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Vocational discernment is the process in
which men or women in the Catholic
Church discern, or recognize, their
vocation in the church. The vocations are
the life as layman in the world, either
married or single, the ordained life and
the consecrated life.
By entering priesthood, you make a commitment to
God to preach the words of him and his only son.
Only men can go into priesthood. Women cannot
become priests, they may only become nuns, but
this is not a part of priesthood. Men who honor the
priesthood can be authorized to preach the gospel,
perform sacraments, administer ordinances of
salvation, and lead the Church. By entering
priesthood, one man will enter religious life.
Priesly Vocation
How do I know God is calling me?
If you have ever thought about being a priest, these
qualities may be clues to a future priestly vocation:
1. God has placed in
your heart a desire to be
a priest.
2. You have a deep love
for Christ and His
3. Other people have
mentioned that you
would be a good priest.
4. You desire to live a life
of virtue and prayer.
5. You want to help
others grow closer to
Religious Life:
Religious life is a commitment to God.
Religious life doesn't only mean becoming a
priest, an individual may also become a Nun,
Brother, Sister, or Bishop. This means, they are
not as significant as priests (due to the rights
and authorizations), nuns, brothers and sisters
can contribute to lives of all people to share
experiences and advice.
A married person lives a vow of faithful love
to a spouse through the sacrament of
marriage. Husbands and wives share a self-
giving, love-giving and life-giving relationship
with their spouse, and are committed to
helping their spouse grow to human and
Christian maturity.
Single Life:
Single life is the lifestyle chosen by an
individual if they do not wish to be married, or
become a religious leader. This choice is
determined by religious belief, careers, and
love desires.
If one chooses to enter single life, this doesn't
mean they can never get married. Young
singles may think about marriage after they
have finished their education, or wait after
they have traveled, or after a main event in
their life the wish to get out of the way.

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