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Homologues Group Meeting

European Union Republika Slovenija

Slovenia, October 2009

EC rules on state aid

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Principal Administrator DG
DG Competition

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

1. Why state aid control?
2. What is a state aid?
3. Can the measure be authorized?
4. State aid procedures
5. Conclusion

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

Why state aid control?

State aid control aims at

- avoiding a subsidy race
- ensuring proper functioning of the Internal market
- facilitating a competitive European Industry
- being element of cohesion

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

Notion of state aid

• What is state aid?
• Art. 87 (1) of the Treaty:
• Aid granted by a Member State or through state
• Advantage to the « beneficiary favouring »
• Selectivity: « certain undertakings or the
production of certain goods »
• Effect on trade between Member States
• Distortion or risk of distortion of competition
Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

State ressources
• Granted by a Member State or through State
– « Member State » includes central government,
regions, communities
– « Through state ressources » refers to public or private
bodies established or appointed by the Member State
to administer aid
– Discussion on whether Structural Funds support can be
seen as state ressources.
Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

State ressources
• They include :
- direct capital transfers
- guarantees
- Income foregone, e.g. tax breaks, assets sold
below market price
- funds under control and disposal of the State,
e.g. parafiscal taxes, yield of national lottery

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

• Transfer of ressources or relief from charges
which a company normally has to bear
• Advantage for free or without adequate
• Exceptions:
market investor principle
private creditor principle
compensation for SGEI (Services of general economic interest)

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

Market economy investor principle (MEIP)
• Equality between private and public sectors
• No advantage if Member State (MS) puts capital
at the disposal of an undertaking in
circumstances which correspond to normal
market conditions
• No distortion of competition, if MS behaves like a
private investor
Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

• SGEI: no aid if
– Parameters for compensation established in advance
in an objective and transparent manner
– No overcompensation (costs and reasonable profits)
– Tender or comparison with costs of typically well run
undertaking (difficult to define)
– Clear public service obligation and clearly defined

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

• Favouring certain undertakings or the
production of certain goods
– Geographical specificity
– Sectoral specificity
– Specificity as to type of company or activity
– Discretionary power of the granting authority
when deciding on the beneficiary.
Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

Effect on trade
• Sufficient that a product or service is
subject to trade between Member States
• Even if the aid beneficiary does not export
or exports virtually all of its production
outside the EU
• Exception: De minimis, local services

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

Risk of distortion of competition

• Aid strengthens the competitive position of
the beneficiary in respect to its competitors
and thereby distorts competition.
• Not required that distortion is substantial or
• Exception: Aid under the De minimis
Regulation ((EC) No 1998/2006) (No aid)
Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

De Minimis
• De minimis aid is not considered to be state aid, because
the effect on trade is considered not to be sufficient to
provoke a distortion of competition. Therefore the question
of cumulation with other state aid rules is sometimes
difficult. Regulation 1998/2006 tries to clarify: no
cumulation possible, if the other aid instrument relates to
the same eligible costs.
• New Regulation: Commission Regulation Nr. 1998/2006
increases the max. aid amount to 200.000 € over 3 years
per undertaking
• Includes requirement of transparent aid, i.e. aid for which
the gross aid equivalent can clearly been defined.
Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

• If state aid is involved, it can be declared
compatible with the Treaty.
• legal instruments on
• Procedural conditions: state aid project must be
• In case of use of GBER only summary
information must be send to the Commission
Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

• Notification via SANI (State Aid Notification
Interactive) web application
• After notification standstill obligation until the
Commission has decided
• If block exempted measure no standstill obligation
• Possible Commission decisions:
– No aid
– Positive (authorized aid)
– Negative
– Conditional
Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

GBER (General Block exemption

• Regulation n° 800/2008 of 6/8/2008 (OJ L 214 of 9/8/2008, p. 3)
• Chapter I: Horizontal provisions
• Standardised conditions and definitions
• Harmonisation & simplification
• Chapter II: Different exempted aid types, employment aid, SME aid,
investment aid, aid for environment, R&D&I etc.
• Chapter III:Transitional provisions
• Chapter III:Transitional provisions
• Annexes: Summary information form for measures under the GBER
- Definition of SME (cf Commission Recommendation 2003)
- Summary information sheets for R&D and large regional projects (specific
information for large individual aid measures within an aid regime, which
are below the notification threshold)

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

• On site monitoring, where CM has serious doubts
that positive decision has been complied with
(not used so far)
• Annual reports (will be introduced in state aid
• Addressee of decisions: MS
• Publication of decisions in Official Journal of
European Communities)
• Search function Register- DG COMP Website

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

Projects realised under Structural Funds may have a
state aid component, in particular when private
companies are involved
Possibly check with Economics or Finance Ministry,
whether state aid component
If yes, notify (standstill obligation) or send summary
information (Aid may be granted under GBER, but
information sheet should follow within 20 days)
State aid authorities in Member States know how to do
this via SANI application and have corresponding
access rights.
Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009

Homologues Group Meeting
European Union Republika Slovenija
Slovenia, October 2009

Thank you for your attention!

Ljubljana, 12-13 October 2009


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