 1 d. indeterminate
The study of the properties of
positive integers is known as

a. Number of theory c. Set theory

b. Theory of equation d. Arithmetic

The logarithm of negative number is

a. imaginary c. real

b. irrational d. rational
The point of concurrency of the perpendicular
bisector of the sides of the triangle.

a. orthocenter c. centroid

b. circumcenter d. incenter
Which of the following cannot be a
base for a logarithm?

a. 10 c. 1

b. π d. e
The integral part of a common
logarithm is

a. 10 c. mantissa

b. e d. characteristics
A five-pointed star is also known as

a. pentagon c. pentagram

b. pentatron d. quintagram
If two or more lines have a single point
which lies on all of them, then they are

a. collinear c. concurrent

b. coplanar d. conjugate
The action of bringing one geometric figure
into coincidence with another is called

a. transposition c. superposition

b. translation d. projection
A line that intersect two or more lines
at distinct points.

a. Tangent line c. bisector

b. transversal d. median
An arc length equal to the radius of a

a. grad c. degree

b. radian d. mil
What is the largest measure (in
steradians) of a solid angle.

a. 2π c. 8π

b. 4π d. π
Steradians measure in space in analog of
__________ measured in the plane.

a. radians c. mils

b. degrees d. grads
The illumination receives from a light source varies inversely as the square
of the distance from the source and directly as its candle power. At what
distance from a 50-cp light would the illumation be one-half that received
at 20ft from a 40-cp light?

a. 10 sq rt of 10 c. 10 sq rt of 5

b. 5 sq rt of 10 d. 3 sq rt of 10
If 100g of radioactive disintegrates at a rate of 3% per
annum. How much substance left after 11 years.

a. 56.34g c. 71.53g

b. 32.45g d. 82.34g
The boat takes 2/3 as much time to travel downstream
than to travel upstream. If the rate of the water current
is 8 kph, what is the rate of the boat in still water?

a. 38kph c. 42kph

b. 40kph d. 45kph
Which is true regarding the signs of the natural
functions for angles between 90° and 180°?

a. The tangent is positive

b. The cosine is negative

c. The cotangent is positive

d. The sine is negative

An angular unit equivalent to 1/400 of the
circumference of a circle is called

a. mil c. radian

b. degree d. grad
Express 45° in mils

a. 80 c. 1600

b. 800 d. 2700
The arc length equal to the radius of
the circle is called

a. radian c. sector

b. Quarter sector d. semicircle

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