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Advantages of DBMS over file

processing system.
Data redundancy: Data redundancy refers to the duplication of data, lets say we are managing the

data of a college where a student is enrolled for two courses, the same student details in such case
will be stored twice, which will take more storage than needed.

Data inconsistency: Data redundancy leads to data inconsistency, lets take the same

Data Isolation: Because data are scattered in various files, and files may be in different formats,

writing new application programs to retrieve the appropriate data is difficult.

●Data Security: Data should be secured from unauthorised access, for example a student in a college
should not be able to see the payroll details of the teachers, such kind of security constraints are
difficult to apply in file processing systems.

Easy access to data – Database systems manages data in such a way so that the data is easily

accessible with fast response times.

Easy recovery: Since database systems keeps the backup of data, it is easier to do a full recovery

of data in case of a failure.

Applications of DBMS
Railway Reservation System

●Database is required to keep record of ticket booking, train’s departure and arrival status. Also if
trains get late then people get to know it through database update.

Library Management System

●There are thousands of books in the library so it is very difficult to keep record of all the books in a
copy or register. So DBMS used to maintain all the information relate to book issue dates, name of
the book, author and availability of the book.


●We make thousands of transactions through banks daily and we can do this without going to the
bank. So how banking has become so easy that by sitting at home we can send or get money
through banks. That is all possible just because of DBMS that manages all the bank transactions.

Universities and colleges

Examinations are done online today and universities and colleges maintain all these records through

DBMS. Student’s registrations details, results, courses and grades all the information are stored in
Credit card transactions

●For purchase of credit cards and all the other transactions are made possible only by DBMS. A
credit card holder knows the importance of their information that all are secured through DBMS.

Social Media Sites

●We all are on social media websites to share our views and connect with our friends. Daily millions
of users signed up for these social media accounts like facebook, twitter, pinterest and Google plus.
But how all the information of users are stored and how we become able to connect to other people,
yes this all because DBMS.
Three level architechure of DBMS
● This architecture has three levels:
● 1. External level
● 2. Conceptual level
● 3. Internal level
Database Schema
●The database schema of a database system is its structure described in a formal language
supported by the database management system (DBMS).

●The term "schema" refers to the organization of data as a blueprint of how the database is
constructed (divided into database tables in the case of relational databases).

●The formal definition of a database schema is a set of formulas (sentences) called integrity
constraints imposed on a database.

●[citation needed] These integrity constraints ensure compatibility between parts of the schema. All
constraints are expressible in the same language.

● A database can be considered a structure in realization of the database language.

[1] The states of a created conceptual schema are transformed into an explicit mapping, the

database schema.

This describes how real-world entities are modeled in the database.

Difference between physical and logical data
Logical Data Independence

Ability to change the logical (conceptual) schema without changing the external schema(user view)

Modification is necessary whenever the logical structure of the database is altere

●It means we will be able to change the logical schema of the database without effecting the view

It is more difficult to achieve.

For example: Consider two users A & B, both are selecting the fields “employee_number”. If user B

adds new column “salary” to the same table, it will not affect the user view level.

Physical Data Independence

Ability to change the physical schema without changing the logical schema

Modification are rarely done, as it is done to improve the performance of the database

It means we will be able change the physical storage without affecting the logical level or view level.

It is relatively easy to achieve.

●For example: Changing the storage drive of the data base form “C” drive to “D” drive will not affect
the conceptual and view level as the new changes are absorbed by the mapping technique.
● Structure of DBMS:
Duties of Database administrator
● He is responsible for managing, securing and taking care of the database system.

●A Database Administrator is a person or a group of person who are responsible for managing all the
activities related to database system. This job requires a high level of expertise by a person or group
of person. There are very rare chances that only a single person can manage all the database
system activities so companies always have a group of people who take care of database system.

Duties of DBA:

Deciding the hardware device

Managing Data Integrity

Decides Data Recovery and Back up method

● Tuning Database Performance

Capacity Issues

Database design

Different types of DBS users
Application Programmers

●As its name shows, application programmers are the one who writes application programs that uses
the database. These application programs are written in programming languages like COBOL or PL
(Programming Language 1), Java and fourth generation language.

End Users

End users are those who access the database from the terminal end. They use the developed

applications and they don’t have any knowledge about the design and working of database. These
are the second class of users and their main motto is just to get their task done.

Casual User

●These users have great knowledge of query language. Casual users access data by entering
different queries from the terminal end. They do not write programs but they can interact with the
system by writing queries.


●Any user who does not have any knowledge about database can be in this category. There task is to
just use the developed application and get the desired results.
Database Model: It determines the logical structure of a database and fundamentally determines in

which manner data can be stored, organized and manipulated.

1. Hierarchical databases.

2. Network databases.

3. Relational databases.

4. Object-oriented databases.

1. Hierarchical databases

●It is one of the oldest database model developed by IBM for information Management System. In a
hierarchical database model, the data is organized into a tree-like structure. In simple language we
can say that it is a set of organized data in tree structure.

2. Network databases

●This is looks like a Hierarchical database model due to which many time it is called as modified
version of Hierarchical database. Network database model organised data more like a graph and can
have more than one parent node.
3. Relational Database

●A relational database is developed by E. F. Codd in 1970. The various software systems used to
maintain relational databases are known as a relational database management system (RDBMS). In
this model, data is organised in rows and column structure i.e., two-dimensional tables and the
relationship is maintained by storing a common field. It consists of three major components.

4. Object-oriented databases

An object database is a system in which information is represented in the form of objects as used in

object-oriented programming. Object oriented databases are different from relational databases
which are table-oriented. The object-oriented data model is based on the object-oriented-
programming language concept, which is now in wide use.
● ER diagram of library management system:
Weak entity set
n a relational database, a weak entity is an entity that cannot be uniquely identified by its attributes

alone; therefore, it must use a foreign key in conjunction with its attributes to create a primary key.
The foreign key is typically a primary key of an entity it is related to.

●In entity relationship diagrams (ER diagrams), a weak entity set is indicated by a bold (or double-
lined) rectangle (the entity) connected by a bold (or double-lined) type arrow to a bold (or double-
lined) diamond (the relationship). This type of relationship is called an identifying relationship and in
IDEF1X notation it is represented by an oval entity rather than a square entity for base tables. An
identifying relationship is one where the primary key is populated to the child weak entity as a
primary key in that entity.

●A classic example of a weak entity without a sub-type relationship would be the "header/detail'
records in many real world situations such as claims, orders and invoices, where the header
captures information common across all forms and the detail captures information specific to
individual items.
Strong entity set

A strong entity set is an entity set that contains sufficient attributes to uniquely identify all its entities.

In other words, a primary key exists for a strong entity set.

Primary key of a strong entity set is represented by underlining it.

The Strong entity has a primary key.

The Strong entity is independent of any other entity in a schema.

Strong entity is denoted by a single rectangle.

The relation between two strong entities is denoted by a single diamond simply called relationship.

Strong entity may or may not have total participation in the relationship.

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