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Ministry of Women and Child Development
(MWCD), has formulated a Centrally
Sponsored Scheme for setting up One Stop
Centre, a subscheme of Umbrella Scheme
for National Mission for Empowerment of
women including Indira Gandhi Mattritav
Sahyaog Yojana.
 BENEFECIARIES: women affected by violence,
both in private and public spaces. In case girls
under 18 year of age are referred to the Centre,
they will also be served in coordination with
authorities/ institutions established under the
Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
Act, 2000 and Protection of Children from Sexual
Offence Act, 2012.
 SERVICES: Medical assistance, Police assistance,
Psycho-social support/ counseling, Legal aid/
counseling, Shelter, Video Conferencing Facility
The budget speech (2017-18) of the Finance Minister announced setting
up of “Mahila Shakti Kendra” is meant to provide “one stop convergent
support services for empowering rural women with opportunities for skill
development, employment, digital literacy, health and nutrition”.

 BENEFECIARIES: The Scheme will provide an interface for rural

women to approach the government for availing their entitlements
and for empowering them through awareness generation, training and
capacity building.
 SERVICES: National level (domain based knowledge support) and
State level (State Resource Centre for Women) structures will provide
technical support to the respective governments on issues related to
women, the District and Block level Centres will provide support to
MSK and also give a foothold to women empowerment schemes
Government of India has launched Janani Shishu Suraksha
Karyakaram (JSSK) on 1st June, 2011.
The scheme is estimated to benefit more than 12 million
pregnant women who access Government health facilities
for their delivery. Moreover it will motivate those who still
choose to deliver at their homes to opt for institutional

BENIFICIARIES: Pregnant women sick newborns till 30 days

after birth.This has now been expanded to cover sick
 For women: Free and cashless delivery, Free C-Section,
Free drugs and consumables, Free diagnostics,Free diet
during stay in the health institutions, Free provision of
blood, Exemption from user charges, Free transport from
home to health institutions, Free transport between
facilities in case of referral, Free drop back from
Institutions to home after 48hrs stay
 For sick infants: Free treatment, Free drugs and
consumables, Free diagnostics, Free provision of blood,
Exemption from user charges, Free Transport from Home
to Health Institutions, Free Transport between facilities in
case of referral, Free drop Back from Institutions to home
Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana
 Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) is a
Maternity Benefit Programme that is implemented in all
the districts of the country in accordance with the
provision of the National Food Security Act, 2013.
 BENEFECIARIES: All Pregnant Women and Lactating
Mothers, excluding PW&LM who are in regular
employment with the Central Government or the State
Governments or PSUs or those who are in receipt of
similar benefits under any law for the time being in
 Cash incentive of Rs 5000 in three instalments i.e. first
instalment of Rs 1000/ - on early registration of pregnancy
at the Anganwadi Centre (AWC) / approved Health facility
as may be identified by the respective administering State /
UT, second instalment of Rs 2000/ - after six months of
pregnancy on receiving at least one ante-natal check-up
(ANC) and third instalment of Rs 2000/ - after child birth is
registered and the child has received the first cycle of BCG,
