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• Supplementary gene interaction is defined as a pair of
independent dominant genes when together produce a new
trait that is not similar to either of the parents’ trait.
• The comb pattern in the poultry is a good example to explain
the supplementary gene interaction.
• The inheritence in comb structure is studied by Bateson and
• The Leghorn breed has a single type comb.
• The Brahma breed has pea type comb.
• The Wyandotte breed has rose type comb.
• All these are true breeding variety.
Interesting results of some crosses:
• When a rose comb variety was crossed with a single comb variety,
the F1 generation consisted birds of rose comb. Therefore, rose
comb is dominant over single comb. (Rose > single)
• When a pea comb variety was crossed with single comb variety, the
F1 generation consisted birds of pea comb. Therefore, pea comb is
dominant over single comb. (pea > single)
• When a single comb variety was crossed with single comb variety.
The F1 generartion consisted birds of single comb. Therefore, single
comb variety is a pure breed.
• When a pea comb variety was crossed with a rose comb variety,
the F1 generation consisted birds with a different type of comb,
neither pea nor rose but a comb which the called ‘walnut’. ( pea x
rose = walnut).
Crossing of 2 walnuts:
• When 2 walnuts from F1 generation was crossed, the F2 generation consisted
of 4 types of comb varieties, walnuts, rose, pea and single comb variety.
• This concluded that 2 pairs of genes were responsible for the comb pattern.
• The rose comb pattern is due to “RR”.
• The pea comb pattern is due to “PP”.
• The single comb pattern is due to “rr” and “pp” as single is a recessive form.
• The walnut comb pattern is due to interaction of the genes “R” and “P”.
• Therefore, the birds with rose comb variety has “RRpp” genes , the birds
with pea comb variety has “rrPP” genes, the birds with single comb variety
has “rrpp” genes, the birds with walnut has “RrPp” genes.
• A pure breed of rose variety was crossed with pea variety.
• When RRpp (rose) is crossed with rrPP (pea), the F1 generation result in
100% of RrPp (walnut).
• When RrPp (walnut) was crossed with RrPp (walnut), the F2 generation
results were as follows:
• Walnut comb: rose comb: pea comb: single comb
• 9 : 3 : 3 : 1

• The comb shape in poultry is a result of interaction of 2 pairs of dominant

genes. Each dominant gene expresses itself when alone but when 2 dominant
genes come together they result in a new trait.
• The 2 pairs of genes RR and PP are called supplementary genes and thry
supplement each othe in production of a new trait.

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