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Presented By
Pacemakers is an electronic device used to pace
the heart when the normal conduction pathway is
damaged or diseased.
Components Of Pacemaker…

 Electrodes
 Power source
 Pulse generator
 Timing Control
 Output Driver
 Sensing Amp


Sense Timing Output

Amplifier Control Device

 Pacemaker Consists of Battery, a Computerized

generator and wires with sensors at their
tips(Called as Electrodes)..
 The Battery Powers the generator and both are
surrounded by a thin metal box. The wires
connect the generator to the heart.
A Pacemaker helps Monitor and Control the
heartbeat .
The Electrodes detect hearts electrical activity and
send data through the wires to the computer in the
If the heart rhythm is abnormal, the computer will
direct the generator to send electrical pulses to
heart. The pulses travel through the wires to reach
the heart.

 Internal Pacemaker (Permanent Pacemaker)

 External pacemaker (Temporary Pacemaker)

Types Of Permanent Pacemaker…
Pacemaker which need to be implanted for long time and
patient is suffering from a chronic pace generation problem.

1. Single-chamber pacemaker
In this type, only one pacing lead is placed into a
chamber of the heart ,either the atrium or the ventricle.
2. Dual-chamber pacemaker

 Wires are placed in two chambers of the heart.

 One lead paces the atrium and one paces the ventricle.
 Closely resembles the natural pacing of the heart.
3)Rate-responsive pacemaker

 It has sensors that direct changes in the patients physical

activity and automatically adjust the pacing rate to fulfill the
body’s metabolic needs.
Temporary pacemaker…
It is apply on patient for short duration externally.
It is one that has the power source outside the body.
Types Of Temporary Pacemaker…
 There are 3 types of temporary pacemaker.

 Transvenous invasive pacemaker(Endocardial)

 It Consists of lead or leads that are threaded tranvenously

to the right atrium and or right ventricle and attached to
external power source.
Transthoracic invasive pacing(Epicardial pacing)

 It is achieved by attaching an atrial and ventricle

and attached to epicardium during heart surgery.
The leads are passed through the chest wall and
attached to the external power source…
Transcutaneous pacemaker(Non-invasive pacing)

 It is used to provide adequate heart rate and rhythm

to the patient in and emergency situation.
1) This was underpinned by incidence rates which rose
with age, being highest in those 85years or older; over
500/1,00,000 for men throughout, and over 200/1lak
for women ..
2) Rates of insertion and prevalence of PPM continue to
rise with ageing population in WA.

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