OPV, DPT and Hepatitis - B, or its equivalent/ substitute.
 The eligible beneficiaries would receive the incentive given
under the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) for Institutional
delivery and the incentive received under JSY would be
accounted towards maternity benefits so that on an average
a woman gets Rs 6000 / - .
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana
 The scheme was launched by Prime Minister Narendr
modi on 22 January 2015 as a part of the Beti Bachao
Beti Padhao campaign. The scheme currently provides
an interest rate of 8.1% (for October 2017 to December
2017 ) and tax benefits.
 BENEFECIARIES: Sukanya Samriddhi Account/Yojana is
a Small Savings Special deposit Scheme for girl child.
This scheme is specially designed for girl’s higher
education or marriage needs.
 The Government of India being concerned about the
difficulties faced by such working women, introduced a
scheme in 1972-73 of grant-in- aid for construction of
new/ expansion of existing buildings for providing hostel
facilities to working women in cities, smaller towns and
also in rural areas where employment opportunities for
women exis
 Working women, who may be single, widowed, divorced,
separated, married but whose husband or immediate family
does not reside in the same city/area. Particular preference
may be given to women from disadvantaged sections of the
society. There should be also provision for reservation
ofseats for physically challenged beneficiaries.
 Women who are under training for job provided the total
training period does not exceed one year. This is only on
the condition that there is vacancy available after
accommodating working women. The number of women
under training for job should not exceed 30% of the total
 Girls up to the age of 18 years and boys up to the age of 5
years, accompanying working mothers will be provided
accommodation, with their mothers. Working mothers may
also avail of the services of the Day Care Centre, as
provided under the scheme
Indira Gandhi National Widow
Pension Scheme (IGNWPS)
 Introduced in February 2009. This scheme is meant for
the widows in age group of 40-59 and which are living
below poverty line. In this scheme a cash assistance of
Rs. 300 per month is granted currently from central
fund, state also contribute.
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao
 The Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme was
launched on 22 January 2015 by Modi.] It aims to
address the issue of the declining child sex ratio image
(CSR) and is a national initiative jointly run by
the ministery of women and child deveopment, the
ministery of health and family welfare and the ministery
of human resource development . It initially focused
multi-sector action in 100 districts throughout the
country where there was a low CSR.
 Beneficiaries: All the girls upto 10 years of age are
eligible under this scheme. It is necessary to open bank
account in their name.
 Benefits:
 You would be able to open an account for your girl child
which will reduce your financial burden and the girl will get
the money for her small needs.
 The government provides the highest interest rate under the
BBBP scheme for all small savers. With it, you can save more
money for your daughter in the future.
 This account is exempted under the Act 1961 u / s 80C. The
girl’s account will be tax-free. This means that no money
shall be deducted from the account in the form of tax.
 After your daughter completes 21 years from the time of
opening the account the entire amount will be credited to her
account after adding all interest into it.
Janani Suraksha Yojana

