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Talahib or Saccharum

Spontaneum as an Alternative
Raw Material in Making Board

Andeza, James Louie F.

De Leon, Micah A.
Delos Reyes, Jasmin I.
> Talahib has the feasibility of producing and making boards because of its fibrous structure which
is also the same of the characteristics as needed in making paper.
> To make the board, the plant cells should be killed first. To kill plant cells, the Talahib should dry
under the sun. When the plant cells died, the only thing will remain will be the cell walls. Dead or
scorched grass
Statement have
of the brown on the tips, margins, or between the veins of the leaf.
> “World consumption of paper has grown 400 percent in the last 40 years. Now nearly 4 billion trees
or 35 percent of the total trees cut around the world are used in paper industries on every continent.”(Sam
Martin, 2011, It is a worldwide problem of having other raw materials that can
make wood - like supplies that can lessen the risk of extinction of trees and Global Warming issues.
Significance of the Study
> The main purpose of this study is to find an alternative raw material in making board. The product
produced from an alternative raw material specifically the Talahib or Saccharum spontaneum will be
beneficial to the following:
To the environment. The consuming of trees in our environment will be less.
To the consumer/user. This is much cheaper than buying commercial corkboard.
To farmers. The plants can now consume more nutrients from the soil becausethere will be less
Talahib grass who steals the nutrients from them. Because of this, the farmers will gain

healthier crops.

Picture 1. Blender Picture 2. Frame (11”x6”) Picture 3. Basin Picture 4. Wood Glue Picture 5. Dried Talahib

Picture 6. Scissors Picture 7. Measuring cups

Cut the dried talahib into smaller
First. cut the dried talahib into Cut the dried talahib into pieces.Pour some water on the basin
smaller pieces.Pour some water on smaller pieces.Pour some water on with talahib and soak it within 30
the basin with talahib and soak it the basin with talahib and soak it minutes.After that, Put 3 cups of
within 30 minutes.After that, Put 3 within 30 minutes.After that, Put 3 talahib on the blender. Put 1 and half
cups of talahib on the blender. Put cups of talahib on the blender. Put cup of water and grind it until it
1 and half cup of water and grind 1 and half cup of water and grind refined.
it until it refined. Finally, put it on it until it refined. Drain the refined talahib by the use
the frame and mold until it adopt Put 1 cup of wood glue on the of your hands. Put the refined talahib
on a basin then put 1 cup of wood
the shape of the frame. blender.
glue and mix it well by your hands.
(Repeat procedures until the frame (Repeat procedures until the Put the mixture (refined talahib and
is full of refined talahib). frame is full of refined Talahib). wood glue) on the frame and mold it
until it adopts the shape of the frame.
(Repeat procedures number 1-4 of this
set up until the frame is full of refined
Talahib with wood glue)
Table 1. Data Analysis
Trials Color Toughness Hardness/ Reaction in Reaction to Fire
Compactness Water
1 (using water
only as binder) Slightly Brown, Cannot carry at Talahib fiber are 2mins.01s(fibers The board is
Grayish Green least 1 kilogram easily separated are almost apart completely
from each other from each other) burned
2 (using mixed -nothing has
water and wood Brown Carries Compact enough to changed in the Only half of the
glue as binder) maximum weight carry weights appearance- board has burned
of 3 kilograms (Harder and more change in
compact than the durability
first product) (become softer)
3 (using wood -nothing has
glue only as Slightly Brown Carries The hardest and changed in the The board is
binder) maximum weight most compact than appearanceand slightly burned
of 5 kilograms. all of the products durability
Table 2. Cost Analysis
Trials Materials/ Costs
1 (using water ony as Frame (silkscreen) P10.00
binder) Scrap wood(frame) P0.00
Talahib P0.00
Water P0.00
Total: P10.00

2 (using mixed water Wood glue P40.00

and wood glue as Frame (silkscreen) P10.00
binder) Scrap wood(frame) P0.00
Talahib P0.00
Water P0.00
Total: P50.00
3 (using wood glue Wood glue P 40.00
only as binder) Frame (silkscreen) P10.00
Scrap wood P0.00
Talahib P0.00
Total: P50.00
The researchers therefore conclude that, Talahib or Saccharum spontaneum can
be an alternative raw material in making board but the quality of the boards made
from trees are still higher than those that are made from Talahib.


The following recommendations are for the next researchers that

would improve or develop this study:
Research for another material or process to make the product dry
Look for another method for the product to have smoother texture.
Find another binder that can harden or make the product more

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