 Janani Suraksha Yojana was launched in April 2005 by

modifying the National Maternity Benefit Scheme
(NMBS). The NMBS came into effect in August 1995 as
one of the components of the National Social Assistance
Programme (NSAP). The scheme was transferred from
the Ministry of Rural Development to the Department of
Health & Family Welfare during the year 2001-02.
 Beneficiaries: All pregnant women belonging to the
Below Poverty Line (BPL) households and ST category.
Under the JSY, eligible pregnant women are entitled for
cash assistance irrespective of the age of mother and
number of children for giving birth in a government or
accredited private health facility.
 Benefits: The NMBS provides for financial assistance of
Rs. 500/- per birth up to two live births to the pregnant
women who have attained 19 years of age and belong to
the below poverty line (BPL) households. When JSY was
launched the financial assistance of Rs. 500/-

 The earlier adolescent girls scheme has now been

modified as various baseline surveys clearly reveal that
the health, nutrition, education and social status of
adolescent girls are at sub-optimal level. It is well
recognized, that these programmes when provided,
could significantly improve the health and nutritional
status of women and children and promote the decision
making capabilities of women.
 Beneficiaries: all adolescent girls in the age group of 11-
18 years
 Benefits: Educational activities through non-formal &
functioned literacy pattern, Immunization, A general
health check up every six months, Treatment for minor
ailments, De worming, Prophylaxis measures against
anemia, goiter, vitamin deficiencies etc, Referral to
PHC/District Hospital in the case of acute need,
Convergence with Reproductive Child Health Scheme.
Scheme for out of school
Adolescent Girls (Sabla)
 The Government is implementing Rajiv Gandhi Scheme
for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG)–‘Sabla’,
a Centrally-sponsored scheme in 205 districts selected
from all the States/UTs.
 Beneficiaries: The scheme Sabla aims at empowering
Adolescent Girls (AGs) (11-18 years) through nutrition,
health care and life skills education.
o Benefits:
 The Nutrition component: The out of school AGs in the age
group of 11-14 years attending AWCs and all girls in the age
group of 14-18 years are provided Supplementary Nutrition
containing 600 calories, 18-20 grams of protein and
micronutrients, per day for 300 days in a year.
 The non-nutrition component addresses the developmental
needs of adolescent girls. Under this component out of school
adolescent girls of 11-18 years are being provided IFA
supplementation, health check-up & referral services, nutrition &
health education, ARSH counseling/guidance on family welfare,
life skill education, guidance on accessing public services and
vocational training (only 16-18 year old adolescent girls).
 It also aims towards mainstreaming out of school AGs into
formal/non formal education. Nearly 100 lakh adolescent girls
per annum are expected to be benefitted under the scheme.
Support to Training &
Employment Programme for
Women (STEP)
 The Support to Training & Employment Programme
for Women (STEP) scheme was launched as a Central
Sector Scheme in 1986-87. The scheme aims to make
a significant impact on women by upgrading skills for
employment on a self-sustainable basis and income
generation for marginalised and asset-less rural and urban
women especially those in SC/ST households and families
below poverty line.
 Beneficiaries: rural and urban women especially those in
SC/ST households and families below poverty line.
 Benefits: The scheme also provides for enabling support
services in the form of health checkups, child-care, legal &
health literacy, elementary education and gender
Women Empowerment and Livelihood
Programme in Mid-Gangetic Plains

 The Ministry Of Women and Child Development is

administering International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD) assisted pilot project namely
Women’s Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme in
the Mid Gangetic Plains in 13 blocks spread over 5
districts in Uttar Pradesh and 2 districts in Bihar.
 Beneficiaries: vulnerable groups of women and
adolescent girls
 Benefits: the focus of project is on livelihood
enhancement, the beneficiaries will be empowered to
address their, political, legal and health problem issues
through rigorous capacity building.
Swadhar (Scheme for Women
in Difficult Circumstances)
 Swadhar (Scheme for Women in Difficult
Circumstances) was launched by the Ministry during the
year 2001-02 for the benefit of women in difficult
 Beneficiaries:
 Widows deserted by their families and relatives, Women prisoners
released from jail and without family support;
 Women survivors of natural disaster who have been rendered
 Trafficked women/girls rescued or runaway from brothels;
 Women victims of terrorist/extremist violence who are without
any family support and without any economic means for survival;
 Mentally challenged women (except for the psychotic categories
who require care in specialised environment in mental hospitals)
who are without any support of family or relatives;
 Women with HIV/AIDS deserted by their family and without
social/economic support.
 Benefits: Primary need of shelter, food, clothing and
care to the marginalised women/girls living in difficult
circumstances who are without any social and economic
support, provide emotional support and counselling to
rehabilitate them socially and economically
through education, awareness etc., arrange for specific
clinical, legal and other support for women/girls in need;
and provide for help line or other facilities to such
women in distress.
Mission Indhradhanush
 Mission Indradhanush was launched by the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Government of India on
December 25, 2014. Between 2009-2013 immunization
coverage has increased from 61% to 65%, indicating
only 1% increase in coverage every year. To accelerate
the process of immunization by covering 5% and more
children every year, Indradhanush mission has been
adopted to achieve target of full coverage by 2020.
 Beneficiaries: Mission Indradhanush will ensure that all
children under the age of two years and pregnant
women are fully immunized with all available vaccines.
Integrated Scheme for Women’s
Empowerment (ISWE)
 The Integrated Scheme for Women’s
Empowerment is a pilot project for North East,
designed to address the socio-economic need of the
region for empowerment of women and development
of children.
 The committee identifies and adopts the most backward
districts of the State and also a Mother NGO having a
good track record, adequate infrastructure and
experience from the concerned area for implementation
of the project. Motivational camps are conducted in
identified areas in the States culminating into formation
of Community Based Groups (CBG). The
groups democratically decide the activity to be
undertaken by them.

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